Open Space Event, 9 November 2023. Copyright: Matters of Activity

MoA's Showroom and Workspace

Vorketzin, 2019. Photo: Jonas Stuck

Exploring Infrastructures of Waste
Save the Date for a Bike Tour Through Berlin’s Hinterland

Workshop »More than Human Sketching 1«, Kunstgewerbemuseum Berlin, May 2024. Copyright: Maxime Le Calvé.

3D Drawing in the Kunstgewerbemuseum
Immersive Performative Guided Tour Developed by MoA Members

ADLERhalle, Berlin-Kreuzberg, Copyright: Babette Werner

Super Contemporary Arts Fest
Dragoner.02 Curated by Babette Werner

TRAZOS Edición Biomateriales, 2024, Gisela Pozzetti, Heidi Jalkh, Sistemas Materiales. Photo: Maia Croizet

Matter of South. Biomaterial Cultures from Latin America
Exhibition Opening at Kunstgewerbemuseum on 12 July

Maxime Le Calvé, Sketching at Kunstgewerbemuseum, More-Than-Human Sketching 2.0 Workshop, 2024. Copyright: Maxime Le Calvé

Wunderkammer Set #2 at Kunstgewerbemuseum
Results of »More-Than-Human Sketching« Workshop Exhibited

Bi-Leaf - Morphology of a Movement, Antonia Dönitz, Master Thesis Textile and Material Design, 2024. Image Copyright: Antonia Dönitz / weißensee school of art and design

Open House 2024 at Weißensee School of Art and Design
Student Projects On View in Collaboration with »Matters of Activity«

Ausstellung »Visiting Material Futures«, Futurium 2024. Copyright: David von Becker

Visiting Material Futures
Pop-up Exhibition at Futurium
Horst Bredekamp Member of Bavarian Academy of Fine Arts

Copyright: Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Kunstgewerbemuseum / Gestaltung: cyan Berlin

The Making of »Matter of South. Biomaterial Cultures form Latin America«
Roundtable and Q&A

Tracing paraffin accumulations. Fieldwork on the coastline of the Curonian Spit in the Neringa Nature Reserve, Léa Perraudin and Iva Rešetar. 2024. Copyright: Iva Rešetar

Latent Accumulations. Coastal Phase Change, Paraffin Pollution and Maintenance
Fieldwork of Léa Perraudin and Iva Rešetar on the Coastline of the Curonian Spit in the Neringa Nature Reserve

Fermentation preparation with Tanyaporn Tantasathien. Thailand 2024. Copyright: Emma Sicher

Generating Biomaterials By Acetic Fermentation
Emma Sicher Exchanged Knowledge with Researchers and Practitioners in Thailand

Ernest Cormier, Thermometer. ARCH252051 Ernest Cormier fonds, CCA. Copyright: Fonds Ernest Cormier, CCA

Carbon Present
Virtual Exhibition at the Canadian Centre for Architecture in Montreal

Poster Lecture Series 2024, Photo: Charlotte Linton. Copyright: Matters of Activity.

Cultures of Regeneration
On 11 July, David Jeevendrampillai Speaks about Extra-Terrestrial Anthropology: Design Thinking for a Post-Planetary Social Life

Concorde Lobster Dinner, 1978. Copyright: Air France.

Kulturtechniken der Mobilität – Material Cultures of Mobility
Exploratory Workshop
Wege zur Professur
Vera Meyer zu Gast in neuester Folge des BUA-Podcast »Spot ON«

Skylab Food Tray, December 30, 1971. Copyright: NASA S72-15409

Floating Food / Creating Knowledge
Alwin J. Cubasch's Article About NASA Food Testing Online Now
Sharon Macdonald Member of »Academia Europaea« and Vice-Chair of the Academic Committee of the House of European History

Exhibition view »Closer to Nature. Building with Mushroom, Tree, Clay«, Berlinische Galerie. Copyright: Photo: Harry Schnitger

Closer to Nature
Experimental Building by SciArt Collective MY-CO-X on Show at Berlinische Galerie
Exzellentes Pub Quiz
Die sieben Berliner Exzellenzcluster laden zum Miträtseln ein

Book Cover Perraudin, L. 2024. Elementare Ekstasen. Sondierungen der Technosphäre. Series: Future Ecologies, Lüneburg: meson Press.

