
Copyright: Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Kunstgewerbemuseum / Gestaltung: cyan Berlin

The Making of »Matter of South. Biomaterial Cultures form Latin America«
Roundtable and Q&A

Beetle-infestation of spruce, Feldbuch, Frankonia. Image: Pelin Asa, MPI-CI, MoA

Symbiotic Futures 1.0
Interdisciplinary Workshop at Berlinische Galerie

Book Cover Perraudin, L. 2024. Elementare Ekstasen. Sondierungen der Technosphäre. Series: Future Ecologies, Lüneburg: meson Press.

Elementare Ekstasen. Sondierungen der Technosphäre
Monografie von Clustermitglied Léa Perraudin Open Access veröffentlicht

Thermography shows the effect of shading and the influence of solar radiation on surface temperatures. Copyright: Maxie Schneider

Materialzukünfte besuchen: Smartes Material für überhitzte Städte
Workshop Series at Futurium

Charlett Wenig, Bark Sphere, 2021. Copyright: Alexander Magerl

Materialzukünfte besuchen
Matters of Activity und CollActive Materials starten Kooperation mit Futurium Lab

Ernest Cormier, Thermometer. ARCH252051 Ernest Cormier fonds, CCA. Copyright: Fonds Ernest Cormier, CCA

Carbon Present
Virtual Exhibition at the Canadian Centre for Architecture in Montreal

Interview mit Martin Müller, Tagesspiegel, 22. Oktober 2023. Copyright: Tagesspiegel

»An der Luft entscheidet sich die Klimakrise«
Martin Müller im Interview mit dem Tagesspiegel

Article »Kein Zurück zu Natur«. Copyright: FAZ

»Kein Zurück zur Natur«
Cluster Member Martin Müller Writes a Critique of Geoengineering and Neoromantic Ecology in Times of Escalating Climate Crisis

Poster PhD presentations 2022. Layout: Ada Favaron

Scaling Matters: From the Lab to the Field
Doctoral Presentations at the MoA Retreat 2022

Dis/Entangling Material Futures. Copyright: Claudia Mareis

Dis/Entangling Material Futures
Lecture Series by Cluster Co-Director Claudia Mareis Continues

Poster New European Bauhaus Conference 2022

Un-learning Histories of Resilient Futures
MoA Co-Director Claudia Mareis Gives a Talk at the New European Bauhaus Conference

MoA Exhibition »Stretching Materialities«. Copyright: Offshore Design

Exhibition »Stretching Materialities«
Hidden Activities in Objects and Spaces at Tieranatomisches Theater

Poster Workshop »Material as Environmental Device«. Copyright: Kristina Pfeifer »detail woven skin of Kurdish black tent« & Cécile Bidan »detail of bacterial cellulose biofilm«

Material as Environmental Device
A Zoom Workshop on 10 September 2020

The undesigned consequences – the rise in acidic Polar stratospheric clouds (PSCs). Copyright: Natalija Miodragović

Re-thinking Human Scale

Entering Nutritious Clouds at Phlegraean Fields, 2017. Seminar »Terranautic Instruments« with Roman Kirschner. Copyright: Clemens Winkler/ Roman Kirschner

Metabolic Formations

Diagram of energy and material relationships and negotiations between the inside and the outside. Copyright: Dimitra Almpani-Lekka

Water-driven Membranes
Methods of Activating the Building Envelope for More-Than-Human Commoning

Harvesting reed in Brandenburg for mechanical testings of future design applications. Photo: Charlett Wenig
