Dr. Stefan Zachow
Stefan Zachow is a Senior Researcher at Zuse Institute Berlin (ZIB). He is heading the »Therapy Planning« and co-heading the »Computational Medicine« research groups within the ZIB division »Mathematics for Life and Materials Sciences«.
His interests are on computer assisted model guided medicine, visualization, medical image computing, geometric modeling, therapy planning, and simulation.
Stefan received a degree in Computer Engineering (M.S.) in 1991, and a degree in Computer Science (M.S.) in 1999. He finished a postgradual study in Medical Physics in 2002 and obtained his PhD in Computer Science in 2005.
Zuse Institute Berlin (ZIB)
Takustraße 7
14195 Berlin
Articles in Edited Volumes
Rodrigues, L. S., Riehm, F., Zachow, S., Israel, J. H. 2023. »VoxSculpt: An Open-Source Voxel Library for Tomographic Volume Sculpting in Virtual Reality.« In IEEE International Conference on Virtual Reality (ICVR), IEEE, 515-523.
Siqueira Rodrigues, L., Nyakatura, J., Zachow, S., Israel, J. H. 2023. »Design Challenges and Opportunities of Fossil Preparation Tools and Methods.« In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Culture and Computer Science: Code and Materiality, KUI '23. New York, NY, USA: Association for Computing Machinery, 1-10.
Lüdke, D., Amiranashvili, T., Ambellan, F., Ezhov, I., Menze, B. H., Zachow, S. 2022. »Landmark-free statistical shape modeling via neural flow deformations.« edited by Wang, L., Dou, Q., Fletcher, P.T., Speidel, S., Li, S. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), 13432. Cham: Springer, 453-463.
Ambellan, F., Zachow, S., von Tycowicz, C. 2021. »Geodesic B-score for improved assessment of knee osteoarthritis.« In Information Processing in Medical Imaging. IPMI 2021, edited by Feragen, A., Sommer, S., Schnabel, J., Nielsen, M. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), 12729. Cham: Springer, 177-188.
Estacio, L., Ehlke, M., Tack, A., Castro, E., Lamecker, H., Mora, R., Zachow, S. 2021. »Unsupervised Detection of Disturbances in 2d Radiographs.« In 2021 IEEE 18th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), IEEE, 367-370.
Sahu, M., Strömsdörfer, R., Mukhopadhyay, A., Zachow, S. 2020. »Endo-Sim2Real: Consistency Learning-Based Domain Adaptation for Instrument Segmentation.« In Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention – MICCAI 2020, edited by Martel, A. L., Abolmaesumi, P., Stoyanov, D., Mateus, D., Zuluaga, M. A., Zhou, S. K., Racoceanu, D., Joskowicz, L. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 784-794.
Ambellan, F., Lamecker, H., von Tycowicz, C., Zachow, S. 2019. »Statistical Shape Models: Understanding and Mastering Variation in Anatomy.« Cham: Springer International Publishing, 67-84.
Ambellan, F., Zachow, S., von Tycowicz, C. 2019. »An As-Invariant-As-Possible GL+3 -Based Statistical Shape Model.« In Proc. 7th MICCAI workshop on Mathematical Foundations of Computational Anatomy (MFCA), Cham: Springer International Publishing, 219-228.
Siqueira Rodrigues, L., Schmidt, T. T., Israel, J. H., Zachow, S., Nyakatura, J., Kosch, T. 2024. »Comparing the Effects of Visual, Haptic, and Visuohaptic Encoding on Memory Retention of Digital Objects in Virtual Reality.« Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (NordiCHI '24), 16: 1-13.
Siqueira Rodrigues, L., Schmidt, T. T., Nyakatura, J., Zachow, S., Israel, J. H., Kosch, T. 2024. »Assessing the Effects of Sensory Modality Conditions on Object Retention across Virtual Reality and Projected Surface Display Environments.« Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, 8 (ISS): 255-282.
Glatzeder, K., Igor, K., Ambellan, F., Zachow, S., Potthast, W. 2022. »Dynamic pressure analysis of novel interpositional knee spacer implants in 3D-printed human knee models.« Scientific Reports, 12 (1)
Grewe, C. M., Liu, T., Hildebrandt, A., Zachow, S. 2022. »The Open Virtual Mirror Framework for enfacement illusions.« Behavior Research Methods, May 2022
Ambellan, F., Zachow, S., von Tycowicz, C. 2021. »Rigid motion invariant statistical shape modeling based on discrete fundamental forms.« Medical Image Analysis, 73: 102178.
Grewe, C. M., Liu, T., Kahl, C., Hildebrandt, A., Zachow, S. 2021. »Statistical Learning of Facial Expressions Improves Realism of Animated Avatar Faces.« Frontiers in Virtual Reality, 2: 619811.
