
Beetle-infested Spruce. Copyright: Pelin Asa, MPICI

Architectures of Syntopia: An Interdisciplinary Speculative Model for Constructions with Insect-infested Wood
Publication Authored by Pelin Asa, Karin Krauthausen, Robert Stock and Karola Dierichs Out Now

Visual WasserWissen

Coexistence in Water: Learning with Algae and Axolotls
New BUA Series »WasserWissen | Parcours« Invites to the Kick-off at the Kunstgewerbemuseum

Edward Burtinsky, Iberia Quarries #2, Marmorose EFA Co., Bencatel, Portugal, 2006

Before the Object. Material Histories, Infrastructures and Ecologies
Workshop Organized by Cluster Member Kaja Ninnis Together with Ursula Ströbele

Seaweed resonance, presentation by Julia Lohmann (Aalto, Helsinki). Copyright Photo: Clemens Winkler

Sensing Common Grounds. Towards Collaborative Speculation
Symposium by CollActive Materials

»Kiki Prototype«. Design: Rasa Weber, PhD Project: «SymbiOcean». Location: STARESO - Calvi (FR). Diver: Noémie Chabrier. Installation team, assistance and monitoring: Arnaud Boulenger, Sandra Bracun, Noemi Chabrier, Mélodie Chapat, Sylvain Coudray, Stéphane Jamme, Leonie John, Teal Jordan, Michael Karle, Mathieu Kelhetter (design intern), Michaela Roger, Bram van der Schoot, Kelly Stiver, Anja Wegner, Lena Wesenberg, Aubin Woehrel. Date: June 2023. SNF research project: «Interfacing the Ocean». Hosting University: Zurich University of the Arts & University of Art and Design Linz. Photo: Stéphane Jamme @stepp_aquanaute.

The Whispering World: Words by a Silent Sea
Exhibition by Rasa Weber Opens at Berlin Science Week

ZNE! Exhibition: Folke Köbberling, Wollhaus & Natalija Miodragović, Structural Textiles. Copyright: Natalie Brehmer

WOLLBAU. Wolle – eine unterschätzte Ressource
Neue Publikation mit Beitrag von Natalija Miodragović

Copyright: ICI Berlin

Planetary Design: Reclaiming Futures
Conference Organized by Claudia Mareis – Full Program and Registration Now Online

Coral bleaching on Caribbean Coast. Photo: Rasa Weber. Diver: Jota Uparela. From the Project: »Symbiotic Coral Nurseries« in collaboration with The Polynesian Institute of Biomimicry IPB, Andry Carrasquilla, Paraiso Dive Center. Location: Tierra Bomba (COL), 2023

Blasted Seascapes
Two New Articles by Rasa Weber

Exhibition of research objects during the MoA PhD presentations 2024. Posterlayout Ada Favaron. Copyright: Matters of Activity

testing un/common grounds
Presentations Doctoral Program 2024

»Dissect« Event at Tieranatomisches Theater Berlin, 04.11.2022. Foto: Samuel Bianchini. Copyright: Matters of Activity

Films of Performances Online Now!

Folgenbild Syntopische Architekturen, 2024. Käferbefallenes Fichtenholz, Foto: Pelin Asa, MPIKG, adaptiert von MoA.

Syntopische Architekturen
Neue Podcast-Folge der Serie »Exzellent Erklärt« mit Karola Dierichs und Robert Stock

Pollinator-Pathmaker-LAS-Edition, commissioned by the LAS Art Foundation, will grow on the forecourt of the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin from June 2023 to November 2026. View of the installation. Photo: Juan Camilo Roa

Future Public Spaces
Conversation with Babette Werner at Naturkundemuseum Berlin

Workshop »More than Human Sketching 1«, Kunstgewerbemuseum Berlin, May 2024. Copyright: Maxime Le Calvé.

3D Drawing in the Kunstgewerbemuseum
Immersive Performative Guided Tour Developed by MoA Members

Copyright: Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Kunstgewerbemuseum / Gestaltung: cyan Berlin

The Making of »Matter of South. Biomaterial Cultures form Latin America«
Roundtable and Q&A

TRAZOS Edición Biomateriales, 2024, Gisela Pozzetti, Heidi Jalkh, Sistemas Materiales. Photo: Maia Croizet

Matter of South. Biomaterial Cultures from Latin America
Exhibition Opening at Kunstgewerbemuseum on 12 July

Tracing paraffin accumulations. Fieldwork on the coastline of the Curonian Spit in the Neringa Nature Reserve, Léa Perraudin and Iva Rešetar. 2024. Copyright: Iva Rešetar

Latent Accumulations. Coastal Phase Change, Paraffin Pollution and Maintenance
Fieldwork of Léa Perraudin and Iva Rešetar on the Coastline of the Curonian Spit in the Neringa Nature Reserve

Beetle-infestation of spruce, Feldbuch, Frankonia. Image: Pelin Asa, MPI-CI, MoA

Symbiotic Futures 1.0
Interdisciplinary Workshop at Berlinische Galerie

Book Cover Perraudin, L. 2024. Elementare Ekstasen. Sondierungen der Technosphäre. Series: Future Ecologies, Lüneburg: meson Press.

