
Poster »The Interdisciplinary World of Tangling«. Copyright: Myfwany Evans

The Interdisciplinary World of Tangling
Conference Organized by Cluster Members Myfanwy Evans and Rhoslyn Coles

The Pergola at Rundgang Weißensee School of Art and Design Berlin. Copyright: Maxie Schneider/ Matters of Activity

FriBriX @ Structural Paper Workshop
MoA Members Maxie Schneider, Jojo Shone and Lorenzo Guiducci Contributed to Bauwende Festival 2022

Building Tangled Structures through Experimental Geometry and Topology. Copyright: Myfanwy Evans, Institute for Mathematics, University of Potsdam

Myfanwy Evans: Building Tangled Structures through Experimental Geometry and Topology
A Zoom Lecture on 20 October 2020, 5.00 pm

Poster »Past and Present in Mathematical Weaving«. Copyright: Matters of Activity

Past and Present in Mathematical Weaving
Zoom Conference on 25 September 2020

Willow installation of the »Structural Textile Project« by Natalija Miodragović, Nelli Singer and Daniel Suárez at the exhibition »Stretching Materialities«. Copyright: Matters of Activity

Plektonik: Structural Textiles