Prof. Dr. Moritz Queisner
Moritz Queisner is an expert in health technologies with a focus on future applications, technology assessment, knowledge transfer, and design principles. He is Professor for Interdisciplinary Technology Transfer and Digitization in Surgery at Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin, where he leads the Digital Surgery Lab.
Moritz has an academic background in in media studies, science and technology studies and digital health. His academic work investigates the impact of contemporary media technology on medical practice, with a particular focus on extended reality, imaging technologies and 3D/4D simulation in healthcare.
You can find him also on Twitter, Academia, Google Scholar, LinkedIn, and ORCID.
Material Form Function (Cluster Professor)
Cutting (Principal Investigator)
Material Form Function (Principal Investigator)
Digital Surgery Lab, Experimentelle Chirurgie
Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Augustenburger Platz 1, 13353 Berlin
Monographs & Books
Bruhn, M., Friedrich, K., Kähny, L., Queisner, M. 2021. Adaptivität. Begriffe des digitalen Bildes. Hildesheim, München: Georg Olms Verlag, Universitätsbibliothek der LMU.
Articles in Edited Volumes
Friedrich, K., Picht, T., Queisner, M., Roethe, A. 2015. »Im Bildlabor der Neurochirurgie. Ein interdisziplinärer bildgeführter Fallbericht.« In Haare hören – Strukturen wissen – Räume agieren. Berichte aus dem Interdisziplinären Labor Bild Wissen Gestaltung, edited by Bredekamp, H., Schäffner, W. Bielefeld: transcript, 31-44.
Queisner, M., Eisenträger, K. 2024. »Surgical planning in virtual reality: a systematic review.« Journal of Medical Imaging, 11 (06)
Queisner, M., Pogorzhelskiy, M., Remde, C., Pratschke, J., Sauer, I. M. 2022. »VolumetricOR: A New Approach to Simulate Surgical Interventions in Virtual Reality for Training and Education.« Surgical Innovation, 29 (3): 406-415.
Bruhn M., Friedrich K., Queisner M. 2021. »Adaptive Images: Challenges for Visual Studies and Media Theory.« International Journal for Digital Art History, E1: 140-153.
Moosburner, S., Remde, C., Tang, P., Queisner, M., Haep, N., Pratschke, J., Sauer, I. M. 2019. »Real world usability analysis of two augmented reality headsets in visceral surgery.« Artificial Organs, 43 (7): 694-698.
Sauer, I. M., Queisner, M., Tang, P., Moosburner, S., Hoepfner, O., Horner, R., Lohmann, R., Pratschke, J. 2017. »Mixed Reality in Visceral Surgery.« Annals of Surgery, 266 (5): 706-712.
Talks & Presentations
Queisner, M. Extended Reality in der Onko-Chirurgie. Talk at the 8. Brandenburger Krebskongress, Dorint Hotel Sanssouci, Potsdam. 11 March 2023.
Queisner, M. Extended Reality Simulation für chirurgisches Training. Talk at the 140. Deutscher Chirurgie Kongress, ICM- Internationales Congress Center München. Hybrid. 18 April 2023.
Queisner, M. XR in Medicine. Talk at the Ringvorlesung Berlin XR Lab. Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin. 24 January 2023.
Queisner, M 4D Imaging – Situating Image, Action and Space. Talk at the XR_Unites, Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin. 28 June 2023.
Invited Moderation/ Comment
Queisner, M. Ist das jetzt schon das Metaverse? Halocline VR Summit. Virtual. 9 February 2023.
Events & Workshops
Nestler, A., Ott, C., Wegener, F. (organizers), with contributions by Akbal, Z., Almpani-Lekka, D., Beyer, B., Dierichs, K., Eder, M., Farmer, J., Fekonja, L., Krauthauen, K., Miodragović, N., Queisner, M., Rodrigues, L., Singer, N., Stein, C, Winkler, C. Open Space – Active Matter on Stage. Cluster of Excellence »Matters of Activity«, Berlin. Cluster of Excellence Matters of Activity, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. 8 November 2023 - 9 November 2023.