Material Legacies

Edward Burtinsky, Iberia Quarries #2, Marmorose EFA Co., Bencatel, Portugal, 2006

Before the Object. Material Histories, Infrastructures and Ecologies
Workshop Organized by Cluster Member Kaja Ninnis Together with Ursula Ströbele

Still from Film »Fordland Malaise«. Copyright: Susana de Sousa Dias

Fordlandia Malaise
Film and Discussion with Cluster Professor Robert Stock and Film Director Susana de Sousa Dias

Round Table »On Fibres amd Mixtures«. Foto: Michelle Mantel. Design: studioeins, adapted by »Matters of Activity«

Round Table »On Fibers and Mixtures«
At Kunstgewerbemuseum on 23 February

Design: studioeins, adapted by MoA. Photo: Michelle Mantel

FIBROUS EXCHANGE/ fibrous practices - practicing fibers
Transdisciplinary Hands-On Workshop at Kunstgewerbemuseum on February 18

Round Table »Poetics and Politics of Sand«. Design: studioeins, adapted by Matters of Activity

Round Table »Politics and Poetics of Sand«
On 9 February at Kunstgewerbemuseum

Round Table »Rinde: Gestaltung mit Resten«. Design: studioeins, adapted by Matters of Activity

Round Table »Rinde: Gestaltung mit Resten«
On January 26 at Kunstgewerbemuseum

Roundtable »Vascularization«. Design: studioeins, adapted by MoA

Round Table »On the Fabrication of Organs: Vascular Structures, Medical Needs and Critical Speculations«
On 12 January 2023 at Kunstgewerbemuseum

Round Table »Tesselated Material Systems«. Design: studioeins, adapted by Matters of Activity

Round Table »Tessellated Material Systems«
On December 8 at Kunstgewerbemuseum

Self-Shaping Textiles. Design: studioeins

Round Table »Self-Shaping Textiles at the Intersection of Fashion, Architecture and Technology«
On 24 November at Kunstgewerbemuseum

Poster: Scoring Perspectives for Speculative Ethnography

Scoring Perspectives for Speculative Ethnography
Workshops and Interactive Performance with Dorte Bjerre Jensen

Poster Material Legacies. Image: Dietrich Polenz and the Experimental Surgery Lab, 2020

Design Lab #13: Material Legacies
Exhibition at Kunstgewerbemuseum

Schematic drawing of a part of a warping board. Source: Joachim Jungius, »Texturæ Contemplatio«, fol. 55r; in: Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Bibliothek – Niedersächsische Landesbibliothek, Martin Fogel collection of Zettelkasten, folder: Ms XLII, 1923: delta 28 © Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Bibliothek - Niedersächsische Landesbibliothek; Public Domain.

Weaving and Mathematics: An Impossible Interlacing?

Open Space Event, 9 November 2023. Copyright: Matters of Activity

MoA's Showroom and Workspace | Currently on Winter Break

Film still »Assembling the Coast«

Assembling the Coast