Dr. Mareike Stoll
Mareike Stoll holds a PhD from Princeton University (USA) and completed her dissertation on the photobook of the Weimar period in 2015. Her dissertation, »Schools for Seeing: German Photobooks between 1924 and 1937 as Perception Primers and Sites of Knowledge,« was awarded the DGPh Fellowship on the History of the German Language Photobook in 2015.
Between 1999 and 2005, she studied (in Berlin at HU and FU, as well as in Turku/Åbo, Finland) Comparative Literature and Art History at Magister (masters) level. After that, she gained valuable insights into the world of photography and the art market as a gallery assistant at Galerie Kicken Berlin.
Her first book was published in 2018 by Walther König as ABC der Photographie. Photobooks of the Weimar Republic. She is currently working on a second book on contemporary picture books (children's picturebooks and photobooks) and how our reading-seeing leaves material traces in the book and how it also conversely affects our hands, our actions, and our being-in-the-world. In various essays she has dealt with picture-reading and visual literacy in a broader sense.
Together with Christiane Sauer, Ebba Fransen Waldhör and Maxie Schneider, Dr. Stoll is the editor of Architectures of Weaving. From Fibers and Yarns to Scaffolds and Skins (Jovis, Berlin 2022). For more than 12 years, Dr. Stoll has also taught at various universities, colleges and art schools in the USA and in Berlin. At weißensee school of art and design berlin she is involved in teaching at MoA Design Research Studios, co-supervising of students in Textile and Surface Design, as well as in facilitating the exchange of inter- and transdisciplinary research.
Material Form Function (Research Associate)
Object Space Agency (Research Associate)
weissensee school of art and design berlin
Bühringstraße 20
13086 Berlin
Monographs & Books
Stoll, M. 2018. ABC der Photographie. Photobücher der Weimarer Republik als Schulen des Sehens. Cologne: Walther König.
Edited Volumes & Exhibition Catalogues
Sauer, C., Stoll, M., Fransén Waldhör, E., Schneider, M. eds. 2023. Architectures of Weaving. From Fibers and Yarns to Scaffolds and Skins. Berlin: Jovis.
Articles in Edited Volumes
Stoll, M. 2024. »The In-Between as a Place of Poiësis: Photography of Ambivalence in a Photobook.« In Towards a New Culture of the Material, edited by Bauer, F., Kim, Y., Marienbeg, S., Schäffner, W. Berlin: DeGryuter, forthcoming.
Sauer, C., Stoll, M. 2023. »Preface.« In Architectures of Weaving. From Fibers and Yarns to Scaffolds and Skins, edited by Sauer, C., Stoll, M., Fransén Waldhör, E., Schneider, M. Berlin: Jovis, 11-20.
Stoll, M., Wiesener, H. 2023. »Forschen zwischen den Stühlen. Ein Gespräch über künstlerische und gestalterische Forschungspraktiken im Kontext der weißensee kunsthochschule berlin und dem Exzellenz-Cluster ›Matters of Activity‹.« In Blurred Territories: Kunst / Gestaltung / Forschung. Einblicke in die weißensee kunsthochschule berlin, edited by Awad, J., Madej, M., Rau, S., Uthe, H. Berlin: form+zweck Verlag, p. 34-44.
Le Calvé, M., Stoll, M. 2021. »Between Night and Day: Immersive Explorations within a Slide Archive.« In Extended Reality – Code and Materiality in Art and Culture: Catalog, Berlin: HTW/HU Berlin, 46-51.
Stoll, M. 2020. »›Mehr als ein Bildbuch: ein Übungsatlas.‹ Die Großstadt im Fotobuch der Weimarer Republik.« In Urbane Kulturen und Räume intermedial. Zur Lesbarkeit der Stadt in interdisziplinärer Perspektive. urban studies, edited by Öhlschläger, C. Bielefeld: Transcript, 135-161.
Stoll, M. 2023. »What are you going through? Practices of Care, Emotional Literacy and Visual Literacy in Jöns Mellgren’s »Sigrid och natten« (2013).« In Moderskap och modrande / Motherhood and Mothering, special issue. Barnboken. tidskrift för barnlitteraturforskning / Barnboken. Journal of Children's Literature Research, 46: 1-20.
Stoll, M. 2022. »Don't Judge a Book by Its Cover: Aenne Biermann's 60 Photos.« In Rare, Bound, Cheap, Inserted: The Evolution of Photobooks, special issue. AM Journal of Art and Media Studies, 28: 1-14.
Stoll, M. 2022. »Macht der Bilder.« Komma. Magazin der Fakultät für Gestaltung Hochschule Mannheim, 26: 6-14.
Stoll, M. 2017. »'Sie hatte den Mantel ja zu mehr brauchen wollen als zum Wohnen darin: er war bestimmt gewesen als haltbares Gehäuse für die Reise.' Behalten und Behältnis in den Jahrestagen.« Herausgegeben von Holger Helbig, Bernd Auerochs, Katja Leuchtenberger und Ulrich Fries im Auftrag der Uwe Johnson-Gesellschaft. Johnson-Jahrbuch, 24 (2017): 181-203.
Reviews of Books & Exhibitions
Stoll, M. 2023. Review of the Photobook and Exhibition »Rausch, Annette: C50.9 G«. Exhibition at Atelier für Photographie, Berlin. Photonews, 10 28.
Stoll, M. (author & photographer) 2024. LOIS DODD Light. Color. Time. Berlin: Weißensee Kunsthochschule Berlin (self-published).
Stoll, M., Wiesener, H. 2022. Eine neue Kultur des Materials. Hanna Wiesener und Mareike Stoll stellen den Exzellenz-Cluster "Matters of Activity" vor. See you - Magazin der Kunsthochschule Weißensee, Nachhaltigkeit edited by Breuning, V. Berlin: weißensee kunsthochschule berlin.