Elementare Ekstasen. Sondierungen der Technosphäre
Monografie von Clustermitglied Léa Perraudin Open Access veröffentlicht
Forum Wissenswerte: Neue (und alte) Baumaterialien
Gesprächsrunde der Technologiestiftung Berlin mit Christiane Sauer nun in Mediathek abrufbar

Mykoplektonik by Natalija Miodragović and Dimitra Almpani-Lekka. Copyright: Matters of Activity

Growing Architecture - Co-Designing with Fungi
Last Open Lab Evening of the Series »Visiting Material Futures« at the Futurium

Beetle-infestation of spruce, Feldbuch, Frankonia. Image: Pelin Asa, MPI-CI, MoA

Symbiotic Futures 1.0
Interdisciplinary Workshop at Berlinische Galerie

Visit of Sylvie Retailleau at Matters of Activity, 28 May 2024. Photo: Stefan Klenke. Copyright: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Matters of Activity Welcomed French Minister of Higher Education and Research
Sylvie Retailleau Visited Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Bauhaus Earth Fellows 2024 Angie Dub and Heidi Jalkh

From Mono-Material to Multi-Performance
MoA Member Heidi Jalkh and Angie Dub New Bauhaus Earth Fellows

Workshop »More than Human Sketching 1«, Kunstgewerbemuseum Berlin, May 2024. Copyright: Maxime Le Calvé.

Drawing as Digestion: Spatial Knowing Processes
Report of the First »More than Human Sketching« Workshop at Kunstgewerbemuseum Berlin

Project PERISKOP. Copyright: Digital Surgery Lab, Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin

Researchers from Matters of Activity Awarded the Max Rubner Prize 2024
Interdisciplinary Teams Want to Empower Patients Through VR Experiences and Robotics

Gestalten mit Cellulose, Wasser und Luft. Copyright: Eva Bullermann

Magic Machines aus Bio-Plastik
Nächster Open Lab Abend der Reihe »Materialzukünfte besuchen« im Futurium

Copyright: Sistemas Materiales

Pioneering Publication on Biomaterials Launched in Buenos Aires

The struggle for the best ideas is also a social survival strategy, believes the design researcher Claudia Mareis. Her ideas are changing how we view design. | Image: Kostas Maros / 13Photo. Copyright: Horizons

All is Design
Interview with Claudia Mareis in »Horizons – The Swiss Research Magazine«

Marco Tamborini: Biorobotik zur Einführung

Biorobotik zur Einführung
Neue Publikation von Clustermitglied Marco Tamborini

Mykoplektonik by Natalija Miodragović and Dimitra Almpani-Lekka. Copyright: Matters of Activity

Growing Architecture - Co-Designing with Fungi
Last Open Lab Evening of the Series »Visiting Material Futures« at the Futurium

»Yu Li, a diary of cooking a curtain« by Tin Qizhen Gao, detail of curtain. Copyright: Mareike Stoll for MoA Design Research Studio Beyond the Curtain

BEYOND THE CURTAIN. Creating Transient Environments
Documentation of the Final Presentations and Exhibition

Thermography shows the effect of shading and the influence of solar radiation on surface temperatures. Copyright: Maxie Schneider

Materialzukünfte besuchen: Smartes Material für überhitzte Städte
Workshop Series at Futurium

Intro, Excursion Filtering Oranienburg, 2023. Foto: Sybille Neumeyer.

Tracing Tainted Environments: Legacies of Oranienburg
Online Documentation of Interdisciplinary Cluster Workshop Available Now

Cover Material Trajectories, 2023. Coypright Meson Press

Future Ecologies | Material Trajectories. Designing With Care?
Book Launch on 23 February at Pro qm Bookstore
Open Science

From Left to Right:
Footprint in Cacao. Copyright: Matters of Activity
PhD project of Iva Rešetar. Copyright: Jens Ziehe
Weaving process of stripes of wild silk and indigo dyed cotton. Copyright: Laurence Douny
Extra-Cellular Matrix Liver at Experimental Surgery Lab. Copyright: Igor Sauer
Drawing showing the relation of the cerebral arteries. Copyright: Lucius Fekonja
Project »Performing Clouds«. Copyright: Clemens Winkler

MoA Design Research Studio »DeLIGHTful«, 2023/2024. Copyright: weißensee school of art and design berlin

deLIGHTful Interactions | eLab Studio Project
Final Presentations of MoA Design Studio at Weißensee School of Art and Design

Microverse I-6, 2023. Copyright: Kathrin Linkersdorff

Photographs Created by Kathrin Linkersdorff in Collaboration with Regine Hengge Exhibited at Deichtorhallen

Cover of »Architectures of Weaving«: »Stone Web«. Copyright: weißensee school of art and design berlin / Natascha Unger, Idalene Rapp

Multidisciplinary Anthology Architectures of Weaving
Now Open Access

Plektonik Structural Textiles column – continuous wooden ›Active Yarns‹ 40 mm diameter loops. Copyright: Daniel Suárez & Natalija Miodragović

