
Microverse I-6, 2023. Copyright: Kathrin Linkersdorff

Photographs Created by Kathrin Linkersdorff in Collaboration with Regine Hengge Exhibited at Haus am Kleistpark
Rethinking Raw Materials: Design, Brains and the Future
Cluster Member Emma Sicher Gives Talk at Futurium

Exhibition of research objects during the MoA PhD presentations 2024. Posterlayout Ada Favaron. Copyright: Matters of Activity

testing un/common grounds
Presentations Doctoral Program 2024

Microbes and Materials, 2024. Copyright: Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung

Microbes and Materials
Lecture Series Organized by Anna A. Gorbushina

Still »Change by Design«. Copyright:

Change by Design
Claudia Mareis Contributes as an Expert to an ARTE Documentary on Sustainable Design

Fermentation preparation with Tanyaporn Tantasathien. Thailand 2024. Copyright: Emma Sicher

Generating Biomaterials By Acetic Fermentation
Emma Sicher Exchanged Knowledge with Researchers and Practitioners in Thailand

Publication »Raue Reihe«, edited by Horst Bredekamp with a first issue by Regine Hengge on »The Essential Role of Microbes in Planetary Metabolism«. Copyright: Matters of Activity

New Cluster Publication Series »Raue Reihe«
Edited by Horst Bredekamp with a First Issue by Regine Hengge on »The Essential Role of Microbes in Planetary Metabolism«

Beetle-infestation of spruce, Feldbuch, Frankonia. Image: Pelin Asa, MPI-CI, MoA

Symbiotic Futures 1.0
Interdisciplinary Workshop at Berlinische Galerie

Flyer Symposium Regine Hengge

Microbial Stress Responses Symposium
35 years of the Regine Hengge Lab

Copyright: Sistemas Materiales

Pioneering Publication on Biomaterials Launched in Buenos Aires

Image in the background: Shubo (酒母), literally sake mother, is a starter culture that takes weeks to cultivate. Copyright: Maya Hey

On Human-Microbe Relations
Open Lecture and Workshop with Maya Hey

Plektonik Structural Textiles column – continuous wooden ›Active Yarns‹ 40 mm diameter loops. Copyright: Daniel Suárez & Natalija Miodragović

Design for Rethinking Resources
Cluster Members Beyer, Miodragović, Mossé and Suárez Publish in Proceedings of the UIA World Congress of Architects Copenhagen 2023

Microverse I-6, 2023. Copyright: Kathrin Linkersdorff

Photographs Created by Kathrin Linkersdorff in Collaboration with Regine Hengge Exhibited at Deichtorhallen

Leben machen. Die Zoëpolitik der synthetischen Biologie. Copyright: DeGruyter

Leben machen. Die Zoëpolitik der synthetischen Biologie
Publikation von Clustermitglied Martin Müller Open Access veröffentlicht

Copyright:  »Spontaneous Generations«,

On the Agency and Activities of Materials in the 21st Century
Karin Krauthausen and Michael Friedman Published Article in Special Issue of »Spontaneous Generations«

Leben im Schleim. Copyright: FASZ

MoA Highlighted in Many Different News Outlets
Read about MoA in the Frankfurter Allgemeinen Sonntagszeitung, the Purpose Magazine, The Praxis Journal and Tagesspiegel

MoA Project »Bacterial Cellulose: Co-Weaving Biofilms« at the Milano Triennale 2022. Copyright: Triennale Milano – photo by DSL Studio

Bacterial Cellulose: Co-Weaving Biofilms
An Installation for the Triennale XXIII: »Unknown Unknows, An Introduction to Mysteries«

Still from Interview with Bastian Beyer and Skander Hathroubi showing the making of parts of the »Active Curtain Project« shown at the exhibition »After Nature« at Humboldt Lab. Copyright: Anne von Petersdorff ( for Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Bacteria as Architects
Interview with Bastian Beyer and Skander Hathroubi

Water Kefir, Copyright: Antje Nestler

Ferment-Activity Club
#3 Jumpstart Drinks: Kefir, Kvass and Dandelions

Can Bacteria Spin a Yarn? Kick-Off event »MitWissenschaft/ WeSearch«, Humboldt Forum Berlin, 29 April 2021. Copyright: Humbolt Forum

Can Bacteria Spin a Yarn? We Need a New Culture of Materials
Cluster Members Opened Event Series »MitWissenschaft/ WeSearch« at the Humboldt Forum

Fermentation toolkit. Copyright: Bastian Beyer

Ferment-Activity Club
Next Workshop »Kombucha Refresher«

Hella Jongerius, Woven Cosmos – Pliable Architecture (2021), Copyright: Hella Jongerius / VG Bild-Kunst 2021, Photo: Laura Fiorio.

The Event of a Fibre
Essay by Regine Hengge and Karin Krauthausen on the Occasion of the Exhibition »Hella Jongerius: Woven Cosmos« Published
Biomaterials from Potsdam for Charité Dentists
Cluster Member Cécile Bidan Receives Further Funding

Poster Shelf Live. Copyright: Matters of Activity

Shelf Life. Ferment-Activity and Nurturing Materials
An Online Event on 10 December 2020

Poster Workshop »Material as Environmental Device«. Copyright: Kristina Pfeifer »detail woven skin of Kurdish black tent« & Cécile Bidan »detail of bacterial cellulose biofilm«

Material as Environmental Device
A Zoom Workshop on 10 September 2020

The weaving/braiding robots are part of an experimental setting of the ERC group PENELOPE. Copyright: Karin Krauthausen

Weaving in Different Disciplines
with Dr. Ellen Harlizius-Klück

Wild silk wrapper from the Marka Dafing in Safané, Burkina Faso (showing the sheen). Video still from the film installation at the exhibition »DAOULA | Sheen. West-African Wild Silk On Its Way« (Tieranatomisches Theater Berlin). Film installation by Thabo Thindi with film material from Salif Sawadog and others.

Daoula | Sheen
West-African Textile Craft Meets European Science and Design
Bacterial Weavings
From Microbiological Activity and Fibrous Biofilm Matrices to Design and Architecture

Open Space Event, 9 November 2023. Copyright: Matters of Activity

MoA's Showroom and Workspace | Currently on Winter Break

Microverse I-6, 2023. Copyright: Kathrin Linkersdorff

Blurring the Boundaries between Science and Art in a Living Theatrum naturae et artis