Stretching Materialities

Article Stretching Materialities

Adopting the Perspective of Things
Open Access Peer-Reviewed Article Published on the »Stretching Materialities« Exhibition's Process

CollActive Materials’ Workshop »Open Lab Abend: Wachsende Architektur – Co-Design mit Pilzen« im Futurium Lab, 13. Juni 2024. Copyright: Matters of Activity 

Holitopia 2024
Several MoA Members Contribute to the Festival on Future Design

Exhibition »Materiales en Expansión«, Buenos Aires, March 2023. Structural Textile Project: Miodragović, Suarez, Singer, Object Space Agency; Complex Web Structures by Daniela Castillo. Copyright: Christian Stein

Stretching Materialities | Materiales en Expansión
Exhibition Opened at Universidad de Buenos Aires | Exposición Inaugurada en la Universidad de Buenos Aires

Poster OSA Talks. Links: Ester Fleckner: Woodbeds, brimming (more), 2020, Holzschnitt, Bleistift auf Papier, 143,0 x 109,0 cm, Kupferstichkabinett, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin. Copyright: Courtesy of the Artist und Galerie Barbara Wien, Berlin; Foto: Nick Ash | Rechts: bbildung 12a: »L’auteur«, Abb. II, Frontispiz. Gaston Bachelard und Albert Flocon, Châteaux en Espagne, Paris: Cercle Grolier, Lesamis du livre moderne 1957, hier Exemplar No. 72 (gedruckt für M. Henri Jaudon, auf Rives; gesamte Auflage 200), (S. 8, 19,5 x 14). Copyright: Marlene Militz

Stretching...Curation and ...Theory
New OSA Event Series Kicks Off on 6 and 7 March 2023

Poster Stretching Senses School Festival. Image »Subterenaen Matters« Baris Pekcagliyan, Warja Rybakova, Nayeli Vega, Paulina Greta, adapted by NODE Berlin. Copyright: Matters of Activity


stretching senses school festival
VR Worldings for Planetary Emergency at Tieranatomisches Theater

Foto: Lena Dues. Design: NODE Berlin Oslo

About Microbes, Stones and Orbits – Thoughts on Haptic Knowledge, Circulating Narratives, and Transitions Between the Organic and the Inorganic
Performance, Conversation, Lecture in the Exhibition »Stretching Materialities«

Anne Duk Hee Jordan, »Making Kin 3.0«, 2021, KIOSK, Ghent, Belgium. Site specific Installation, with works included »Atmospheres of Breathing«, 2020-2021, »Singing Saw«, 2018, »I am so ashamed«, 2020, »Staying with the trouble«, 2019. Curated by Simon Delobel. Photo: Paulius Sliaupa

About Clouds, Robots and the Sea – Thoughts on the Aesthetics of Metabolic Formations, Biodiversity and New Ecologies in Art and Design
Lecture and Artist Talk Now Online

3D printed prototypes by B. Pekcagliyan, W. Rybakova, N. Vega, & P. Greta for »Subterranean Matters« Project, in »Stretching Senses School«, Matters of Activity.

How Can Dynamic Immersive Experiences Serve for Research and Educational Matters?
New Publications present Findings of Stretching Senses School at TA T Berlin

Anna Kubelík, The Well-Tempered Hygrometer III, Object Lab of Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Copyright: Matters of Activity.

The Well-Tempered Hygrometer
Sound Performances Accompanying the Exhibition »Stretching Materialities«

MoA Exhibition »Stretching Materialities«. Copyright: Offshore Design

Exhibition »Stretching Materialities«
Hidden Activities in Objects and Spaces at Tieranatomisches Theater

Banner Lab Tour »Stretching Materialities«. Copyright: Offshore Design

Lab Tour »Stretching Materialities«
Getting a Glimpse of the Exhibition

Enveloping atmospheres - experiment with structural textiles (knitted willow column). Copyright: Matters of Activity, Clemens Winkler, Natalija Miodragović. Photo Credit: Michelle Mantel

Stretching Practices
Clemens Winkler

The undesigned consequences – the rise in acidic Polar stratospheric clouds (PSCs). Copyright: Natalija Miodragović

Re-thinking Human Scale

Entering Nutritious Clouds at Phlegraean Fields, 2017. Seminar »Terranautic Instruments« with Roman Kirschner. Copyright: Clemens Winkler/ Roman Kirschner

Metabolic Formations
Material Epistemology

A young XR enthusiast in the museum – using a VR headset modification with gesture recognition and stereo camera. Copyright: Christian Stein

Immersive Museum Space

Virtual Material Definition in a game engine – defined by characteristics, not structure. Copyright: Christian Stein

Virtual Materials

Open Space Event, 9 November 2023. Copyright: Matters of Activity

MoA's Showroom and Workspace