Design for Rethinking Resources
Cluster Members Beyer, Miodragović, Mossé and Suárez Publish in Proceedings of the UIA World Congress of Architects Copenhagen 2023

Open Space Event, 9 November 2023. Copyright: Matters of Activity

Open Space – Active Matter on Stage
MoA Opened its Doors

Gosia Lehmann, Breathless Choir. Copyright: CollActive Materials, Foto: Michelle Mantel

Bound through Air
A Report on the Exhibition »AIRBOUND. Sensing Collective Futures«

Syntopia 1:Soma I Body. Roland Halbe

Cultures of Creation. »The Intelligence of Art« in Computational Design
Cluster Professor Karola Dierichs Holds Lecture at IntCDC on November 13

Workshop participants discussing T.J. Demos  recent book »Against the Anthropocene: Visual Culture and Environment Today« with the author. »Critical Times« at »Matters of Activity«, 17 & 18 November 2023

Critical Times. Part I: Multiple Matter
Workshop with Contributions by T. J. Demos, Sandra Jasper, Kiran Pereira & David Weber-Krebs

Samples of Flax Fiber Bundles as a precursor for Architectural Yarns, adapted by Node Berlin/Oslo. Copyright: Maxie Schneider, Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces, weißensee school of art and design, Matters of Activity 

Threads: Localities & Temporalities of a Fiber Bio-Economy
Activating Circular Networks Goes Berlin Science Week 2023

Brainroads. Copyright: Lene Zech

Brain Roads
Exploring Neuroplasticity through Art and Science

Exhibition Opening »Airbound«, 19 October 2023. Copyright: Matters of Activity

Airbound. Sensing Collective Futures
Speculative Exhibition by the »CollActive Materials« Experimental Laboratory

»Textile Gestures - Mapping Tactile Practices with Architectural Yarns«, Hand-on Workshop at Bauhaus Study Rooms. Copyright: Thomas Meyer

Textile Gestures - Mapping Tactile Practices with Architectural Yarns
Hand-on Workshop at Bauhaus Study Rooms

Design, Gestaltung, Formatività. Philosophies of Making. Copyright: Birkhäuser, 2022

Design, Gestaltung, Formatività. Philosophies of Making
A Central Cluster Publication Edited by Patricia Ribault Released – Now Available Open Access

Syntopia 1—Soma I Body. Copyright: Karola Dierichs, Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces, weissensee academy of art and design and Matters of Activity

Minimal Machines
Paper Published on Augmented Reality (AR) Framework
We're Hiring!

From Left to Right:
Footprint in Cacao. Copyright: Matters of Activity
PhD project of Iva Rešetar. Copyright: Jens Ziehe
Weaving process of stripes of wild silk and indigo dyed cotton. Copyright: Laurence Douny
Extra-Cellular Matrix Liver at Experimental Surgery Lab. Copyright: Igor Sauer
Drawing showing the relation of the cerebral arteries. Copyright: Lucius Fekonja
Project »Performing Clouds«. Copyright: Clemens Winkler

Unsteady Matter – Investigating Water-Based Design Pathways and 3D Printing Techniques for Hydrogel Composites. Copyright: Tairan (Aurora) Li, Daniel Suárez, Dr. Bastian Beyer

Unsteady Matter
Investigating Water-Based Design Pathways and 3D Printing Techniques for Hydrogel Composites

Brochures, doctoral presentations 2023. Layout: Ada Favaron. Project coordination: Franziska Wegener

Doctoral Presentations on 27 June 2023

Bacterial cellulose curtain. Experiments: Bastian Beyer and Iva Rešetar (design), Skander Hathroubi (microbiology). Photo: Bastian Beyer, adapted by Ada Favaron. Project coordination: Elisabeth Obermeier & Franziska Wegener

Cluster Report Now Available
Research Phase 2019–2022

Layout: Pilar Cebey. Photo: Javier Deyheralde

Symbolic Dimensions of Platonic Polyhedra
Hands-on Workshop on 18 July 2023

Poster Workshop »Intercultural Views on Matter«, June 2023, Image: DALL•E, Sabine Marienberg. Copyright: Matters of Activity

Intercultural Views on Matter
Gemeinsamer Workshop des Exzellenzclusters mit der Akademie für Europäische Kulturen der Tongji Universität Shanghai

Fungi as Building Material. Copyright: Vera Meyer, MY-CO PLACE

MY-CO PLACE – Architecture of Sustainable Growth
Cluster Members Natalija Miodragović and Dimitra Almpani-Lekka Give Talk on Textile Architecture Associated with Mushrooms

