The material guides the cutting tool along its inner boundaries and structure. Take a stonemason as they are splitting a rock: the internal tensions of the rock do most of the work once the craftsperson has started the cut. Similarly, surgeons and paleontologists, using data from scans and models, follow the lines set by the active material as they make their path within brains or fossils. We understand cutting as healing and shaping rather than not extractively and destructively careful separation and reunification. Such an approach to »material-guided cutting« requires novel interactions, concepts and tools that connect the skilled operator with the activity of the material as a partner in the process.
We are working on different cases of the material-guided cut: in the axis »From Brain Matter to Function«, we investigate several innovative ways of navigating brain surgery, in particular using biologically inspired neural networks models; in the axis »Hybrid Interactions«, we are contributing to the future of robotic-assisted surgery automation, digital fossil preparation, and experimental surgical tools based microscopy techniques. Together, we explore interdisciplinarily different dimensions of the ›cut‹ in the digital age, integrating predictive models, tools and visualizations in surgery, paleontology and beyond.
From Matter to Function
We are an interdisciplinary working group of neurosurgeons, computer scientists, neurolinguists, designers, and researchers in humanities, all working together to develop new modes of probing, visualizing, and modeling the structures, boundaries of neural matter underpinning cognitive functions. The goal is to enrich current brain data usage with new tools that help practitioners explore neuropsychological and neurolinguistic abilities of their patients, and represent cerebral matter and its activity in different ways, as well as design tools to predict neuroplastic changes following the intervention, based on the most advanced biological neurocomputational models and neurosurgical practices. Our activities are currently distributed across four projects: Adaptive Digital Twin; Material Basis of Symbols; Brain Roads and Speculative Realities Lab.
Hybrid Interactions
Throughout the history of natural sciences, artists, scientists and engineers have been working conjointly to produce images, conferring visual presence to fleeting observations, providing them with means to travel across space and time. Images stemming from dissections as they emerge from matter through the craft of researchers. As such, the production of scientific images is not only a channel for representing and circulating definite knowledge but also a means of imagining and thinking with materials. Hybriding digital tools with analog perceptions, we open up playgrounds between life sciences, physics, computer sciences, anthropology and design research. Our research lines are streaming across four distinct projects: Virtual Dissection, Sensing Knife, Robotic Assisted Surgery (w/ Filtering), and the stretching senses school (w/ Objet Space Agency).
Mareis, C. 2023. Théories du design – Une introduction. Preface by Claire Brunet and Emanuele Quinz. Postface by Guy Julier. Translated from the German by Maxime Le Calvé. Trans. of Theorien des Designs zur Einführung. Dijon: Les presses du réel.
Fekonja, L. S. 2020. Anleitung zur klinischen Sprachtraktografie. Belin: Charité - Universitätsmedizin.
Bauer, F., Kim, Y., Marienberg, S., Schäffner, W. eds. 2024. Toward a New Culture of the Material. Berlin: De Gruyter. 9783110714883
Ribault, P. ed. 2022. Design, Gestaltung, Formatività. Philosophies of Making. Berlin, Boston: Birkhäuser.
Zwick, C., Glaser, J., Rasehorn, F. (supervisor), in collaboration with eLAB (lead by Groll, F.), Bau, O. (computer scientist), van Brummelen, P. (textil- and surfacedesigner), Le Calvé, M. (anthropologist), Wiesener, H., Leask, Y, Erdöl, I. eds. 2021. Hyper Haptics - Oscillating between physical and virtual tactility. weißensee school of art and design berlin: Hyperhaptics — Embodied Interaction (1) with contributions from Cisse, A., Gigi, N., Henzler, F., Kayser, T., Kim, M., Ruppert, A., Schmidt, J., Soravito De Franceschi, M., Zhang, R.
Alexandre, P., Jouannais, J., Ribault, P., Semin, D. eds. 2020. Art et Camouflage. With contributions by Alexandre, P., Ribault, P., Aubagnac, G., Semin, D., Aubry, M., Bergounioux, P., Coutin, C., Shell, H. R., Schäffner, W. and Thierrée, V. Paris: Beaux-Arts Éditions, ENSBA.
You, F., Khakhar, R., Picht, T., Dobbelstein, D. eds. 2020. VR Simulation of Novel Hands-Free Interaction Concepts for Surgical Robotic Visualization Systems. Lecture Notes in Computer Science book series (LNCS, volume 12263). New York: Springer.
Rodrigues, L. S., Riehm, F., Zachow, S., Israel, J. H. 2023. »VoxSculpt: An Open-Source Voxel Library for Tomographic Volume Sculpting in Virtual Reality.« In IEEE International Conference on Virtual Reality (ICVR), IEEE, 515-523.
Siqueira Rodrigues, L., Nyakatura, J., Zachow, S., Israel, J. H. 2023. »Design Challenges and Opportunities of Fossil Preparation Tools and Methods.« In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Culture and Computer Science: Code and Materiality, KUI '23. New York, NY, USA: Association for Computing Machinery, 1-10.
Le Calvé, M. 2022. »The plasticity of brains: on the timely art of relating with eloquent materials.« In Materials & Time: an Anthology, edited by Quirke, V., Bensaude-Vincent, B. Forthcoming.
Ribault, P. 2022. »Design, Gestaltung, Formatività: An Introduction.« In Design, Gestaltung, Formatività. Philosophies of Making, edited by Ribault, P. Basel: Birkhäuser.
Avenati, O. 2020. »Partager ses outils.« In Archives 19: Catalogue Post-Biénnale Internationale Design Saint-Étienne 2019, edited by Cité du Design. Saint-Étienne: Cité du Design.
Ribault, P. 2020. »Being Hermann August Weizenegger.« In ATMOISM: Gestaltete Atmosphären. Eine Ausstellung von Hermann August Weizenegger, Berlin Kunstgewerbemuseum, Berlin: Verlag für moderne Kunst, 184-187.
Ribault, P. 2020. »De la forme à l’informe. La stratégie du poulpe.« In Art et Camouflage, edited by Alexandre, P., Jouannais, J., Ribault, P., Semin, D. Paris: Beaux-Arts Éditions, ENSBA.
Bianchini, S. 2019. »Art & Design: poser des conditions d'expérimentation en commun.« In Design en regards, edited by Bihanic, D. Paris: Art Book Magazine.
