
Rethinking Raw Materials: Design, Brains and the Future
Cluster Member Emma Sicher Gives Talk at Futurium

Vanessa at work on the operating table, with her instruments plunged into her brain, seated at the binocular microscope. The giant screen shows what she is seeing, allowing the head surgeon to supervise her. Copyright: Drawing by Maxime Le Calvé, digital, 2019

Cutting in the Brain for Fun
A Newly Published Peer-Review Research Article in Graphic Anthropology on an Experimental Neurosurgical Simulation by Maxime Le Calvé

Paper Fieldwork, Copyright: Maxime Le Calvé

»Sketching Brains« at Charité Campus Benjamin Franklin
Exhibition of Drawings by Maxime Le Calvé in Steglitz

Adaptive Digital Twin. Copyright: Lucius Fekonja

The Digital Twin in Neuroscience
Interdisciplinary Cluster Research Published in Frontiers Neuroscience

Copyright: Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Kunstgewerbemuseum / Gestaltung: cyan Berlin

Knitting of Crafted Things: Digitizing Worlds in Textile Networks
More than Human Sketching 2

Non-trivial music instrument at Boch Digital Vorspiel, 2 February 2024. Copyright: Maxime Le Calvé

Absolute Relativity
Workshop and Participatory Concert
Poster with bright colours and the title of the workshop »Site-Writing Technologies of Capture«

Site-Writing Technologies of Capture. Copyright: Maxime Le Calvé

Site-Writing with Technologies of Capture
Two-Day Workshop and Installation on Mixed Reality Crafting at Kunstgewerbemuseum Berlin

Schematic illustration of constraints for making neural networks more similar to real brains: The models can be used as tools to predict and/or explain behavior and brain activity patterns. The brain area and connectivity diagram on the right has been kindly provided by Rosario Tomasello and the local circuit diagram in the middle is reprinted, with permission, from Schmidt et al. 2018.

Exploring the Brain Basis of Concepts by Using a New Type of Neural Networks
Friedemann Pulvermüller and his Team Publish Study on Causal Effects of Language on Thought
Brain Networks and Plasticity
Hugues Duffault Holds Lecture at Charité

Brainroads. Copyright: Lene Zech

Brain Roads
Exploring Neuroplasticity through Art and Science

Image of the cortical ends of the white matter of the human brain, created in the »Matters of Activity« Cluster of Excellence. Copyright: MoA/Lucius Fekonja

What is the Association Between White Brain Matter Tract Density and Patients’ Overall Survival with an Aggressive Brain Tumor (Glioblastoma)?

Copyright: Nadezhda Moryak

Virtual Reality Memory Challenge: Are Your Senses Ready?
Presentation at the Long Night of the Sciences 2023
Brain-constrained Neural Modeling Explains Fast Mapping of Words to Meaning
New Publication by Cluster Members Rosario Tomasello and Friedemann Pulvermüller

Exemplary visualization of the arcuate fasciculus. Copyright: Reisch, Böttcher, Tuncer, Schneider, Vajkoczy, Picht and Fekonja

Innovative TMS-Method for Studies of the Brain's Language Network
Results of the Study Now Published on Pubmed

Sketching brains. Copyright: Maxime Le Calvé

Sketching Brains
An Ethnographic Participant Exhibition at the Neurosurgery Department of Charité in Berlin

Tagesspiegel Special Neurology: Copyright: Tagesspiegel

What the Material Tells Us
Cutting Portrayed in Tagesspiegel Special Neurology

Distribution of the patients’ lesions. Copyright: Lucius Fekonja

How do Tumors in the Motor System Affect the Structural Connectome?
New Findings by MoA Researcher Lucius Fekonja and Colleagues Published in »Communications Biology«

Copyright: The Author(s) 2022. Published by Oxford University Press

What Role Does Speech Melody Play in the Listener's Processing of Information?
New Investigations on Speech Act Understanding by MoA Members Published in Cerebral Cortex

Kanzi, a bonobo (Pan paniscus), performing a match-to-sample task at his home Ape Initiative
in Des Moines, Iowa, USA. Print-screen from: Margiotoudi K et al., Proc. R. Soc. B, February 2022 ( [see online video materials].