Visual Bauhaus Study Rooms, International Network Meeting, 15+16 June 2023. Copyright: Bauhaus Dessau

Design Acts: Gestures of Performative Research
MoA Members Contribute to International Network Meeting with Bauhaus Dessau

Copyright: Mina Mahouti

Talking Wool – Wool in Exchange
Activating Circular Networks Event Series Will Kick Off on 1 June at Uferhallen Wedding

Driving the Human Book Launch at Matters of Activity, 10 May 2023. Copyright: Camille Blake / Driving the Human

Driving the Human: Seven Prototypes for Eco-social Renewal
Book Launch with Hand-On-Workshops, Guided Tours, a Talk, and Debates at Matters of Activity

Futures of Air. Copyright: CollActive Materials

Futures of Air
Speculative Workshop Series in May

Poster Lecture Series »Designing in Times of the Anthropocene«, 2023. Copyright: Matters of Activity

Designing in Times of the Anthropocene
New Online Lecture Series Organized by MoA Co-Director Claudia Mareis Starts on 19 April

Exhibition Opening DAOULA | sheen, 17.11.2022, Tieranatomisches Theater Berlin. Copyright: Matters of Activity

DAOULA | sheen
West African Wild Silk on its Way

Incandescent mantle for Continental lamps -- artificial silk. BBWA U3/31 Auergesellschaft/MSA Germany, No. F/14.

Filtering Oranienburg
Research Project Explores the History of the Town as a Radioactive Industrial Landscape

Panel Discussion Materials Matter, May 4th, 2022, Humboldt Lab. Copyright: Matters of Activity

Materials Matter – Perspectives on Active Materials
Audio Broadcast of the Panel Discussion at the Humboldt Lab Online Now

Annual Conference »Deep Material Futures« at silent green, November 2022. Copyright: Michelle Mantel

Deep Material Futures
Exploring the Different Temporalities of Active Matter at MoA's Annual Conference, 16 November 2022

Panel »Interdeterminacy and Liveliness« at MoA Annual Conference »Tipping Points« 2021. Copyright: Matters of Activity

»Tipping Points« Now Part of MoA Virtual Cluster Space
View Conference Contributions of MoA Annual Conference 2021 in 360° Knowledge Rooms Now!
What is our Future Made Of? Active Materials and Bio-Inspired Design
Episode 18 of the DFG Podcast Series »Exzellent Erklärt« Gives Insights Into Matters of Activity

Joining Perspectives on Haptics - Design Workshop Filtering 2022. Foto: Felix Rasehorn

Joining Perspectives on Haptics
Online Documentation of Interdisciplinary Cluster Workshop

Multiscale architectures. Left: the wooden tower of Lake Mjøsa, Norway Reproduced with permission from [1]. Copyright: Voll Arkitekter AS & Ricardo Foto. Right: the internal structure of wood based on parallel tube-like wood cells with diameters in the range of tens of microns (shown for several wood species from top to bottom). The white arrow points to a sketch where nanometer-thick cellulose fibrils are indicated by black lines [2] John Wiley & Sons. Copyright: 2020 The Authors. Published by Wiley-VCH GmbH

Bioinspired Architectural and Architected Materials
Special Issue Edited by Cluster Members K. Razghandi, C. Sauer and P. Fratzl

Collection Overview - Tessellation Archive. Copyright: Felix Rasehorn

Launch of the Tessellation Archive
An Online Collection of Tiled Tissues and Architectures from Across the Natural World

CollActive Materials Workshop. Copyright: CollActive Materials

What are Futures Made of?
The Experimental Laboratory »CollActive Materials«

Still from Interview with Bastian Beyer and Skander Hathroubi showing the making of parts of the »Active Curtain Project« shown at the exhibition »After Nature« at Humboldt Lab. Copyright: Anne von Petersdorff ( for Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Bacteria as Architects
Interview with Bastian Beyer and Skander Hathroubi

All 7 Berlin Clusters of Excellence are represented with a film at the foyer at Humboldt Lab. Copyright: Matters of Activity, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Matters of Activity Film at Humboldt Lab
Cluster Video Online Now

Symbolic Material. Copyright: Myfanwy Evans, adapted by NODE Berlin Oslo

Symbolic Material

Copyright: Matters of Activity

Material Form Function

Fiber tractography delineating the white matter of the brain. Copyright: Lucius Fekonja, adapted by NODE Berlin Oslo.


Flour Cloud. Copyright: Clemens Winkler, adapted by NODE Berlin Oslo

Object Space Agency

Cellulose in E. coli biofilm. Copyright: Diego Serra & Regine Hengge, adapted by NODE Berlin Oslo.


Filters. Copyright: NODE Berlin Oslo