Ribault, P. 2019. »Gestaltung, ou la dynamique des formes.« In Staatliche Bauhaus cent pour cent, 1919-2019, edited by Bihanic, D. Paris: T&P editions.
Ribault, P. 2019. »Körper bei der Arbeit. Geste, Norm und Technik.« In Standardisierung und Naturalisierung, edited by Müller, M., Neubert, C. Paderborn/München: Wilhelm Fink, 219-232.
Fekonja, L. S., Schenk, R., Schröder, E., Tomasello, R., Tomšič, S., Picht, T. 2024. »The Digital Twin in Neuroscience: From Theory to Tailored Therapy.« PsyArXiv. 1-10.
Picht, T., Roethe, A., Kersting, K., Burzlaff, M., Le Calvé, M., Schenk, R., Chakkalakal, D., Vajkoczy, P., Ostherr, K. 2024. »Conceptualisation and Implementation of a Competency-based Mutlidisciplinary Course for Medical Students in Neurosurgey.« Advances in Medical Education and Practice, Volume 15: 565-573.
Siqueira Rodrigues, L., Schmidt, T. T., Israel, J. H., Zachow, S., Nyakatura, J., Kosch, T. 2024. »Comparing the Effects of Visual, Haptic, and Visuohaptic Encoding on Memory Retention of Digital Objects in Virtual Reality.« Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (NordiCHI '24), 16: 1-13.
Siqueira Rodrigues, L., Schmidt, T. T., Nyakatura, J., Zachow, S., Israel, J. H., Kosch, T. 2024. »Assessing the Effects of Sensory Modality Conditions on Object Retention across Virtual Reality and Projected Surface Display Environments.« Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, 8 (ISS): 255-282.
Shams, B., Reisch, K., Vajkoczy, P., Lippert, C., Picht, T., Fekonja, L. S. 2023. »Improved prediction of glioma‐related aphasia by diffusion MRI metrics, machine learning, and automated fiber bundle segmentation.« Human Brain Mapping, 44 (12): 4480-4497.
Bruening, D. M., Truckenmueller, P., Stein, C., Fuellhase, J., Vajkoczy, P., Picht, T., Acker, G. 2022. »360° 3D virtual reality operative video for the training of residents in neurosurgery.« Neurosurgical Focus, 53 (2): E4.
Fekonja, L. S., Wang, Z., Cacciola, A., Roine, T., Aydogan, D. B., Mewes, D., Vellmer, S., Vajkoczy, P., Picht, T. 2022. »Network analysis shows decreased ipsilesional structural connectivity in glioma patients.« Communications Biology, 5: 258.
Muth, V., Gassner, J. M., Moosburner, S., Lurje, G., Michelotto, J., Strobl, F., Knaub, K., Engelmann, C., Tacke, F., Selzner, M., Pratschke, J., Sauer, I. M., Raschzok, N. 2022. »Ex Vivo Liver Machine Perfusion: Comprehensive Review of Common Animal Models.« Tissue Engineering Part B: Reviews. ahead of print.
Pavicevic, S., Reichelt, S., Uluk, D., Lurje, I., Engelmann, C., Modest, D. P., Pelzer, U., Krenzien, F., Raschzok, N., Benzing, C., Sauer, I. M., Stintzing, S., Tacke, F., Schöning, W., Schmelzle, M., Pratschke, J., Lurje, G. 2022. »Prognostic and Predictive Molecular Markers in Cholangiocarcinoma.« Cancers, 14 (4): 1026.
Queisner, M., Pogorzhelskiy, M., Remde, C., Pratschke, J., Sauer, I. M. 2022. »VolumetricOR: A New Approach to Simulate Surgical Interventions in Virtual Reality for Training and Education.« Surgical Innovation, 29 (3): 406-415.
Raschzok, N., Stintzing, S., Heinemann, V., Rauch, G., Ricke, J., Guckenberger, M., Kurreck, A., Alig, A. H. S., Stahler, A., Bullinger, L., Schmelzle, M., Schöning, W., Lurje, G., Krenzien, F., Haase, O., Rau, B., Gebauer, B., Sauer, I. M., Pratschke, J., Modest, D. P. 2022. »FIRE-9 – PORT / AIO-KRK-0418: a prospective, randomized, open, multicenter Phase III trial to investigate the efficacy of adjuvant/additive chemotherapy in patients with definitely-treated metastatic colorectal cancer.« BMC Cancer, 22 (1)
Reisch, K., Böttcher, F., Tuncer, M. S., Schneider, H., Vajkoczy, P., Picht, T., Fekonja, L. S. 2022. »Tractography-based navigated TMS language mapping protocol.« Frontiers in Oncology, 12
Roethe, A. L., Rösler, J., Misch, M., Vajkoczy, P., Picht, T. 2022. »Augmented reality visualization in brain lesions: a prospective randomized controlled evaluation of its potential and current limitations in navigated microneurosurgery.« Acta Neurochirurgica, 164 (1): 3-14.
Shams, B., Wang, Z., Roine, T., Aydogan, D. B., Vajkoczy, P., Lippert, C., Picht, T., Fekonja, L. S. 2022. »Machine learning-based prediction of motor status in glioma patients using diffusion MRI metrics along the corticospinal tract.« Brain Communications, 4 (3): fcac141.
Silva, L. L., Tuncer, M. S., Vajkoczy, P., Picht, T., Rosenstock, T. 2022. »Distinct approaches to language pathway tractography: comparison of anatomy-based, repetitive navigated transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS)–based, and rTMS-enhanced diffusion tensor imaging–fiber tracking.« Journal of Neurosurgery, 136 (2): 589-600.
Snellings, J., Keshi, E., Tang, P., Daneshgar, A., Willma, E. C., Haderer, L., Klein, O., Krenzien, F., Malinka, T., Asbach, P., Pratschke, J., Sauer, I. M., Braun, J., Sack, I., Hillebrandt, K. 2022. »Solid fraction determines stiffness and viscosity in decellularized pancreatic tissues.« Biomaterials Advances, 139: 212999.
Tomasello R., Grisoni L., Boux I., Sammler D., Pulvermüller F. 2022. »Instantaneous neural processing of communicative functions conveyed by speech prosody.« Cerebral Cortex, 32 (21): 4885–4901.
Tuncer, M. S., Fekonja, L. S., Ott, S., Pfnür, A., Karbe, A., Engelhardt, M., Faust, K., Picht, T., Coburger, J., Dührsen, L., Vajkoczy, P., Onken, J. 2022. »Role of interhemispheric connectivity in recovery from postoperative supplementary motor area syndrome in glioma patients.« Journal of Neurosurgery. 1-10.
