Find Your Science Communication Style
A Workshop Series for MoA PhDs and Postdocs
As science communication becomes an increasingly important part of any researcher’s life, it is essential - especially for PhDs and Postdocs - to find a science communication style that engages your audience(s) in a meaningful way while also providing enjoyment and mental energy for your own research. In this mini workshop series, we provide you with the basic knowledge and confidence to craft a science communication style that suits your research topic(s) and individual preferences. In the first workshop, we will take a look at different science communication models, while the second workshop aims to help you choose your preferred individual communication style. Additionally a media presence training will be offered as a third activity.
All workshops are designed as a combination of input, interactive elements, and peer-to-peer consulting and are suited for any level of experience, whether you are new to science communication or looking to enhance your skills.
Workshop #1, 18.4., 9-11 am
From Informing to Co-Creating: Chose the Communication Model that fits best
In this first workshop, we will discuss the three basic communication models in science communication and help you choose which approach fits best to your research and engagement aims. Furthermore, we will explore the benefits of science communication for early career researchers, as well as common obstacles and ways to overcome them.
Workshop #2, 9.05., 9-11 am
From Writing to Interactive Experiences: Find your Personal Science Communication Style
In this second workshop, we will explore different individual science communication styles and help you choose the style that is most meaningful and enjoyable to you. Furthermore, we will discuss the basic building blocks for effective science communication and ways to adapt your message(s) to diverse audiences.
Additional offer #3, Media Training, 20.06, 9-12 am
Into the Spotlight: How Researchers become Successful Speakers
In the third workshop, we will look at the techniques you can use to prepare yourself and your research topics optimally for situations in front of the camera - be it for self-produced small statement videos, for interviews, but also for presentations in front of larger audiences. Among other things, storytelling and body language will play a role, and individual questions and concrete challenges will be addressed, if desired also in 1:1 coaching sessions.
The workshop series will be held by Dr. Kristin Werner, Antje Nestler, Carolin Ott and Franziska Wegener.
It is also possible to participate in single events of the series.
Please register at: moa.public.relations [at]
Central Laboratory
Sophienstraße 22a
10178 Berlin