Hembus, J., Ambellan, F., Zachow, S., Bader, R. 2021. »Establishment of a Rolling-Sliding Test Bench to Analyze Abrasive Wear Propagation of Different Bearing Materials for Knee Implants.« Applied Sciences, 11 (4): 1886.
Li, J., Pimentel, P., Szengel, A., Ehlke, M., Lamecker, H., Zachow, S., Estacio, L., Doenitz, C., Ramm, H., Shi, H., Chen, X., Matzkin, F., Newcombe, V., Ferrante, E., Jin, Y., Ellis, D. G., Aizenberg, M. R., Kodym, O., Spanel, M., Herout, A., Mainprize, J. G., Fishman, Z., Hardisty, M. R., Bayat, A., Shit, S., Wang, B., Liu, Z., Eder, M., Pepe, A., Gsaxner, C., Alves, V., Zefferer, U., Von Campe, G., Pistracher, K., Schafer, U., Schmalstieg, D., Menze, B. H., Glocker, B., Egger, J. 2021. »AutoImplant 2020 -First MICCAI Challenge on Automatic Cranial Implant Design.« IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging. 1-1.
Li, J., Pimentel, P., Szengel, A., Ehlke, M., Lamecker, H., Zachow, S., Estacio, L., Doenitz, C., Ramm, H., Shi, H., Chen, X., Matzkin, F., Newcombe, V., Ferrante, E., Jin, Y., Ellis, D. G., Aizenberg, M. R., Kodym, O., Spanel, M., Herout, A., Mainprize, J. G., Fishman, Z., Hardisty, M. R., Bayat, A., Shit, S., Wang, B., Liu, Z., Eder, M., Pepe, A., Gsaxner, C., Alves, V., Zefferer, U., von Campe, G., Pistracher, K., Schafer, U., Schmalstieg, D., Menze, B. H., Glocker, B., Egger, J. 2021. »AutoImplant 2020-First MICCAI Challenge on Automatic Cranial Implant Design.« IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 40 (9): 2329-2342.
Picht, T., Calvé, M. L., Tomasello, R., Fekonja, L., Gholami, M. F., Bruhn, M., Zwick, C., Rabe, J. P., Müller-Birn, C., Vajkoczy, P., Sauer, I. M., Zachow, S., Nyakatura, J. A., Ribault, P., Pulvermüller, F. 2021. »Letter: A Note on Neurosurgical Resection and Why We Need to Rethink Cutting.« Neurosurgery. E289–E291.
Sahu, M., Mukhopadhyay, A., Zachow, S. 2021. »Simulation-to-real domain adaptation with teacher–student learning for endoscopic instrument segmentation.« International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, 16 (5): 849-859.
Sekuboyina, A., Husseini, M. E., Bayat, A., Löffler, M., Liebl, H., Li, H., Tetteh, G., Kukačka, J., Payer, C., Štern, D., Urschler, M., Chen, M., Cheng, D., Lessmann, N., Hu, Y., Wang, T., Yang, D., Xu, D., Ambellan, F., Amiranashvili, T., Ehlke, M., Lamecker, H., Lehnert, S., Lirio, M., Olaguer, N. P. d., Ramm, H., Sahu, M., Tack, A., Zachow, S., Jiang, T., Ma, X., Angerman, C., Wang, X., Brown, K., Kirszenberg, A., Puybareau, É., Chen, D., Bai, Y., Rapazzo, B. H., Yeah, T., Zhang, A., Xu, S., Hou, F., He, Z., Zeng, C., Xiangshang, Z., Liming, X., Netherton, T. J., Mumme, R. P., Court, L. E., Huang, Z., He, C., Wang, L., Ling, S. H., Huỳnh, L. D., Boutry, N., Jakubicek, R., Chmelik, J., Mulay, S., Sivaprakasam, M., Paetzold, J. C., Shit, S., Ezhov, I., Wiestler, B., Glocker, B., Valentinitsch, A., Rempfler, M., Menze, B. H., Kirschke, J. S. 2021. »VerSe: A Vertebrae labelling and segmentation benchmark for multi-detector CT images.« Medical Image Analysis, 73: 102166.
Tack, A., Ambellan, F., Zachow, S. 2021. »Towards novel osteoarthritis biomarkers: Multi-criteria evaluation of 46,996 segmented knee MRI data from the Osteoarthritis Initiative.« PLOS ONE, 16 (10): e0258855.
Tack, A., Preim, B., Zachow, S. 2021. »Fully automated Assessment of Knee Alignment from Full-Leg X-Rays employing a ›YOLOv4 And Resnet Landmark regression Algorithm‹ (YARLA): Data from the Osteoarthritis Initiative.« Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 205: 106080.