Engelhardt, M., Komnenić, D., Roth, F., Kawelke, L., Finke, C., Picht, T. 2021. »No Impact of Functional Connectivity of the Motor System on the Resting Motor Threshold: A Replication Study.« Frontiers in Neuroscience, 15
Fekonja, L. S., Wang, Z., Aydogan, D. B., Roine, T., Engelhardt, M., Dreyer, F. R., Vajkoczy, P., Picht, T. 2021. »Detecting Corticospinal Tract Impairment in Tumor Patients With Fiber Density and Tensor-Based Metrics.« Frontiers in Oncology, 10: 622358.
Fekonja, L. S., Wang, Z., Doppelbauer, L., Vajkoczy, P., Picht, T., Pulvermüller, F., Dreyer, F. R. 2021. »Lesion-symptom mapping of language impairments in patients suffering from left perisylvian gliomas.« Cortex, 144: 1-14.
Garagnani, M., Kirilina, E., Pulvermüller, F. 2021. »Semantic Grounding of Novel Spoken Words in the Primary Visual Cortex.« Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 15
Grisoni, L., Tomasello, R., Pulvermüller, F. 2021. »Correlated Brain Indexes of Semantic Prediction and Prediction Error: Brain Localization and Category Specificity.« Cerebral Cortex, 31 (3): 1553–1568.
Khakhar, R., You, F., Chakkalakal, D., Dobbelstein, D., Picht, T. 2021. »Hands-free Adjustment of the Microscope in Microneurosurgery.« World Neurosurgery, 148: e155-e163.
Maurer, S., Prinz, V., Qasem, L., Lucia, K. E., Rösler, J., Picht, T., Konczalla, J., Czabanka, M. 2021. »Evaluation of a Novel Three-Dimensional Robotic Digital Microscope (Aeos) in Neurosurgery.« Cancers, 13 (17): 4273.
Mohammadifar, E., Ahmadi, V., Gholami, M. F., Oehrl, A., Kolyvushko, O., Nie, C., Donskyi, I. S., Herziger, S., Radnik, J., Ludwig, K., Böttcher, C., Rabe, J. P., Osterrieder, K., Azab, W., Haag, R., Adeli, M. 2021. »Graphene‐Assisted Synthesis of 2D Polyglycerols as Innovative Platforms for Multivalent Virus Interactions.« Advanced Functional Materials, 31: 2009003.
Picht, T., Calvé, M. L., Tomasello, R., Fekonja, L., Gholami, M. F., Bruhn, M., Zwick, C., Rabe, J. P., Müller-Birn, C., Vajkoczy, P., Sauer, I. M., Zachow, S., Nyakatura, J. A., Ribault, P., Pulvermüller, F. 2021. »Letter: A Note on Neurosurgical Resection and Why We Need to Rethink Cutting.« Neurosurgery. E289–E291.
Pulvermüller, F., Tomasello, R., Henningsen-Schomers, M. R., Wennekers, T. 2021. »Biological constraints on neural network models of cognitive function.« Nature Reviews Neuroscience.
Rauf, A., Cojal González, J. D., Balkan, A., Severin, N., Sokolov, I. M., Rabe, J. P. 2021. »Shaping surfaces and interfaces of 2D materials on mica with intercalating water and ethanol.« In Findenegg Memorial Issue, special issue. Molecular Physics, 119: 15-16.
Roethe, A. L., Picht, T. 2021. »Redefining standards—response to: introductions of technological innovations in neurosurgery.« Acta Neurochirurgica, 163 (8): 2095-2096.
Rosenstock, T., Tuncer, M. S., Münch, M. R., Vajkoczy, P., Picht, T., Faust, K. 2021. »Preoperative nTMS and Intraoperative Neurophysiology - A Comparative Analysis in Patients With Motor-Eloquent Glioma.« Frontiers in Oncology, 11
Rösler, J., Georgiev, S., Roethe, A. L., Chakkalakal, D., Acker, G., Dengler, N. F., Prinz, V., Hecht, N., Faust, K., Schneider, U., Bayerl, S., Czabanka, M., Misch, M., Onken, J., Vajkoczy, P., Picht, T. 2021. »Clinical implementation of a 3D4K-exoscope (Orbeye) in microneurosurgery.« Neurosurgical Review, 45 (1): 627-635.
Schilling, K. G., Rheault, F., Petit, L., Hansen, C. B., Nath, V., Yeh, F. C., . . ., Fekonja, L.S., . . ., Descoteaux, M. 2021. »Tractography dissection variability: What happens when 42 groups dissect 14 white matter bundles on the same dataset?« Neuroimage, 243
Schlinkmann, N., Khakhar, R., Picht, T., Piper, S. K., Fekonja, L. S., Vajkoczy, P., Acker, G. 2021. »Does stereoscopic imaging improve the memorization of medical imaging by neurosurgeons? Experience of a single institution.« Neurosurgical Review, 45 (2): 1371-1381.
Shams, B., Wang, Z., Roine, T., Aydogan, B., Vajkoczy, P., Lippert, C., Picht, T., Fekonja, L. S. 2021. »Machine learning-based prediction of motor status in glioma patients using diffusion MRI metrics along the corticospinal tract.« medRxiv.
Tuncer, M., Salvati, L., Grittner, U., Hardt, J., Schilling, R., Bährend, I., Silva, L., Fekonja, L., Faust, K., Vajkoczy, P., Rosenstock, T., Picht, T. 2021. »Towards a tractography-based risk stratification model for language area associated gliomas.« NeuroImage: Clinical, 29: 102541.
Wang, Z., Dreyer, F., Pulvermüller, F., Ntemou, E., Vajkoczy, P., Fekonja, L., Picht, T. 2021. »Support vector machine based aphasia classification of transcranial magnetic stimulation language mapping in brain tumor patients.« NeuroImage: Clinical, 29: 102536.
Daneshgar, A., Klein, O., Nebrich, G., Weinhart, M., Tang, P., Arnold, A., Ullah, I., Pohl, J., Moosburner, S., Raschzok, N., Strücker, B., Bahra, M., Pratschke, J., Sauer, I. M., Hillebrandt, K. H. 2020. »The human liver matrisome – Proteomic analysis of native and fibrotic human liver extracellular matrices for organ engineering approaches.« Biomaterials, 257: 120247.
