Computational Design

Copyright: TUM, Institute for Advanced Studies

Agentive Matter(s)
Karola Dierichs Contributes to Workshop at TU München

Syntopia 1—Soma I Body, Minimal Machines by Matters of Activity. Copyright: Sebastián Plaza Kutzbach

Call for Papers: Minimal Machines
Cultures of Mixed Reality for Architectural and Construction Robotics

Syntopia 1:Soma I Body. Roland Halbe

Cultures of Creation. »The Intelligence of Art« in Computational Design
Cluster Professor Karola Dierichs Holds Lecture at IntCDC on November 13

ICD Aggregate Pavilion 2018. Copyright: Institute for Computational Design and Construction (ICD), University of Stuttgart

Designed Granular Materials
Karola Dierichs Talks at International Workshop

Poster Online Lecture Series »Talking Matters«, Copyright: Cécile Bidan and Salif Sawadogo, adapted by NODE Berlin

Computational Material Culture in Architecture
Lecture Series Continues with a Talk by Achim Menges

Copyright: Anders Ingvartsen

Multiple Equilibria
MoA Colloquium with Julian Lienhard

Material Geometry — Intersecting Cones I. Copyright: Karola Dierichs and Katharina Lindenberg; Institute for Computational Design and Construction, University of Stuttgart; Städelschule Architecture Class; 2013

Methods of Computational Design in the Context of Materialization
MoA Colloquia Continue with Prof. Katharina Lindenberg
Christopher Salter takes over Professorship »Immersive Arts« in Zurich
Cluster Member Salter Welcomed as New Professor and Director of the Immersive Arts Space of the Zurich University of the Arts on May 1st, 2022

BUGA Fibre Pavilion 2019, ICD/ITKE, University of Stuttgart, Copyright: Roland Halbe

Integrative Computational Design for Architecture
Kick-Off Event of the new MoA Colloquia at weißensee school of art and design

Poster Online Lecture Series »Talking Matters«, Copyright: Lucius Fekonja, Bastian Beyer, Iva Rešetar, adapted by NODE Berlin

Talking Matters
Online Lecture Series of the Cluster of Excellence »Matters of Activity«

Poster Online Lecture Series »Talking Matters«, Copyright: Cécile Bidan and Salif Sawadogo, adapted by NODE Berlin

Human-in-the-Loop – How Human-Machine Collaboration could Shape the Future of Digital Design and Fabrication

Situated Digital Agencies. Copyright: Maxie Schneider

Situated Digital Agencies
Seminar Series between MoA's Doctoral Program and the Department of Digital and Experimental Design at UdK Berlin
New Materialist Informatics Conference »Computing and Worldmaking«
Cluster Member Frank Bauer is Giving a Workshop, Hosted at the University of Kassel

»Syntopia 0—Anthropos I Human«, Karola Dierichs, 2024. Photo: Roland Halbe

Syntopia 0—Anthropos Human

Syntopia 1—Soma I Body © Roland Halbe

»Syntopia 1—Soma I Body«