Felix Dreyer, PhD

Felix Dreyer completed his PhD at the Brain Language Laboratory of the Freie Universität Berlin in 2018 with his dissertation titled »Neuroimaging and brain lesion patient investigations on the role of neural motor systems for processing concrete and abstract semantics«.
He holds a M.Sc. in Psychology and a B.Sc. in Cognitive Science, following studies at the Universities of Leipzig, Osnabrück, Manchester (UK) and the Medical Research Council, Cognition and Brain Science Unit in Cambridge (UK).
In his research he is investigating neural correlates of linguistic processing in healthy and clinical populations, like stroke or brain tumor patients.
At »Matters of Activity« he is an Associate Investigator in the »Adaptive Digital Twin« setting within the Cutting project, working together with Thomas Picht and Lucius Fekonja from the Neurosurgery department of the Charité.
Freie Universität Berlin
Department of Philosophy and Humanities
Institute of German and Dutch Languages and Literatures
Brain Language Laboratory
Habelschwerdter Allee 45
14195 Berlin
Room: JK 31/223
Boux, I. P., Margiotoudi, K., Dreyer, F. R., Tomasello, R., Pulvermüller, F. 2022. »Cognitive features of indirect speech acts.« Language, Cognition and Neuroscience. 1-25.
Bährend, I., Muench, M. R., Schneider, H., Moshourab, R., Dreyer, F. R., Vajkoczy, P., Picht, T., Faust, K. 2021. »Incidence and linguistic quality of speech errors: a comparison of preoperative transcranial magnetic stimulation and intraoperative direct cortex stimulation.« Journal of Neurosurgery, 134 (5): 1409-1418.
Dreyer, F. R., Doppelbauer, L., Büscher, V., Arndt, V., Stahl, B., Lucchese, G., Hauk, O., Mohr, B., Pulvermüller, F. 2021. »Increased Recruitment of Domain-General Neural Networks in Language Processing Following Intensive Language-Action Therapy: fMRI Evidence From People With Chronic Aphasia.« American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 30 (1S): 455-465.
Fekonja, L. S., Wang, Z., Doppelbauer, L., Vajkoczy, P., Picht, T., Pulvermüller, F., Dreyer, F. R. 2021. »Lesion-symptom mapping of language impairments in patients suffering from left perisylvian gliomas.« Cortex, 144: 1-14.
Wang, Z., Dreyer, F., Pulvermüller, F., Ntemou, E., Vajkoczy, P., Fekonja, L., Picht, T. 2021. »Support vector machine based aphasia classification of transcranial magnetic stimulation language mapping in brain tumor patients.« NeuroImage: Clinical, 29: 102536.
Dreyer, F. R., Picht, T., Frey, D., Vajkoczy, P., Pulvermüller, F. 2020. »The functional relevance of dorsal motor systems for processing tool nouns– evidence from patients with focal lesions.« Neuropsychologia, 141: 107384.
Tomasello, R., Kim, C., Dreyer, F. R., Grisoni, L., Pulvermüller, F. 2019. »Neurophysiological evidence for rapid processing of verbal and gestural information in understanding communicative actions.« Scientific Reports, 9 (1): 16285.
Schwarzer, V., Bährend, I., Rosenstock, T., Dreyer, F., Vajkoczy, P., Picht, T. 2018. »Aphasia and cognitive impairment decrease the reliability of rnTMS language mapping.« Acta Neurochirurgica, 160 (2): 343.
Dreyer, F., Frey, D., Arana, S., Saldern, S., Picht, T., Vajkoczy, P., Pulvermüller, F. 2015. »Is the motor system necessary for processing action and abstract emotion words? Evidence from focal brain lesions.« Frontiers in Psychology, 6 (Nov)
Software Publications
Fekonja, L. S., Wang, Z., Aydogan, D. B., Roine, T., Engelhardt, M., Dreyer, F. R., Vajkoczy, P., Picht, T. 2020. Code used in article »CSD-based metric for along-tract statistical analysis in primary motor tumor patients«.