Dreyer, F. R., Picht, T., Frey, D., Vajkoczy, P., Pulvermüller, F. 2020. »The functional relevance of dorsal motor systems for processing tool nouns– evidence from patients with focal lesions.« Neuropsychologia, 141: 107384.
Everwien, H., Keshi, E., Hillebrandt, K. H., Ludwig, B., Weinhart, M., Tang, P., Beierle, A. S., Napierala, H., Gassner, J. M., Seiffert, N., Moosburner, S., Geisel, D., Reutzel-Selke, A., Strücker, B., Pratschke, J., Haep, N., Sauer, I. M. 2020. »Engineering an endothelialized, endocrine Neo-Pancreas: Evaluation of islet functionality in an ex vivo model.« Acta Biomaterialia, 117: 213-225.
Faghani, A., Gholami, M. F., Trunk, M., Müller, J., Pachfule, P., Vogl, S., Donskyi, I., Li, M., Nickl, P., Shao, J., Huang, M. R. S., Unger, W. E. S., Arenal, R., Koch, C. T., Paulus, B., Rabe, J. P., Thomas, A., Haag, R., Adeli, M. 2020. »Metal-Assisted and Solvent-Mediated Synthesis of Two-Dimensional Triazine Structures on Gram Scale.« Journal of the American Chemical Society, 142 (30): 12976-12986.
Fekonja, L., Wang, Z., Vajkoczy, P., Picht, T., Dreyer, F. 2020. »FV19 Lesion-symptom mapping of left perisylvian tumor patients with aphasic disorders.« Clinical Neurophysiology, 131 (4): e232.
Giampiccolo, D., Howells, H., Bährend, I., Schneider, H., Raffa, G., Rosenstock, T., Vergani, F., Vajkoczy, P., Picht, T. 2020. »Preoperative transcranial magnetic stimulation for picture naming is reliable in mapping segments of the arcuate fasciculus.« Brain Communications, 2 (2)
Kern, M., Auer, T., Fehrenbach, U., Tanyildizi, Y., Picht, T., Misch, M., Wiener, E. 2020. »Multivariable non-invasive association of isocitrate dehydrogenase mutational status in World Health Organization grade II and III gliomas with advanced magnetic resonance imaging T2 mapping techniques.« Neuroradiology Journal, 33 (2): 160.
Kern, M., Auer, T. A., Picht, T., Misch, M., Wiener, E. 2020. »T2 mapping of molecular subtypes of WHO grade II/III gliomas.« BMC Neurology, 20: 8.
Le Calvé, M. 2020. »Apprendre à regarder le cerveau en 3D. Compte rendu ethnographique d’un séminaire interdisciplinaire au service de neurochirurgie de la Charité à Berlin.« Anthropologie & Santé. Revue internationale francophone d’anthropologie de la santé, 21
Le Calvé, M. 2020. »Intersecting Cartographic Imperative. Map-Making Practices of a Medical Artist in the Wake of the Computational Brain.« In Writing New Legends / (Mis)Interpreting Maps, special issue. Kunstlicht, 41 (2-3): 81.
Raffa, G., Picht, T., Scibilia, A., Rösler, J., Rein, J., Conti, A., Ricciardo, G., Cardali, S., Vajkoczy, P., Germano, A. 2020. »Surgical treatment of meningiomas located in the rolandic area: The role of navigated transcranial magnetic stimulation for preoperative planning, surgical strategy, and prediction of arachnoidal cleavage and motor outcome.« Journal of Neurosurgery, 133 (1): 107.
Rosenstock, T., Picht, T., Schneider, H., Vajkoczy, P., Thomale, U. 2020. »Pediatric navigated transcranial magnetic stimulation motor and language mapping combined with diffusion tensor imaging tractography: clinical experience.« Journal of Neurosurgery: Pediatrics, 26 (5): 583.
Rüger, C., Feufel, M. A., Moosburner, S., Özbek, C., Pratschke, J., Sauer, I. M. 2020. »Ultrasound in augmented reality: a mixed-methods evaluation of head-mounted displays in image-guided interventions.« International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, 15 (11): 1895-1905.
Rüger, C., Moosburner, S., Sauer, I. M. 2020. »Extended-Reality-Technologien zur Unterstützung chirurgischen Handelns.« Der Chirurg, 91 (7): 544-552.
Schilling, A., Tomasello, R., Henningsen-Schomers, M. R., Zankl, A., Surendra, K., Haller, M., Karl, V., Uhrig, P., Maier, A., Krauss, P. 2020. »Analysis of continuous neuronal activity evoked by natural speech with computational corpus linguistics methods.« Language, Cognition and Neuroscience, 36 (2): 167-186.
Schilling, K. G., Rheault, F., Petit, L., et int., Fekonja, L., et al. 2020. »Tractography dissection variability: what happens when 42 groups dissect 14 white matter bundles on the same dataset?« bioRxiv. 1-17.
Ambellan, F., Tack, A., Ehlke, M., Zachow, S. 2019. »Automated segmentation of knee bone and cartilage combining statistical shape knowledge and convolutional neural networks: Data from the Osteoarthritis Initiative.« Medical Image Analysis, 52 (2): 109-118.
Bonnici, A., Akman, A., Calleja, G., Camilleri, K. P., Fehling, P., Ferreira, A., Hermuth, F., Israel, J. H., Landwehr, T., Liu, J., Padfield, N. M. J., Sezgin, T. M., Rosin, P. L. 2019. »Sketch-based interaction and modeling: where do we stand?« Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing, 33 (4): 370-388.
Engelhardt, M., Schneider, H., Gast, T., Picht, T. 2019. »Estimation of the resting motor threshold (RMT) in transcranial magnetic stimulation using relative-frequency and threshold-hunting methods in brain tumor patients.« Acta Neurochirurgica, 161 (9): 1845-1851.
Fekonja, L., Wang, Z., Bährend, I., Rosenstock, T., Rösler, J., Wallmeroth, L., Vajkoczy, P., Picht, T. 2019. »Manual for clinical language tractography.« Acta Neurochirurgica, 161 (6): 1125-1137.
Lam, S., Lucente, G., Schneider, H., Picht, T. 2019. »TMS motor mapping in brain tumor patients: more robust maps with an increased resting motor threshold.« Acta Neurochirurgica, 161 (5): 995-1002.
