
ZNE! Exhibition: Folke Köbberling, Wollhaus & Natalija Miodragović, Structural Textiles. Copyright: Natalie Brehmer

WOLLBAU. Wolle – eine unterschätzte Ressource
Neue Publikation mit Beitrag von Natalija Miodragović

Visit Bauhaus Earth, 15 July 2024. Copyright: Matters of Activity

Mutual Exchange of Bauhaus Earth and Research Group Architectural Yarns

Bark by Johanna Hehemeyer-Cürten and Willow Plektonik by »Structural Textile Project« of Natalija Miodragović, Nelli Singer and Daniel Suárez. Copyright: Johanna Hehemeyer-Cürten

An Exploration of Bark, Willow and Wool
Conversation on Local Biomaterials as Design Innovators between Natalija Miodragović, Dr. Michaela Eder and Johanna Hehemeyer-Cürten

Copyright: Mina Mahouti

Talking Wool – Wool in Exchange
Activating Circular Networks Event Series Will Kick Off on 1 June at Uferhallen Wedding

The raw materials sheep’s wool and clay are processed into protective walls against noise and exhaust fumes for Tempelhofer Feld. Copyright: Folke Köbberling

Productionline Sheep Wool in Exchange with Mushroom and Hemp
Workshop on Insulation Materials from Raw Wool With Folke Köbberling, Natalija Miodragovic, Stella Maxeiner und Andrija Mihailovic

Keyvisual Exhibition »Zur Nachahmung empfohlen«, Berlin, Uferhallen Wedding May to June 2023. Copyright: Jennifer Allora​ ​u​n​d​ ​Guillermo Calzadilla, from »U​n​d​e​r​ Discussion«, 2​0​0​4​/2​0​0​5​, c​o​u​r​t​e​s​y​ ​t​h​e​ ​a​r​t​i​s​t​s, adapted by ​a​n​s​c​h​l​a​e​g​e​.​d​e​

Examples to Follow!
Cluster Members Contribute to Exhibition in Uferhallen Wedding

Copyright: Mina Mahouti

Activating Circular Networks
New Cluster Event Series Critically Explores Material Sustainability Concepts

Open Space Event, 9 November 2023. Copyright: Matters of Activity

MoA's Showroom and Workspace | Currently on Winter Break