
Topo Lock, Boyoung Chung, weissensee school of art and design

Scaling Nature (4) – Tiles and Tissues
Final Review and Presentation of MoA Design Research Studio

Hyomandibula - Tesserae shapes and their growth. Image: Mason Dean

Growth of a Tesselation
Team Led by MoA Researchers Mason Dean and Peter Fratzl Present New Findings
Tessellated Skins and Shells
Felix Rasehorn gives a MoA Talk at weißensee school of art and design
La Liga de la Ciencia
Heidi Jalkh Presents her Research in Argentinian TV

Round Table »Tesselated Material Systems«. Design: studioeins, adapted by Matters of Activity

Round Table »Tessellated Material Systems«
On December 8 at Kunstgewerbemuseum

Poster Material Legacies. Image: Dietrich Polenz and the Experimental Surgery Lab, 2020

Design Lab #13: Material Legacies
Exhibition at Kunstgewerbemuseum

Collection Overview - Tessellation Archive. Copyright: Felix Rasehorn

Launch of the Tessellation Archive
An Online Collection of Tiled Tissues and Architectures from Across the Natural World

Designing Matter 2. Copyright: Clara Poeverlein / weißensee school of art and design berlin

Designing Matter 2: From Tile to Tessellation
Final Review of the MoA Design Research Studio

Copyright: Leila Wallisser / weißensee school of art and design berlin

Designing Matter 2
From Tile to Tesselation

Magic Circle Symposium weissensee school of art and design berlin, »Erosive Modeling«. Copyright: Kristin Dolz.

Magic Circle
Symposium for Interdisciplinary Exchange on 25 February 2021