Tack, A., Shestakov, A., Lüdke, D., Zachow, S. 2021. »A Multi-Task Deep Learning Method for Detection of Meniscal Tears in MRI Data from the Osteoarthritis Initiative Database.« In Post-Traumatic Osteoarthritis After Meniscus Injury, special issue. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 9: 747217.
Brüning, J., Hildebrandt, T., Heppt, W., Schmidt, N., Lamecker, H., Szengel, A., Amiridze, N., Ramm, H., Bindernagel, M., Zachow, S., Goubergrits, L. 2020. »Characterization of the Airflow within an Average Geometry of the Healthy Human Nasal Cavity.« Scientific Reports, 10 (1): 3755.
Brüning, J., Hildebrandt, T., Heppt, W., Schmidt, N., Lamecker, H., Szengel, A., Amiridze, N., Ramm, H., Bindernagel, M., Zachow, S., Goubergrits, L. 2020. »Characterization of the Airflow within an Average Geometry of the Healthy Human Nasal Cavity.« Scientific Reports, 10 (1)
Sahu, M., Szengel, A., Mukhopadhyay, A., Zachow, S. 2020. »Surgical phase recognition by learning phase transitions.« Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering, 6 (1)
Sekuboyina, A., Bayat, A., Husseini, M. E., Löffler, M., Li, H., Tetteh, G., Kukačka, J., Payer, C., Štern, D., Urschler, M., Chen, M., Cheng, D., Lessmann, N., Hu, Y., Wang, T., Yang, D., Xu, D., Ambellan, F., Amiranashvili, T., Ehlke, M., Lamecker, H., Lehnert, S., Lirio, M., de Olaguer, N. P., Ramm, H., Sahu, M., Tack, A., Zachow, S., Jiang, T., Ma, X., Angerman, C., Wang, X., Wei, Q., Brown, K., Wolf, M., Kirszenberg, A., Puybareau, É., Valentinitsch, A., Rempfler, M., Menze, B. H., Kirschke, J. S. 2020. »VerSe: A Vertebrae Labelling and Segmentation Benchmark for Multi-detector CT Images.« arXiv.
Al Hajj, H., Lamard, M., Conze, P., Roychowdhury, S., Hu, X., Maršalkaitė, G., Zisimopoulos, O., Dedmari, M. A., Zhao, F., Prellberg, J., Sahu, M., Galdran, A., Araújo, T., Vo, D. M., Panda, C., Dahiya, N., Kondo, S., Bian, Z., Vahdat, A., Bialopetravičius, J., Flouty, E., Qiu, C., Dill, S., Mukhopadhyay, A., Costa, P., Aresta, G., Ramamurthy, S., Lee, S., Campilho, A., Zachow, S., Xia, S., Conjeti, S., Stoyanov, D., Armaitis, J., Heng, P., Macready, W. G., Cochener, B., Quellec, G. 2019. »CATARACTS: Challenge on automatic tool annotation for cataRACT surgery.« Medical Image Analysis, 52 (2): 24-41.
Highlighted by Best Paper Award by Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft nominated at Computer Graphics Night 2020 within the category "Impact on Society" with honorable mentios.
Ambellan, F., Tack, A., Ehlke, M., Zachow, S. 2019. »Automated segmentation of knee bone and cartilage combining statistical shape knowledge and convolutional neural networks: Data from the Osteoarthritis Initiative.« Medical Image Analysis, 52 (2): 109-118.
Brüning, J., Lamecker, H., Zachow, S., Heppt, W., Schmidt, N., Goubergrits, L., Hildebrandt, T. 2019. »Digital Analysis of Nasal Airflow Facilitating Decision Support in Rhinosurgery.« Facial Plastic Surgery, 35 (01): 3-8.
Hildebrandt, T., Schmidt, N., Lamecker, H., Heppt, W., Zachow, S., Goubergrits, L., Brüning, J. 2019. »The Healthy Nasal Cavity—Characteristics of Morphology and Related Airflow Based on a Statistical Shape Model Viewed from a Surgeon's Perspective.« Facial Plastic Surgery, 35 (01): 9-13.
Krämer, M., Maggioni, M., Brisson, N., Zachow, S., Teichgräber, U., Duda, G., Reichenbach, J. 2019. »T1 and T2* mapping of the human quadriceps and patellar tendons using ultra-short echo-time (UTE) imaging and bivariate relaxation parameter-based volumetric visualization.« Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 63 (11): 29-36.
Oeltze‐Jafra, S., Meuschke, M., Neugebauer, M., Saalfeld, S., Lawonn, K., Janiga, G., Hege, H., Zachow, S., Preim, B. 2018. »Generation and Visual Exploration of Medical Flow Data: Survey, Research Trends and Future Challenges.« Computer Graphics Forum, 38 (1): 87-125.