Maurer, M. M., Sauer, I. M., Pratschke, J., Tullius, S. G. 2019. »First Healthy Baby After Deceased Donor Uterus Transplantation.« Birth to a New Era? Transplantation, 103 (4): 652-653.
Mirbagheri, A., Schneider, H., Zdunczyk, A., Vajkoczy, P., Picht, T. 2019. »NTMS mapping of non-primary motor areas in brain tumour patients and healthy volunteers.« Acta Neurochirurgica, 162 (2): 407-416.
Moosburner, S., Remde, C., Tang, P., Queisner, M., Haep, N., Pratschke, J., Sauer, I. M. 2019. »Real world usability analysis of two augmented reality headsets in visceral surgery.« Artificial Organs, 43 (7): 694-698.
Nyakatura, J. 2019. »Early primate evolution: Insights into the functional significance of grasping from motion analyses of extant mammals.« Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 127 (3): 611.
Nyakatura, J. A., Baumgarten, R., Baum, D., Stark, H., Youlatos, D. 2019. »Muscle internal structure revealed by contrast-enhanced μCT and fibre recognition: The hindlimb extensors of an arboreal and a fossorial squirrel.« Mammalian Biology, 99: 71-80.
Raffa, G., Picht, T., Angileri, F., Youssef, M., Conti, A., Esposito, F., Cardali, S., Vajkoczy, P., Germano, A. 2019. »Surgery of malignant motor-eloquent gliomas guided by sodium-fluorescein and navigated transcranial magnetic stimulation: A novel technique to increase the maximal safe resection.« Journal of Neurosurgical Sciences, 63 (6): 670.
Scheidt, A., Wölfer, J., Nyakatura, J. A. 2019. »The evolution of femoral cross‐sectional properties in sciuromorph rodents: Influence of body mass and locomotor ecology.« Journal of Morphology.
Tomasello, R., Kim, C., Dreyer, F. R., Grisoni, L., Pulvermüller, F. 2019. »Neurophysiological evidence for rapid processing of verbal and gestural information in understanding communicative actions.« Scientific Reports, 9 (1): 16285.
Tomasello, R., Wennekers, T., Garagnani, M., Pulvermüller, F. 2019. »Visual cortex recruitment during language processing in blind individuals is explained by Hebbian learning.« Scientific Reports, 9 (1): 3579.
Wölfer, J., Amson, E., Arnold, P., Botton‐Divet, L., Fabre, A., Heteren, A. H., Nyakatura, J. A. 2019. »Femoral morphology of sciuromorph rodents in light of scaling and locomotor ecology.« Journal of Anatomy, 234 (6): 731-747.
Sörries, P., Glaser, J., Müller-Birn, C., Ness, T., Zwick, C. 2022. »Coding IxD: Enabling Interdisciplinary Education by Sparking Reflection.« Presented at the EduCHI’22, April 30 – May 1 2022, New Orleans, LA, USA.
Fekonja, L. S., Wang, Z., Vajkoczy, P., Picht, T. 2019. »Along-tract statistical analysis to detect early corticospinal tract impairment in brain tumour patients. Along-tract statistische Analyse zurFrüherkennung von Beeinträchtigungen dercorticospinalen Faserbahnbei Gerhirntumorpatienten.« Meeting Abstract. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Neurochirurgie. 70. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Neurochirurgie, Joint Meeting mit der Skandinavischen Gesellschaft für Neurochirurgie. 12.05. - 15.05.2019, Würzburg.
Fekonja, L. S., Wang, Z., Vajkoczy, P., Picht, T. 2019. »Automated tract segmentation in language tumour patients. Automatisierte Faserbahnsegmentierung bei Sprachtumorpatienten.« Meeting Abstract. 70. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Neurochirurgie Joint Meeting mit der Skandinavischen Gesellschaft für Neurochirurgie, 12.05. - 15.05.2019, Würzburg.
Wang, Z., Fekonja, L., Vajkoczy, P., Picht, T. 2019. »rnTMS language speech mapping analysis in MNI space reveals neuronal functional reorganisation rnTMS Sprachmapping-Analyse im MNI space zeigt neuronale funktionale Reorganisation.« Deutsche Gesellschaft für Neurochirurgie. 70. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Neurochirurgie (DGNC), Joint Meeting mit der Skandinavischen Gesellschaft für Neurochirurgie. Würzburg, 12.-15.05.2019. DocP161. Düsseldorf: German Medical Science GMS Publishing House; 2019.
Fekonja, L. S., Wang, Z., Aydogan, D. B., Roine, T., Engelhardt, M., Dreyer, F. R., Vajkoczy, P., Picht, T. 2020. Code used in article »CSD-based metric for along-tract statistical analysis in primary motor tumor patients«.
Mewes, D., Tournier, J-D., Picht, T., Fekonja, L. S. 2020. Implementation of OpenIGTLink tool in MRtrix3's mrview. mrtrix3-v0.1.
Wang, Z., Fekonja, L. S., Dreyer, F., Vajkoczy, P., Picht, T. 2020. SVM code for article: Analysis of transcranial magnetic stimulation for object naming with machine learning classification shows reorganisation patterns in tumor patients.
Cluster of Excellence »Matters of Activity«, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin 2023. Report (2019–2022).
Rasehorn, F., Ciecierska-Holmes, J., Rosenthal N., Dean, M., Eigen, L., Nyakatura, J., Le, M.-L. V., Yang, B. 2022. The Tessellation Archive. Design Project. weißensee school of art and design berlin, Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin: Comparative Zoology, Cluster of Excellence »Matters of Activity«. Since 1 June 2022, Virtual.
Fekonja, L., Picht, T., Rasehorn, F. Adaptive Digital Twin. Exhibition. Cluster of Excellence Matters of Activity, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Humboldt Labor, Humboldt Forum Berlin. Since 21 July 2020.
Gholami, M. F., Kim, Y., Le Calvé, M. with Espinoza, N. (sound artist) »Haptic Hanbok in the Virtual reality setup and the concept of Virtual Sensing knife in virtual Cutting floor.« At the exhibition: Stretching Materialities – Hidden Activities in Objects and Spaces. Tieranatomisches Theater, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. 17 September 2021 - 4 March 2022.