Elementare Ekstasen. Sondierungen der Technosphäre
Monografie von Clustermitglied Léa Perraudin Open Access veröffentlicht

Multispecies Design Symposium March 2024, Kunstgewerbemuseum. Copyright: Staatliche Museen zu Berlin

Multispecies Design
Symposium and Project Launch at Kunstgewerbemuseum

Image in the background: Shubo (酒母), literally sake mother, is a starter culture that takes weeks to cultivate. Copyright: Maya Hey

On Human-Microbe Relations
Open Lecture and Workshop with Maya Hey

Exhibition view »Closer to Nature. Building with Mushroom, Tree, Clay«, Berlinische Galerie. Copyright: Photo: Harry Schnitger

Closer to Nature
Experimental Building by SciArt Collective MY-CO-X on Show at Berlinische Galerie

Image: K.D. Martin

Technology – Expression – Individuation
Presentations and Panel with Sjoerd van Tuinen, Samo Tomšič, Claudia Blümle and Katharina D. Martin

Copyright: Jann Mausen

Radical Futurisms: Ecologies of Collapse / Chronopolitics / Justice-to-Come
Public Lecture by T. J. Demos as Part of »Critical Times. Part 1: Multiple Matter«

Workshop with EER in Copenhagen, 2023. Copyright: Maxime Le Calvé

Epistemic Dizziness
Spinning-On STS Workshop on 27–29 September 2023

Copyright:  »Spontaneous Generations«,

On the Agency and Activities of Materials in the 21st Century
Karin Krauthausen and Michael Friedman Published Article in Special Issue of »Spontaneous Generations«

Design of soft robots. Research on form, its deformation and possible function. Copyright: Anna Schaeffner

Cluster Members Anna Schaeffner and Rasa Weber Presented at Major Event on the Global Electronic Art Scene ISEA2023

Visual Writing Workshop, Stuart McLean, May 2023. Copyright: Maxime Le Calvé, Matters of Activity

Encounters & Fabulations at the Edges of the Human
Writing Workshop on 11 May with Anthropologist Stuart McLean

Copyright: Mina Mahouti

Activating Circular Networks
New Cluster Event Series Critically Explores Material Sustainability Concepts

Maxime Le Calvé, Fieldwork Charité, 2022. Copyright: Maxime Le Calvé, Matters of Activity.

More-than-Ethnographic Probes: On Scales, Design Anthropology and Sensory Practices Beyond-the-Human
Maxime Le Calvé Invited to Teach alongside Alice Jarry at Concordia University, Montreal

Copyright: N Scot Unsplash

Mangroves Matter
Robert Stock Talks at the Hybrid Symposium »Luso-Ecologies: More-Than-Human Complexities, Agency, and Resistance in the Lusophone Anthropocene« at University of Oxford

Epistemic Dizziness in STS, 5056x2944 px, DALL•E 2, 2022, Copyright: Lucius Fekonja, Maxime Le Calvé, Matters of Activity

What Can a Practice of Epistemological Vertigo Teach us?
Maxime Le Calvé Contributed to the Science & Technology Studies Hub 2023 in Aachen

Stretching senses school logo with a photo of mycelium growing on willow, 2022. Copyright: Natalija Miodragovic & Dimitra Almpani-Lekka, Biomaterials Lab TU Berlin and MoA, 2022

stretching senses school Workshop Series
at UdK »InKüLe – Innovationen für die künstlerische Lehre«

Poster »Frictioned Functionality«. Copyright: Matters of Activity

Frictioned Functionality. Un/Designing Un/Sustainable Matter
MoA's First Interdisciplinary Autumn School 17–22 October 2022

Poster PhD presentations 2022. Layout: Ada Favaron

Scaling Matters: From the Lab to the Field
Doctoral Presentations at the MoA Retreat 2022

Dis/Entangling Material Futures. Copyright: Claudia Mareis

Dis/Entangling Material Futures
Lecture Series by Cluster Co-Director Claudia Mareis Continues

Foto: Lena Dues. Design: NODE Berlin Oslo

About Microbes, Stones and Orbits – Thoughts on Haptic Knowledge, Circulating Narratives, and Transitions Between the Organic and the Inorganic
Performance, Conversation, Lecture in the Exhibition »Stretching Materialities«

MoA Exhibition »Stretching Materialities«. Copyright: Offshore Design

Exhibition »Stretching Materialities«
Hidden Activities in Objects and Spaces at Tieranatomisches Theater

Poster Online Lecture Series »Talking Matters«, Copyright: Cécile Bidan and Salif Sawadogo, adapted by NODE Berlin

Urban Vibrations: How Physical Waves Come to Matter in Contemporary Urbanism
First »Talking Matters« Lecture after the Summer Break with Anthropologist Ignacio Farías

Teaserpicture DRHR2021. Copyright: Ravi Kumar / Unsplash.

