»Kein Zurück zur Natur«
Cluster Member Martin Müller Writes a Critique of Geoengineering and Neoromantic Ecology in Times of Escalating Climate Crisis
The year 2022 was the year of »climate extremes«, concludes the report of the European Climate Observatory. The concentration of CO2 and methane in the earth's atmosphere is the highest it has been for millennia. Mitigation measures such as emissions reduction or reforestation remain disappointingly ineffective. It seems almost impossible to keep the global temperature rise below the critical two-degree mark. The habitability of the earth is at stake.
It is time for an ideological critique of today's predominant imperatives of climate rescue: neo-romantic ecology on the one hand and geoengineering on the other. Both approaches want to return to a nature that does not exist anymore – and perhaps never did. A critical comment by Martin Müller in the FAZ.
The full article in German can be read here: https://www.faz.net/aktuell/karriere-hochschule/kritik-der-klimarettung-kein-zurueck-zur-natur-18641935.html