Materializing Futurity
This research strand takes up the ambiguous role of materials in future-making practices. Different materials, such as sand and water, as well as whole ecosystems are the objects and interfaces of a range of technologies and infrastructural interventions enabling and foreclosing potential futures. And yet, these materials and ecosystems often stubbornly evade the efforts of technical experts to tame their unruly behaviour. Instead, their inherent activity allows us to delineate new alliances, forms of resistance and participation. Highlighting frictions between matter’s activity and attempts to control it alerts us to the material politics of envisioning and enacting common but contested futures.
In two sub-projects, Granular Configurations (2021- 2023) and Blasted Landscapes (2023-2025), we explore artistic-scientific methods to trace, map, and challenge different pratices and technologies of engaging with, intervening in, and recofiguring of environments and materials in transformation.
