MidJourney generated AI images for the prompts »architectured material across scales«, »topological interlocking«, »elastic instabilities« by Charlett Wenig | Poster Design: Node Berlin Oslo

13 December 2023
14 December 2023

MidJourney generated AI image for the prompts »architectured material across scales«, »topological interlocking«, »elastic instabilities« by Charlett Wenig

Multiscale architectures. Left: the wooden tower of Lake Mjøsa, Norway Reproduced with permission from [1]. Copyright: Voll Arkitekter AS & Ricardo Foto. Right: the internal structure of wood based on parallel tube-like wood cells with diameters in the range of tens of microns (shown for several wood species from top to bottom). The white arrow points to a sketch where nanometer-thick cellulose fibrils are indicated by black lines [2] John Wiley & Sons. Copyright: 2020 The Authors. Published by Wiley-VCH GmbH