Lucas Rodrigues

Lucas Rodrigues is a Research Assistant and PhD Candidate at MoA’s Cutting project. He holds a Master's degree in Human-Computer Interaction from KTH and Université Paris-Sud. His thesis project at Sorbonne Université explored Two-dimensional Graphical Perception in Virtual Reality.
With a background in software development and graphic design, Lucas is interested in exploring three-dimensional experimental interfaces. In his doctoral studies, he aims to further develop the concept and application of »Virtual Dissection« with a particular focus on the investigation of tangible feedback in interactive data visualizations within virtual reality environments towards the attainment of knowledge into form-function relationships on functional vertebrate morphology.
Articles in Edited Volumes
Rodrigues, L. S., Riehm, F., Zachow, S., Israel, J. H. 2023. »VoxSculpt: An Open-Source Voxel Library for Tomographic Volume Sculpting in Virtual Reality.« In IEEE International Conference on Virtual Reality (ICVR), IEEE, 515-523.
Siqueira Rodrigues, L., Nyakatura, J., Zachow, S., Israel, J. H. 2023. »Design Challenges and Opportunities of Fossil Preparation Tools and Methods.« In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Culture and Computer Science: Code and Materiality, KUI '23. New York, NY, USA: Association for Computing Machinery, 1-10.
Siqueira Rodrigues, L., Schmidt, T. T., Israel, J. H., Zachow, S., Nyakatura, J., Kosch, T. 2024. »Comparing the Effects of Visual, Haptic, and Visuohaptic Encoding on Memory Retention of Digital Objects in Virtual Reality.« Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (NordiCHI '24), 16: 1-13.
Siqueira Rodrigues, L., Schmidt, T. T., Nyakatura, J., Zachow, S., Israel, J. H., Kosch, T. 2024. »Assessing the Effects of Sensory Modality Conditions on Object Retention across Virtual Reality and Projected Surface Display Environments.« Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, 8 (ISS): 255-282.
Conference Proceedings
Siqueira Rodrigues, L., Nyakatura, J., Zachow, S., Israel, J. H., Kosch, T. 2024. »Evaluating Visuohaptic Integration on Memory Retention of Morphological Tomographic Images.« Proceedings of the 19th ACM SIGGRAPH International Conference on Virtual-Reality Continuum and its Applications in Industry. New York, NY, USA: ACM, 1-10.
Rodrigues, L., Nyakatura, J., Zachow, S., Israel, J. H. 2022. »An Immersive Virtual Paleontology Application.« 13th International Conference on Human Haptic Sensing and Touch Enabled Computer Applications, EuroHaptics 2022. Springer, 478-481.
Software Publications
Siquera Rodrigues, L., Riehm, F., Zachow, S., Israel, J. H. 2023. VoxSculpt (Open-Source Repository).
Talks & Presentations
Weber, R., Werner, B. M., Eger Domingos, D., Yang, B., Kim, Y., Almpani-Lekka, D., Bauer, F., Hehemeyer-Cürten, J., Rosenthal, N., Siquera Rodrigues, L., Shams, B., Schneider, M., Rasehorn, F. Indoor Water Bio-Remediation System. Poster presentation at the Scaling Matters: From the Lab to the Field, MoA Retreat at the Landgut Stober. Cluster of Excellence Matters of Activity, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. 13 September 2022.
Weber, R., Werner, B. M., Eger Domingos, D., Yang, B., Kim, Y., Almpani-Lekka, D., Bauer, F., Hehemeyer-Cürten, J., Rosenthal, N., Siquera Rodrigues, L., Shams, B., Schneider, M., Rasehorn, F. »Minus Zero. Interspecies Design in Underwater Environments«. Talk at the Scaling Matters: From the Lab to the Field, Landgut Stober. Cluster of Excellence Matters of Activity, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. 13 September 2022.
Events & Workshops
Nestler, A., Ott, C., Wegener, F. (organizers), with contributions by Akbal, Z., Almpani-Lekka, D., Beyer, B., Dierichs, K., Eder, M., Farmer, J., Fekonja, L., Krauthauen, K., Miodragović, N., Queisner, M., Rodrigues, L., Singer, N., Stein, C, Winkler, C. Open Space – Active Matter on Stage. Cluster of Excellence »Matters of Activity«, Berlin. Cluster of Excellence Matters of Activity, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. 8 November 2023 - 9 November 2023.
Rodrigues, L.S., Israel, J. H., Nyakatura, J., Schmidt, T., Zachow, S., Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften – Gedächtnistraining in VR – Sind Deine Sinne bereit für eine Herausforderung? Zuse Institute Berlin. 17 June 2023.
Siqueira Rodrigues, L., Grewe, M., Zachow, S. Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften - Kann man in der virtuellen Welt noch seinen Sinnen trauen? Zuse Institute Berlin. 2 July 2022.
Stock, R., Dierichs, K., Bonavia, E., Zachow, S., Rodriguez, L., Le Calvé, M., Gholami, M. F., Kim, Y. Workshop »Sounding Invisible Boundaries. Experiments in Haptic Thinking«. Cluster of Excellence Matters of Activity, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Hybrid. 2 June 2021.