Ribault, P. (curator) »Cabinet of Curiosities.« With the participation of: Art Orienté Objet, Byars, J., Durham, J., Garcia, H., Degorce-Dumas, E.. Mosset, O., Mullican, M., Purcell, R., Sherwood, D., Tschiember, M., Williams, R., Zarka, R., Ribault, P., Rioux, V., Students of Chaos. At the exhibition: ExtraNatural (A Mark Dion Projekt), curated by Basta, S. Beaux-Arts, Paris. 18 May 2021 - 14 July 2021.
Le Calvé, M. »Quick Fieldnotes in Lines and Colours.« At the exhibition: Illustrating Anthropology. Royal Anthropological Institute, London. Since 15 September 2020.
Picht, T., Chakkalakal, D. 2023. Founded CEED: Inspiring healthcare innovation. 1 September 2023.
Le Calvé, M., Kim, Y. The Patchy Paths of the Stretching Senses School. Panel Presentation at the Royal Anthropological Institute Film Festival 2023, Rebuilding the Real: Immersive encounters with ontological alterity through community-led VR projects. Virtual. 8 March 2023.
Queisner, M. Extended Reality in der Onko-Chirurgie. Talk at the 8. Brandenburger Krebskongress, Dorint Hotel Sanssouci, Potsdam. 11 March 2023.
Queisner, M. Extended Reality Simulation für chirurgisches Training. Talk at the 140. Deutscher Chirurgie Kongress, ICM- Internationales Congress Center München. Hybrid. 18 April 2023.
Queisner, M. XR in Medicine. Talk at the Ringvorlesung Berlin XR Lab. Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin. 24 January 2023.
Ribault, P. Between Thinking and Making: On Performative Design. Keynote at the Bauhaus Study Rooms 2023. DesignActs: Gestures of Performative Research. 16 June 2023.
Picht, T. Bildgebung und Risikostratifizierung bei Patient:innen mit eloquenten Hirntumoren. Panel Presentation at the Neurologische Fortbildung Nordwest, Interdisziplinäre Behandlung von Hirntumoren. Universitätsklinik Oldenburg. 14 May 2022.
Picht, T. Perioperative Language Mapping in Brain Tumor Patients. Keynote at the Symposium and Round Table on Perioperative Language Mapping in Brain Tumor Patients, Tools and methods of preoperative mapping. University of Groningen. 14 June 2022.
Ribault, P., Glaser, J., Rasehorn, F. Touching as Knowing. Oscillating between physical and virtual tactility. Cumulus Conference »›Un/touchable. New meanings and values‹«, Spaces, Senses, Skins: Reinvention of the Tactile in Art and Design Practices. Higher School of Economics, Art and Design School, Moscow, Russia. Hybrid. 13 June 2022.
Fekonja, L., for Berlin Science Week. ADAPTIVE DIGITAL TWIN. Expert tour and talk in the Humboldt Labor about adaptive holographic models of the human brain, Berlin Science Week. Humboldt Forum Berlin. 4 November 2021.
Fekonja, L. Network based statistics reveal motor-tumour related decrease of structural connectivity. Poster presentation at the 73. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Neurochirurgie, Skull base, radiosurgery, perspectives. Virtual. 8 June 2021.
Le Calvé, M. Cerebrum Spectacular. Exhibiting experimental neurosurgical infrastructures at the Humboldt Forum Berlin and at the Tieranatomisches Theater. Talk at the CARMAH Museum Lab, Institute of European Ethnology, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Virtual. 28 January 2021.
Le Calvé, M. Haptic dimensions: stretching the senses of digital materiality in virtual palaeontology and neurosurgical planning. Talk at the Media Lab, Institute of European Ethnology, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Organized by MediaLab, IfEE; Bareither, C.; Molin, J. Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Virtual. 10 February 2021.
Le Calvé, M. Sounding Neurons »Down the Scale«: Designing an Immersive VR Experience as an Ethnographic Device to Probe Neurosurgery, Biophysics, and Sartorial Research. Talk at the »Anthropology Beyond Text?« Experiments, Devices and Platforms of Multimodal Ethnographic Practice, Stadtlabor for Multimodal Anthropology, Institute of European Ethnology, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. 23 July 2021.
Le Calvé, M. »The Dance of the Knife«: Cutting as a Way of Getting Together Closer and Further with Material Things. Talk at the 2nd Annual Conference »Tipping Points. Plastic, Contingent and Unstable Matters«, Cluster of Excellence »Matters of Activity«, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Hybrid. 16 November 2021.
Picht, T. Navigierte TMS und Diffusionstraktographie in der neurochirurgischen Praxis. Talk at the Neuroonkologisches Update, Erfurt. Virtual. 2 December 2021.
Fekonja, L. Experimental and Preclinical Imaging Cluster (EPIC) Kickoff Workshop. Talk at the Experimental and Preclinical Imaging Cluster (EPIC) Kickoff Workshop, Tools – Methods – Models – Research Questions. Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin. Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin. Virtual. 12 November 2020.
Granatosky, M. C., Laurence-Chasen, J. D., Gartner, S. M., Whitlow, K. R., Westneat, M. W., Nyakatura, J. A. An XROMM and kinetic analysis of underwater walking in the West African lungfish (Protopterus annectens) with implications for the role of quadrupedal gaits during the fin-to-limb transition. Talk at the Melding Modeling and Morphology: Integrating Approaches to Understand the Evolution of Form and Function, Part. SICB Annual Meeting 2020, January 3-7, 2020, Austin, TX. 6 January 2020.
Grote, M, Rabe, J. Membranes as Molecular Machines. A workshop on Active Matter and the Remaking of Life. Talk at the Cluster of Excellence »Matters of Activity«, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. 10 January 2020.
Le Calvé, M. Drawing Uncertain Lines. Certitude and Contingency in Brain Tractography and Visual Ethnography. Talk at the EASST4S Joint Conference Prague 2020 »Locating and Timing Matters: Significance and Agency of STS in Emerging Worlds«, Experimental Practices and Practical Experiments in an Uncertain World I. EASST, Virtual Prague. Virtual. 18 August 2020.
Le Calvé, M. Drawing Uncertain Lines. Certitude and Contingency in Brain Tractography and Visual Ethnography. Talk at the Lab session of the Laboratory »Anthropology of Environment | Human Relations«. Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Virtual. 7 December 2020.
Le Calvé, M. The Act of Cutting. Multimodal inquiry on a sensing/making operation. Talk at the Autumn School »Infrastructures of Sense|Making«, Uni Konstanz. Virtual. 5 October 2020.
Pulvermüller, F. Meaning – Object – Action. Talk at the 9th Cluster Day, Meaning – Object – Action. Cluster of Excellence Matters of Activity, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Virtual. 26 May 2020.
