Architectured Materials Across Scales
Registration is Closed
The workshop will bring together scientists, engineers, architects and designers. The goal is to discuss the role of structure in (re-)defining active and adaptive material properties from the nanoscale to the dimensions of a building. The workshop will include renowned international speakers, as well as researchers from the Max Planck Institute in Potsdam, the Cluster of Excellence »Matters of Actvity« as well as the weissensee school of art and design berlin.
Yuri Estrin (Monash University)
Peter Fratzl (Max Planck Institute for Colloids and Interfaces)
Christiane Sauer (weißensee school of art and design berlin)
Peter Fratzl (MPICI Potsdam)
Architectured Materials – An Introduction
Peter Fratzl (MPICI) & Yuri Estrin (Monash, Melbourne)
Discussion led by John Dunlop (University of Salzburg)
Designing Material - Towards a New Fabric for Building
Christiane Sauer (KH Berlin)
Discussion led by Peter Fratzl (MPICI Potsdam)
Flash Talks
moderated by Charlett Wenig
Justina Monceviciute
Piotr Gradziński
José D. Cojal González
Giulia Pelliccia
Andrea Rossi
Binru Yang
Poster & Object Viewing
Organized by Charlett Wenig (MPICI Potsdam)
From Theory to Practice: Geometric Research and Sustainable Materials in a Global Architectural Context
Elena Shilova (Grimshaw, London)
Discussion led by Maxie Schneider (KH Berlin & MPICI Potsdam)
Effects of Non-Symmetry on the Mechanical Behavior of Topologically Interlocked Material Systems
Thomas Siegmund (Purdue University, Indiana)
Discussion led by Shahrouz Amini (MPICI Potsdam)
Architected Materials for Shape Change
Benoit Roman (ESPCI Paris)
Discussion led by Richard Weinkamer (MPICI Potsdam)
Flash Talks
moderated by Nikolai Rosenthal
Pelin Asa
Lukas Rambold
Flora Schliekmann
Charlett Wenig
Anastasiia Slavina
Tingting Zhu
Poster & Object Viewing
The Physics and Dynamics of Synthetic and Natural Active Solid Sheets
Eran Sharon (HUJI Israel)
Discussion led by Lucy Norris (weißensee school of art and design berlin)
Strut-Based Architectured Materials
Roman Kulagin (KIT Karlsruhe)
Discussion led by Lorenzo Guiducci (TU Dresden)
Architectural Composites as Architectured Matter
Arielle Blonder (HUJI, Israel)
Discussion led by Cécile Bidan (MPICI Potsdam)
Multi-Scalar Clay Renforcement - Digital Reinterpretation of Vernacular Wattle and Daub Structures
Moritz Dörstelmann (KIT Karlsruhe)
Discussion led by Iva Rešetar
Cultures of Creation: »The Intelligence of Art« in Materials Design
Karola Dierichs (MPICI Potsdam, KH Berlin)
Discussion led by Michaela Eder (MPICI Potsdam)
General Discussion
Final Remarks
Coffee & Farewell
Registration closed
Registration is already closed as all places are fully booked.
Multiscale architectures. Left: the wooden tower of Lake Mjøsa, Norway Reproduced with permission from [1]. Copyright: Voll Arkitekter AS & Ricardo Foto. Right: the internal structure of wood based on parallel tube-like wood cells with diameters in the range of tens of microns (shown for several wood species from top to bottom). The white arrow points to a sketch where nanometer-thick cellulose fibrils are indicated by black lines [2] John Wiley & Sons. Copyright: 2020 The Authors. Published by Wiley-VCH GmbH
Tagungsstätte der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft
Ihnestr. 16-20
14195 Berlin