Conference Proceedings
Rodrigues, L., Nyakatura, J., Zachow, S., Israel, J. H. 2022. »An Immersive Virtual Paleontology Application.« 13th International Conference on Human Haptic Sensing and Touch Enabled Computer Applications, EuroHaptics 2022. Springer, 478-481.
Ambellan, F., Zachow, S., von Tycowicz, C. 2019. »A Surface-Theoretic Approach for Statistical Shape Modeling.« Proc. Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI), Part IV. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 21-29.
Joachimsky, R., Ma, L., Icking, C., Zachow, S. 2019. »A Collision-Aware Articulated Statistical Shape Model of the Human Spine.« Proceedings of the 18th annual conference on Computer- and Robot-assisted Surgery (CURAC). 58-64.
Neumann, M., Hellwich, O., Zachow, S. 2019. »Localization and Classification of Teeth in Cone Beam CT using Convolutional Neural Networks.« Presented at the 18th annual conference on Computer- and Robot-assisted Surgery (CURAC). 182-188.
Highlighted by Best paper award.
Tack, A., Zachow, S. 2019. »Accurate Automated Volumetry of Cartilage of the Knee using Convolutional Neural Networks: Data from the Osteoarthritis Initiative.« IEEE 16th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI 2019). 40-43.
Data Publications
Grewe, M., Zachow, S. 2021. »Release of the FexMM for the Open Virtual Mirror Framework.«
Tack, A, Preim, B, Zachow, S 2021. »Data for >Fully automated Assessment of Knee Alignment from Full-Leg X-Rays employing a “YOLOv4 And Resnet Landmark regression Algorithm” (YARLA): Data from the Osteoarthritis Initiative<.« Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 205 (106080).
Bruning, J., Hildebrandt, T., Heppt, W., Schmidt, N., Lamecker, H., Szengel, A., Amiridze, N., Ramm, H., Bindernagel, M., Zachow, S., Goubergrits, L. 2020. »Data for »Characterization of the Airflow within an Average Geometry of the Healthy Human Nasal Cavity«.« v4.
Ambellan, F., Tack, A., Ehlke, M.,, Zachow, S. 2019. »Data for >Automated Segmentation of Knee Bone and Cartilage combining Statistical Shape Knowledge and Convolutional Neural Networks: Data from the Osteoarthritis Initiative<.« OAI-ZIB Dataset. Medical Image Analysis, 52 (2).
Software Publications
Siquera Rodrigues, L., Riehm, F., Zachow, S., Israel, J. H. 2023. VoxSculpt (Open-Source Repository).
Events & Workshops
Rodrigues, L.S., Israel, J. H., Nyakatura, J., Schmidt, T., Zachow, S., Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften – Gedächtnistraining in VR – Sind Deine Sinne bereit für eine Herausforderung? Zuse Institute Berlin. 17 June 2023.
Siqueira Rodrigues, L., Grewe, M., Zachow, S. Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften - Kann man in der virtuellen Welt noch seinen Sinnen trauen? Zuse Institute Berlin. 2 July 2022.
Stock, R., Dierichs, K., Bonavia, E., Zachow, S., Rodriguez, L., Le Calvé, M., Gholami, M. F., Kim, Y. Workshop »Sounding Invisible Boundaries. Experiments in Haptic Thinking«. Cluster of Excellence Matters of Activity, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Hybrid. 2 June 2021.
(Co)Supervisions of Qualification Theses
Zachow, S. 2019. Second supervisor of Mario Neumann. Localization and Classification of Teeth in Cone Beam CT using Convolutional Neural Networks. Master thesis, TU Berlin.
Zachow, S. 2018. Second supervisor of Mona Prendke. Comparison of 2D and 3D CNNs for Classification of Knee MRI. Bachelor thesis, FU Berlin.
Prizes & Competition Awards
Pimentel, P., Szengel, A., Ehlke, M., Lamecker, H., Zachow, S., Estacio, L., Doenitz, C., Ramm, H. 2021. AutoImplant 2020 - First MICCAI Challenge on Automatic Cranial Implant Design. Best Paper Award. »Automated Virtual Reconstruction of Large Skull Defects using Statistical Shape Models and Generative Adversarial Networks.« MICCAI.
Hajj, H.A., et int., Zachow, S., et al. 2020. Fraunhofer Gesellschaft zur Förderung angewandter Forschung e.V. Best paper Award. »CATARACTS: Challenge on Automatic Tool Annotation for cataRACT Surgery.«
Tack, A., Ziegler, K., Armbrecht, G., Hermann, K. G., Siegert, M., Wachsmann, A., Zachow, S. 2020. Innovation Excellence Award 2020. »Deep learning for AI-based diagnosis and treatment planning in medicine.« HPC User Forum.