Kulturtechniken der Mobilität – Material Cultures of Mobility
Exploratory Workshop
Kulturtechniken der Mobilität – Material Cultures of Mobility aims to foster research into the historical interplay between mobility, cultural techniques, and material culture. By examining how cultural techniques, technologies, and objects have historically facilitated movement and shaped travel, we seek to develop new research questions that can lead to future grant applications. Through interdisciplinary collaboration, participants will explore themes such as the evolution of travel technologies, the socio-economic impacts and material manifestations of mobility.
The workshop is organized by Cluster members Alwin Cubasch and Christian Kassung. If you are interested in participating, please register with Alwin Cubasch at alwin.cubasch@hu-berlin.de.
- Get Together & Introduction
- Louisa Niesen (EUI Florenz): Female Travel around 1900 – Perspectives on Material Travel Cultures
- Discussion
- Thomas N. Kirstein (TU Berlin): Comfort as Material Practice and Travel Technology in the 19th and 20th Century
- Discussion
12:30–13:00: Lunch Break
- Alwin J. Cubasch (HU – Matters of Activity): Raymond Loewy & NASA: Creating Knowledge and Habitability in Space
- Discussion
- Christian Kassung (HU Berlin): Cultural Techniques of Travel – What Can Cultural Science Say About Historic Mobilities?
- Discussion
14:00–14:30: Coffee Break
- Final Discussion and Future Developments
Cluster of Excellence, Room 2.20
Sophienstraße 22a
10178 Berlin