Digital Matters: Designing/Performing Agency for the Anthropocene
Registration Open Until 3 September 2021

Website DRHA Digital Matters. Copyright: Lucius Fekonja

Digital Matters: Designing/Performing Agency for the Anthropocene
Call for Participation for the 25th Digital Research in Humanities and Arts Conference

Poster Online Lecture Series »Talking Matters«, Copyright: Lucius Fekonja, Bastian Beyer, Iva Rešetar, adapted by NODE Berlin

Talking Matters
Online Lecture Series of the Cluster of Excellence »Matters of Activity«

Can Bacteria Spin a Yarn? Kick-Off event »MitWissenschaft/ WeSearch«, Humboldt Forum Berlin, 29 April 2021. Copyright: Humbolt Forum

Can Bacteria Spin a Yarn? We Need a New Culture of Materials
Cluster Members Opened Event Series »MitWissenschaft/ WeSearch« at the Humboldt Forum

»Macht Natur« at State Studio. Copyright: Samuel Henne

»Macht Natur«
What Power do We Exert on Nature? And How Much Power Does Nature Have Over Us?

Hambacher Forst, Germany, March 2024. Copyright: Rahel Kesselring

Active Trees – Knowledge, Technologies and Futures

The Speculative Realities Lab. Copyright: Maxime Le Calvé

The Speculative Realities Lab

Subterranean Matters, by Baris Pekcagliyan, Warja Rybakova, Nayeli Vega, Paulina Greta, stretching senses school. Copyright: Matters of Activity

stretching senses school

Left: The Bark Sphere, Charlett Wenig with Johanna Hehemeyer-Cürten I MPI-CI and Alexander Magerl, 2021
Middle: The Bark Project Flexibilized, Charlett Wenig with Johanna Hehemeyer-Cürten I MPI-CI and Patrick Walter
Right: Charles Eisen’s allegorical engraving of the first hut (= Vitruvian hut). Frontispiece in: Marc Antoine Laugier, Essai sur l’architecture, Paris: Chez Duchesne […], 2. edition, 1755. ETH-Bibliothek Zürich, Rar 1254, / Public Domain Mark

Syntopic Architectures

Wild silk wrapper from the Marka Dafing in Safané, Burkina Faso (showing the sheen). Video still from the film installation at the exhibition »DAOULA | Sheen. West-African Wild Silk On Its Way« (Tieranatomisches Theater Berlin). Film installation by Thabo Thindi with film material from Salif Sawadog and others.

Daoula | Sheen
West-African Textile Craft Meets European Science and Design
Bacterial Weavings
From Microbiological Activity and Fibrous Biofilm Matrices to Design and Architecture

»Kiki Prototype«. Design: Rasa Weber, PhD Project: «SymbiOcean». Location: STARESO - Calvi (FR). Diver: Noémie Chabrier. Installation team, assistance and monitoring: Arnaud Boulenger, Sandra Bracun, Noemi Chabrier, Mélodie Chapat, Sylvain Coudray, Stéphane Jamme, Leonie John, Teal Jordan, Michael Karle, Mathieu Kelhetter (design intern), Michaela Roger, Bram van der Schoot, Kelly Stiver, Anja Wegner, Lena Wesenberg, Aubin Woehrel. Date: June 2023. SNF research project: «Interfacing the Ocean». Hosting University: Zurich University of the Arts & University of Art and Design Linz. Photo: Stéphane Jamme @stepp_aquanaute.

PhD Project Rasa Weber

Armchair, flamed birch wood with ivory and mother-of-pearl inlays, designed as part of a bedroom ensemble by Mackay Hughes Bailly Scott, made by the Dresdener Werkstätte für Handwerkskunst in 1903, Bröhan-Museum, Berlin.

(Hi)Stories of Transformation
PhD Project Kaja Ninnis

Diagram of energy and material relationships and negotiations between the inside and the outside. Copyright: Dimitra Almpani-Lekka

Water-driven Membranes. Methods of Activating the Building Envelope for More-Than-Human Commoning
PhD Project Dimitra Almpani-Lekka

Harvesting reed in Brandenburg for mechanical testings of future design applications. Photo: Charlett Wenig


The second short film in »Johtingeaidnu - The Path Within« is set in a speculative future after the collapse of the Gulf Stream. The story takes place in a world where shared memories of the past migrations are carried in landscapes and reindeer bones. The artwork proposes new techniques for remembering through an interweaving of two knowledge cultures: the living relations of the reindeer worlds and the bioscience of epigenetic memory. Image: Screenshot from a film by Emilia Tikka and Oula A Valkeapää

PhD Project Emilia Tikka

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, The fallen granite blocks of the Luisenburg in the Fichtelgebirge, 1820, pen and brown ink, gray wash, on greyish paper, 110 x 171 mm, private ownership

Morphology Matters