
Mareike Stoll Solkatten Scholar 2025
Research at the Swedish Institute for Children’s Books in Stockholm
Horst Bredekamp Received the Knight's Cross
Cluster Co-Director Awarded the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic

Left: Claudia Müller-Birn (Photo: Michelle Mantel), Right: Charlett Wenig (Photo: Berlin University Alliance/Simon Detel )

Cluster Mitglieder Claudia Müller-Birn und Charlett Wenig zählen zu den 100 wichtigsten Berliner Wissenschaftler:innen

Anna Schaeffner, Soft Collision at Ars Electronica 2024. Copyright: / Ars Electronica Flickr

Ars Electronica 2024
Projects by Anna Schäffner and Clemens Winkler Exhibited in the 45th edition of the Festival

Bi-Leaf - Morphology of a Movement, Antonia Dönitz, Master Thesis Textile and Material Design, 2024. Image Copyright: Antonia Dönitz / weißensee school of art and design

Open House 2024 at Weißensee School of Art and Design
Student Projects On View in Collaboration with »Matters of Activity«
Horst Bredekamp Member of Bavarian Academy of Fine Arts
Sharon Macdonald Member of »Academia Europaea« and Vice-Chair of the Academic Committee of the House of European History

Flyer Symposium Regine Hengge

Microbial Stress Responses Symposium
35 years of the Regine Hengge Lab

Project PERISKOP. Copyright: Digital Surgery Lab, Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin

Researchers from Matters of Activity Awarded the Max Rubner Prize 2024
Interdisciplinary Teams Want to Empower Patients Through VR Experiences and Robotics

GOLD Textiles from collagen. Image: Denny Sachtleben WINT Design Lab

Felix Rasehorn Awarded for the Project »GOLD Bio-Textiles for Sustainability«
Ecodesign Award 2023

Toxic Legacies. Copyright: Leila Wallisser

Toxic Legacies
Leila Wallisser Awarded With German Design Graduates' 1st Prize

Anna Schäffner. Photo: Michelle Mantel

Cluster Member Anna Schäffner Selected for VOJEXT S+T+ARTS Residency on Robotics

Presenting the Humboldt Award to Heidi Jalkh. Photo: Phil Dera. Copyright: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Heidi Jalkh Awarded with Humboldt Price »Research to Innovation« 2022

Award of an honorary doctorate from the University of Turin to Professor Horst Bredekamp, October 2022. Copyright: Federico Vercellone, Turin.

Prestigious Award for Horst Bredekamp
MoA Co-Director Receives Honorary Doctorate in Philosophy from Turin University

Paar. Copyright: Gamelab Berlin

VR Dance Film »Paar« Accepted and Awarded into Several Global Festivals
Award for Horst Bredekamp
Cluster Co-Director Received the XXI Premio Internazionale Flaiano For His Study of Michelangelo's Life and Work

Portrait Konrad Polthier. Credits: Konrad Polthier

Konrad Polthier Receives John A. Gregory Award

Nelli Singer working on the knitted active structures. The design and geometry of the stitches within the knitted structure are responsible for the different reactions at increased moisture content Copyright: Nelli Singer 2020

Nelli Singer Awarded Two Reputable Prices for her Master Thesis »Living Beings«

Copyright: Michelle Mantel, Matters of Activity

Award for Cluster Member Joseph Vogl
Günther Anders Prize for Critical Thinking 2022

Copyright: Michelle Mantel, Matters of Activity

MoA Co-Director Peter Fratzl Co-Leads New Max Planck Center in Brisbane
Official Kick-Off of International Research Cooperation on Materials Science of Extracellular Matrices

Horst Bredekamp, Michelangelo. Copyright: Verlag Klaus Wagenbach

Michelangelo Nominated for the Prize of the Leipzig Book Fair 2022
Horst Bredekamp's Biography of the Divine Artist Among 15 Nominations

Prix Liliane Bettencourt pour l’intelligence de la main® 2021, Jury Members and Laureates. Copyright: Olaf Avenati

»Prix Liliane Bettencourt pour l'intelligence de la main® 2021«
Cluster Professor Patricia Ribault Member of the Jury for the Prestigious French Prize that Rewards Expertise, Creativity, and Innovation in the Crafts

Call for Applications for TaDA – Textile and Design Alliance Artist in Residence Programme 2022, Copyright: Ladina Bischoff

MoA Director Claudia Mareis Guest Member in Jury for TaDA Artist in Residence Program
Co-Director Peter Fratzl Receives Highest Award for an Engineer
Elected to United States National Academy of Engineering

Hydroweave. Copyright: Stefanie Eichler & Juni Neyenhuys, weißensee school of art and design berlin

»Hydroweave« at the Raumprobe Material Award 2020
The Work was Realized at weißensee school of art and design berlin Within the Framework of the MoA Design Studio
Material Constraints Enabling Human Cognition »MatCo«
New Research Project at Freie Universität Berlin led by Cluster Member Friedemann Pulvermüller

Connectome construction of a patient with a tumor in the speech-eloquent area of the brain.
The connection strengths of the white matter are shown as edges with a heat map (dark = weak connection, light = strong connection). The cortical areas of the brain and their size are illustrated as nodes in the form of spheres. Additionally, three orange TMS points are shown (TMS = Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation). In this case, the patient’s speech network could be non-invasively disturbed in these areas and mapped accordingly.

The visualization of the white matter is based on tractography. The different directions of the white matter can be measured and displayed by means of diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging. Copyright: Lucius Fekonja & Image Guidance Lab, Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin

New Funding Within Priority Program »Computational Connectomics« for Team of Charité Berlin and Members of »Cutting«
Creation of Personalized Models of the Brain of Tumor Patients

»The Bark Project«, Charlett Wenig. Copyright: Patrick Walter, MPIKG

New Research Group »Adaptive Fibrous Materials«
Members Charlett Wenig and Johanna Hehemeyer-Cürten Were Awarded 2nd Place at Idea Competition of »Die Junge Akademie« for »The Bark Project«

Hybrid Interactions for Neurosurgical Planning. Project Digital Twin. Copyright: Felix Rasehorn

Cluster Researcher Felix Rasehorn Nominated for German Design Research Award for »Digital Twin«
Vote Now Until 30 September 2020
Cluster Member Clemens Winkler becomes Jury Member at »Gingko Bioworks –The Organism Company«
Residencies between Creative Disciplines and Synthetic Biology

»Scaling Nature (1): Wrinkels«: Liquid Lacquer. Copyright: weißensee school of art and design berlin / Luis Magg 

Scaling Nature 1: Wrinkles Nominated for »Raumprobe Materialpreis 2020«
Audience Online Voting for Most Popular Material Now Open – Vote Now!
Funding by European Research Council
Cluster Member Prof. Dr. Dr. Pulvermüller Received Funding for the Project »Material Constraints Enabling Human Cognition«

Adler Planetarium Chicago. Copyright: James Willamor/ Creative Commons

Cluster Member Stefan Zieme Awarded the 2019 Adler-Mansfield Prize