Metabolic Formations
The exhibition space can also be understood as a space for processes metabolizing substances and forms. As a blob-like organism, a relational concept of activity and space makes it necessary to experimentally experience not only human and object-related perspectives, but also their energetic and material permeations. Hereby, it is more likely to link environments known to metabolisms from a human-scale perspective, such as volcanic grounds, to the exhibition space. Metabolic formations such as sediments or traces are in constant intentional and unintentional interaction with techniques and at the same time determine the energetic and material modes of the exhibition space. How can we make these modes more tangible for critical futures acting as systems designers?
With guests in transdisciplinary exchange, the exhibition space becomes an open environment for »explorative experiments«, as it is known in the Natural Sciences, in which sensory and theoretical concepts are tested and established by means of circulating materials and metabolic formations.