Rabe, J. Matters of Free Energy and a Tesseract. Talk at the 1st Annual Conference »The Analog in the Digital Age«, Cluster of Excellence »Matters of Activity«, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Virtual. 11 November 2020.
Fekonja, L. S., Wang, Z., Vajkoczy, P., Picht, T. Automated tract segmentation in language tumour patients. Automatisierte Faserbahnsegmentierung bei Sprachtumorpatienten. Poster presentation at the 70. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Neurochirurgie, Joint Meeting mit der Skandinavischen Gesellschaft für Neurochirurgie. Würzburg, 12.-15.05.2019. 14 May 2019.
Rabe, J. P. Stretching the boundaries of physics, one molecule at a time. Talk at the Nano-Bio-Physics Symposium 2019, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. 7 September 2019.
Ribault, P. From Being a Bat to Having a Digital Twin - On Contemporary Modes of Co-existence. Talk at the Seminar »Formen der Körperlichkeit: Maschine, Mensch, Tier«, Zentralinstitut Hermann von Helmholtz-Zentrum für Kulturtechnik, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. 12 July 2019.
Picht, T. Funktionelle Bildgebung II. 73. Jahrestagung DGNC 2022, Neuroonkologie, Universität Köln. 31 May 2022.
Bianchini, S., Ribault P. (moderators), Becker, J., Bredekamp, H., Israel, J. H., Picht, T., Shildrick, M. (guests). »Dissect« – An artificially intelligent robot performing a ritual of purification known as ›skin-cutting‹. Discussion about Marco Donnarumma's ›Amygdala‹. Tieranatomisches Theater, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Chaire Arts & Sciences of the École polytechnique, Cluster of Excellence Matters of Activity, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, École nationale supérieure des Arts Décoratifs (EnsAD), Fondation Daniel et Nina Carasso, Museum of Decorative Arts, Tieranatomisches Theater, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. 2 November 2022.
Quinz, E., Ribault, P. (moderators), Saraceno, T. (co-organizer), Chiaramonte, X., Hengge, R., Jäger, P., Jarry, A., Jordan, A., Müller, M. (guests). »Dissect« – An artistic research on a more equal balance of human- techno- and biodiversity. Discussion about Tomás Saraceno's Spiders. Tieranatomisches Theater, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Chaire Arts & Sciences of the École polytechnique, Cluster of Excellence Matters of Activity, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, École nationale supérieure des Arts Décoratifs (EnsAD), Fondation Daniel et Nina Carasso, Tieranatomisches Theater, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. 4 November 2022.
Siqueira Rodrigues, L., Grewe, M., Zachow, S. Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften - Kann man in der virtuellen Welt noch seinen Sinnen trauen? Zuse Institute Berlin. 2 July 2022.
Cubasch, A. (organizer), Heitger, A. (curator and organizer), Le Calvé, M. (organizer) Ferment-Activity Club #1: Next Workshop »Kombucha Refresher«. Cluster of Excellence »Matters of Activity«, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Virtual. 28 April 2021.
Kim, Y. (contributor), Le Calvé, M. (curator and organizer), Traberth, A. (contributor) Ferment-activity Club #2: Kimchi Party. Cluster of Excellence »Matters of Activity«, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Virtual. 26 May 2021.
Le Calvé, M. (organizer and curator), Nestler, A. (contributor) Ferment-activity Club #3: Jumpstart drinks. Cluster of Excellence »Matters of Activity«, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Virtual. 16 June 2021.
Stock, R., Dierichs, K., Bonavia, E., Zachow, S., Rodriguez, L., Le Calvé, M., Gholami, M. F., Kim, Y. Workshop »Sounding Invisible Boundaries. Experiments in Haptic Thinking«. Cluster of Excellence Matters of Activity, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Hybrid. 2 June 2021.
Kuitenbrouwer, K., Ribault, P., da Mosto, J., et al. The Zoönomic Method. Collaboration of the Het Nieuwe Instituut with Cluster of Excellence »Matters of Activity«, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin; weißensee school of art and design berlin; We Are Here Venice; École des Arts Décoratifs and Université Paris Sciences et Lettres. Virtual. 1 June 2020 - 31 August 2020.
Le Calvé, M., Cubasch, A. J., Heitger, A. Shelf Life. Ferment-Activity and Nurturing Materials. Cluster of Excellence »Matters of Activity«, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Virtual. 10 December 2020.
Le Calvé, M. Haptic Dimensions - Cutting beyond the surface of digital objects. weißensee school of art and design berlin. 12 October 2020.
Bianchini, S., Freire, M., Quinz, E., Ribault, P., Guiducci, L., Razghandi, K. Morphostructures: life-like behavior in material systems. Centre Pompidou, Paris. 15 March 2019 - 17 March 2019.
Löffler, P., Ribault, P, Müller, M. im/Perfection, Im/ perfect Figurations in Nature. Department of Cultural History and Theory, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. With contributions by Löffler, P., Ribault, P, Müller, M., Bublitz, H., Tikka, E., Kassung, C., De Visscher, E., Quinz, E., Schäffner, W., Bruns, C., Wehrli, P., Allen, J., Lang, C. 18 April 2019 - 11 July 2019.
Ribault, P., et al. Behavioral Matter. Centre Pompidou, Paris. Co-organisation of the symposium and workshop during the exhibition La Fabrique du Vivant, in cooperation with ENSAD, ENSCi, ENSBA Paris and Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. 15 March 2019 - 17 March 2019.
Ribault, P., Fratzl, P., Schäffner, W., et al. Behavioral Matter: Composer avec le vivant. Centre Pompidou, Paris. In cooperation with Ensadlab (École nationale supérieure des Arts Décoratifs, Paris) and the Cluster of Excellence »Matters of Activity«, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. 29 March 2019.
Picht, T., Amelung, K., Chakkalakal, D., Engelhardt, M., Fekonja, L., Le Calve, M., Ostherr, K., Ribault, P., Shams, B., Stein, C., Vellmer, S., Samuel, N., Sauer, I., Acker, G., Choejki, P. Adaptive Digital Twin. Block Seminar, Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin. 10 July 2023 - 21 July 2023.
