Dr. Timo Torsten Schmidt

Timo Torsten Schmidt is a neuroscientist working at the Center for Cognitive Neuroscience Berlin (CCNB) at the Freie Universität Berlin.
He obtained a BSc in cognitive science, a MSc in medical neuroscience and his PhD thesis was entitled »Tactile Mental Representations«. He is interested in the neuronal underpinnings of human consciousness using computational neuroimaging (fMRI, EEG) methods. His research focuses on the mental representation of consciousness content, where he studies how the human brain performs haptic and tactile working memory and mental imagery tasks.
He is further interested in the mechanisms underlying altered experiences and consciousness disturbances. He is an advocate of Open Science, has developed the Altered States Database and is working on a citizen science project.
Freie Universität Berlin
Habelschwerdter Allee 45
Raum JK25/222d
14195 Berlin