Sound Symbolism in Humans
MoA Member Friedemann Pulvermüller Involved in Significant International Study

Image Podcast Optimal neuro|spine. Copyright: 2022 Optimal neuro|spine

Podcast Optimal Neuro|spine – Episode with Thomas Picht on Digital Neurosurgery
Cluster Professor Interviewed by US-American Neurosurgeon and Podcaster Max Boakye

Scaling Nature (1): Wrinkles«: Liquid Lacquer. Copyright: weißensee school of art and design berlin / Luis Magg | Bacterial cellulose curtain. Copyright: Bastian Beyer and Iva Rešetar

Mental Representations of Tactile Information
Neuroscientist Timo Torsten Schmidt about the Central Question of How Mental Representations are Realized by our Brains

Poster Online Lecture Series »Talking Matters«, Copyright: Lucius Fekonja, Bastian Beyer, Iva Rešetar, adapted by NODE Berlin

Intelligence Without a Brain – Soft Robotics
Alexander von Humboldt Professor of Robotics Oliver Brock About the Fine-Tuned Interplay Between Brain, Body, and Environment

Lesion overlay map of brain tumor patients, Copyright: Lucius Fekonja

Brain Networks and Language Function
Latest Research Results by MoA Members Published in the Renowned Journal »Cortex«

Fantastic Voyage 2021. Copyright: Congress of Neurological Surgeons 2021

Why We Need to Rethink Cutting in Neurosurgery
Article by Members of the MoA »Cutting« Project Published in Journal »Neurosurgery«
Towards a Material Basis for Symbols
Cluster Members and Researchers at University of Plymouth Use Novel Network Models for Understanding the Human Ability to Manipulate Symbols and Language

Poster Online Lecture Series »Talking Matters«, Copyright: Lucius Fekonja, Bastian Beyer, Iva Rešetar, adapted by NODE Berlin

Talking Matters
Online Lecture Series of the Cluster of Excellence »Matters of Activity«
»Bilder als Denkformen«
Horst Bredekamp Discusses the Provocation of Thinking »Image Forms« with Neuroscientist David Poeppel
Material Constraints Enabling Human Cognition »MatCo«
New Research Project at Freie Universität Berlin led by Cluster Member Friedemann Pulvermüller

Connectome construction of a patient with a tumor in the speech-eloquent area of the brain.
The connection strengths of the white matter are shown as edges with a heat map (dark = weak connection, light = strong connection). The cortical areas of the brain and their size are illustrated as nodes in the form of spheres. Additionally, three orange TMS points are shown (TMS = Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation). In this case, the patient’s speech network could be non-invasively disturbed in these areas and mapped accordingly.

The visualization of the white matter is based on tractography. The different directions of the white matter can be measured and displayed by means of diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging. Copyright: Lucius Fekonja & Image Guidance Lab, Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin

New Funding Within Priority Program »Computational Connectomics« for Team of Charité Berlin and Members of »Cutting«
Creation of Personalized Models of the Brain of Tumor Patients
Funding by European Research Council
Cluster Member Prof. Dr. Dr. Pulvermüller Received Funding for the Project »Material Constraints Enabling Human Cognition«

Connectome. Rendering of a group connectome based on 20 subjects. Anatomical fibers that constitute the white matter architecture of the human brain are visualized color-coded by traversing direction (xyz-directions mapping to rgb colors respectively). Visualization of fibers was done using TrackVis software ( Data established in a scientific publication that can be found here: Andreas  Horn, 2015. This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license.

Brain Roads
Exploring the White Matter of the Human Brain
How Knowledge Influences Our Perception – Insights from the Neurosciences
Lecture Series »Nature of Deception – Art of Illusion«
Adaptive Digital Twin
Sensing Knife

Mapping of shear wave speed as surrogate of stiffness in abdominal organs based on tomoelastography compared with conventional imaging such as T2-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and T1-weighted MRI and computed tomography. Copyright: Ingolf Sack


Investigation of Brain’s Structure-Function Relationship in Glioma Patients using MRE

From Brain Matter to Cognitive Function. Copyright: Rosario Tomasello

Material Basis of Symbols
Brain Roads

The Speculative Realities Lab. Copyright: Maxime Le Calvé

The Speculative Realities Lab

Dissect event, Tieranatomisches Theater, 02.11.22, Cluster of Excellence »Matters of Activity« | Joffrey Becker, Maaike Bleeker, Samuel Bianchini, Horst Bredekamp, Johann Habakuk Israel, Thomas Picht, Margrit Shildrick, Patricia Ribault. Copyright: Samuel Bianchini

Behavioral Matter