Picht, T., Amelung, K., Avenati, O., Chakkalakal, D., Engelhardt, M., Fekonja, L., Le Calve, M., Ostherr, K., Rasehorn, F., Ribault, P., Shams, B., Stein, C., Vellmer, S., Samuel, N., Sauer, I., Acker, G., Choejki, P. Adaptive Digital Twin. Block Seminar, Charite - Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Berlin. 18 July 2022 - 29 July 2022.
Picht, T., Amelung, K., Avenati, O., Chakkalakal, D., Engelhardt, M., Fekonja, L., Le Calve, M., Ostherr, K., Rasehorn, F., Ribault, P., Shams, B., Stein, C., Vellmer, S., Samuel, N., Sauer, I., Acker, G., Choejki, P. Adaptive Digital Twin. Block Seminar, Charite - Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Berlin. 24 January 2022 - 4 February 2022.
Razghandi, K., Mareis, C., Stock, R., Auger, J., Lockwood, J., Wenig, C., Norris, L., Stark, S., Weber, R., Bühn, S., Clark, J., le Calvé. M. »Frictioned Functionality: Un/Designing Un/Sustainable Matter«. »Dark Fluidity. An immersive exploration of liquid ontologies in practice along the multispecies material ecologies of the Schwärze river«. MoA's First Interdisciplinary Autumn School., Cluster of Excellence »Matters of Activity«, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. 17 October 2022 - 22 October 2022.
Zwick, C., Glaser, J., Groll, F. Heliobolici – Small solar self-suppliers. Practical course, weißensee school of art and design berlin. 4 April 2022 - 8 July 2022.
Bauer, F., with guests Kim, Y., Rasehorn, F., Schneider, M., Tebbe, M., Wenig, C., Yang, B., Situated Digital Agencies. Seminar, B.A./M.A. Architecture. Universität der Künste Berlin. 16 April 2021 - 16 July 2021.
Le Calvé, M., Columbo, L. Matters of Writing II. Course within the Master’s Program “Open Design”, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin/Universidad de Buenos Aires. 1 October 2021 - 3 November 2021.
Le Calvé, M., Farias, I. Multimodal ethnography: A more than textual anthropological workshop. Practical course, Institut für Europäische Ethnologie, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. 10 March 2021 - 15 July 2021.
Criado, T., Le Calvé, M. Multimodal ethnography: A more than textual anthropological workshop. Seminar, Institute für Europäische Ethnologie. 13 November 2020 - 26 February 2021.
Le Calvé, M., Avenati, O., Simatic, M., Picht, T., Fekonja, L. Brain Roads. Experiments in visualization design. Practical course, Mentoring and Lecturer in a pedagogical research process. ESAD Reims/Telecom Sud Paris. 18 November 2020 - 20 August 2021.
Le Calvé, M., Chakalakal, D. Digital Twin: Social Sciences of Technology in Medicine. Block Seminar, Medicine and Social Sciences. Charité, Berlin. 2 July 2020 - 3 July 2020.
Zwick, C., Glaser, J., Rasehorn, F., Bau, O., Le Calvé, M., van Brummelen, P., Holtmann, C. Hyper Haptics - Oscillating between physical and virtual tactility. Seminar, documented in publication »HYPERHAPTICS OSCILLATING BETWEEN PHYSICAL AND VIRTUAL TACTILITY«, KHB 2021. weißensee school of art and design berlin. 8 October 2020 - 3 February 2021.
Fekonja, L. 2023. First supervisor of Johannes Reilly. Lab rotation supervision. Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin.
Fekonja, L. 2023. First supervisor of Nina Müller-Wirth. Lab rotation supervision. Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin.
Rasehorn, F. 2020. German Design Graduates. Design Research Award nominee. »Digital Twin.« German Design Graduates.
Le Calvé, M. 2023. Refiguring bodies: material sketching, movement, and spatial practices. Berlin University Alliance, Project funding.
Picht, T. 2021. CEED Industrie in Klinik Plattform. BMBF, Project funding. 2021-2022.
Schäffner, W., Picht, T., Fekonja, L., Avenati, O. 2020. Förderprogramm PPP Frankreich - PROCOPE 2020 - "Brain Roads". DAAD, Project funding.
Fekonja, L., Picht T. (founders) Since 2023. TNN - Translational Network Neuroscience. International workgroup.
Picht, T., Avenati, O., 2020 - 2021. Brain Roads 2. Interdisciplinary French-German project with ESAD de Reims; Télécom SudParis - Institut polytechnique de Paris; Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin.
Picht, T., Avenati, O., Fekonja, L. (PIs) 2019 - 2020. Brain Roads I. Interdisciplinary French-German project with Simatic, M. with ESAD de Reims; Télécom SudParis - Institut polytechnique de Paris; Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin.
Ribault, P. Since 2021. Member of the Scientific Board for the image-based research journal .able, Chaire arts and sciences of École Polytechnique, École des Arts Décoratifs – Univerité Paris Sciences et Lettres and the Daniel and Nina Carasso Foundation.
Ribault, P. Since 2020. Member of Shared Campus - Creative Practices Across Cultures, a cooperation platform for international education formats and research networks in art and design.
Ribault, P. Since 2020. Member of the Curatorial Board for the »glass - hand formed matter« project, Aalto University, Glass Museum Riihimäki, The Factory, Boda, Bröhan-Museum Berlin, weißensee school of art and design berlin.
Mohammadifar, E., Ahmadi, V., Gholami, M. F., Oehrl, A., Kolyvushko, O., Nie, C., Donskyi, I. S., Herziger, S., Radnik, J., Ludwig, K., Böttcher, C., Rabe, J. P., Osterrieder, K., Azab, W., Haag, R., Adeli, M. »Cutting 2D Polyglycerols from 2D graphitic templates for Inhibition of virals such as SARS‐CoV‐2.« Cluster of Excellence »Matters of Activity«, 26 March 2021.
Picht, T. 2022. »Was das Material erzählt.« Tagesspiegel, 1 November 2022.
Schwarz, S. 2022. »Ein Speicher voller Cookies: Wie souverän bewegen wir uns in der digitalen Welt? Die Daten haben uns im Griff: Studierende von Informatik und Design zeigen Geräte, mit denen wir selbstbestimmt über sie verfügen können. Ein Ausstellungsbesuch.« Interactive exhibition »Digital:Sovereignty« supervised by Glaser, J.; Müller-Birn, C.; Ness, T. Tagesspiegel, 21 February 2022.
Fekonja, L. 2020. »Begegnung mit dem digitalen Zwilling unseres Gehirns.« 18 November 2020.