Konrad Polthier Receives John A. Gregory Award
We congratulate Cluster Member Konrad Polthier on the honoring of his outstanding achievements. Konrad Polthier is heading the »Mathematical Geometry Processing Group« at the Freie Universität Berlin and is chair of the Berlin Mathematical Society.
The John A. Gregory Award is currently the highest award in the field of Geometric Design, a central aspect of many MoA projecs. It is presented to one or more individuals for ›Fundamental Contributions to the Field of Geometric Modelling‹. The laureates are chosen by a committee operating privately. Their names are announced once every three years. A central criterion in making selections for this award is the laureate's lifetime impact on the field. Polthier received the price in November 2021 together with Prof. Dr. Nira Dyn from Tel Aviv University.
More details: www.geometric-modelling.org