Research Objects
Le Calvé, M. (curation & research), Stoll, M. (curation & research), Zamplara, D. (3D artist, designer), Delle, A. (project assistance) 2021. »Between Day & Night: Immersive Slideshow.« Presented at the exhibition »Extended Reality. Code and Materiality in Art and Culture«, 03.09.-30.09.2021.
Talks & Presentations
Sauer, C. (organizer), Stoll, M. (organizer), Schneider, M. (organizer), Fransén Waldhör, E. (moderator), Fratzl, P. (panelist), Guiducci, L. (panelist), Hengge, R. (panelist), Illing-Günther, H. (panelist), Krauthausen, K. (panelist) Book Launch of "Architectures of Weaving". Transdisciplinary Roundtable Discussion with Editors and Contributors of the Multidisciplinary Anthology "Architectures of Weaving", Architecture Gallery Aedes / Aedes Metropolitan Laboratory, Berlin. 25 January 2023.
Maximova, E., Prammer, A., Steidl, K., Stoll, M., and Hockenjos, V. (organizer, moderator). Photobücher als Schulen des Sehens: »visual literacy« am Beispiel Aenne Biermanns. Talk at the FotoWien (Festival), Beyond the Margins: zu Fotobücher von Frauen. Vienna. 26 March 2022.
Stoll, M. »Connective Tissue and Friction in Photobooks: Constellations of Epistemological Exchange«. Talk at the Re-thinking Photobooks: Media-Constellations in Media-Constellations, Intermedial/In-Between Identities. Universität Marburg. 14 October 2022.
Bonavia, E., Mballa-Ekobena, A., Farmer, J., Douny, L., Rosenthal, N., Stoll, M., Wenig, C., Dierichs, K. Augmented Spinning: Haptic Construction of a Filament-based Architectural Material System. Talk at the 25th Annual DRHA Conference »Digital Matters: Designing/Performing Agency for the Anthropocene«, Scene, Atmosphere & Architecture. Heilig-Geist-Kapelle, Berlin. Organized by the Cluster of Excellence »Matters of Activity. Image Space Material«, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, in cooperation with the Cluster of Excellence EXC 2020 »Temporal Communities: Doing Literature in a Global Perspective«, Freie Universität Berlin, and the practice-based research project »Viral Theatres«. Hybrid. 5 September 2021.
Stoll, M. The Productive Power of the In-Between: Picture Books, Space & Agency. Talk at the 2nd Annual Conference »Tipping Points. Plastic, Contingent and Unstable Matters«, Indeterminacy & Liveliness. Cluster of Excellence »Matters of Activity«, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Hybrid. 16 November 2021.
Sauer, C., Stoll, M., Beyer, B. Responsive Fibres. Talk at the Colloquium »Experimental Yarns«, From Fiber to Yarn: A Discussion Between Textile, Biology and Design. weißensee school of art and design berlin. Virtual. 16 October 2020.
Invited Moderation/ Comment
Stoll, M. (moderator), Rausch, A. (artist), Zellerhoff, M. (publisher) Ein Gespräch über das Photobuch "C50.9 G" mit Annette Rausch, Martin Zellerhoff und Dr. Mareike Stoll. Exhibition "C50.9 G" by photographer Annette Rausch (about breast cancer), Atelier für Fotografie, Berlin / Prenzlauer Berg. 22 June 2023.
Events & Workshops
Petruschat, J. (leader, organizer), Wiesener, H. (organizer), Glaser, J. (organizer), Sauer, C. (guest critic), Stoll, M. (moderation). Forschungskreis: Magic Circle – Symposium. Including 13 research objects exhibited at the »Kunsthalle« weißensee school of art and design berlin. Cluster of Excellence Matters of Activity, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, weißensee school of art and design berlin. Hybrid. 25 February 2021.
Sauer, C., Stoll, M., Beyer, B., Fransén Waldhör, E., Schneider, M., Petruschat, J. (organizers). Architectures of Weaving. A Symposium. Cluster of Excellence Matters of Activity, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, weißensee school of art and design berlin. Virtual. 2 July 2021.
Rešetar, I., Sauer, C., Stoll, M. (organizers) Material as Environmental Device. Cluster of Excellence Matters of Activity, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Hybrid. 10 September 2020 - 11 September 2020.
Sauer, C. (organizer), Stoll, M. (organizer). From Fiber to Yarn: A Discussion Between Textile, Biology and Design. Cluster of Excellence »Matters of Activity«, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. weißensee school of art and design berlin. Virtual. 16 October 2020.
Teaching & Courses
Sauer, C., Rešetar, I., Stoll, M., Zmijan, J., Vega Vargas, N. Beyond the Curtain - Creating Transient Environtments / MoA Design Research Studio. MoA Design Research Studio, Weißensee Kunsthochschule Berlin. 1 October 2023 - 31 March 2024.
Stoll, M., Rost, A. Das Fotobuch - Theorie und Praxis. Seminar, weißensee school of art and design berlin. 21 April 2023 - 19 April 2024.
Dierichs, K., Bonavia, E., Douny, L., Eder, M., Farmer, J., Rosenthal, N., Stoll, M., Wenig, C. Minimal Machines 1 - Augmented Spinning. MoA Design Research Studio, weißensee school of art and design berlin. 6 April 2021 - 13 July 2021.
Dierichs, K., Eder, M., Stoll, M., Fratzl, P., Wegener, F. MoA Graduate School Workshop: Teaching Modules for Materials Science, Design and Cultural Science. Workshop, Doctoral Program »Matters of Activity«, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Berlin. 29 November 2021 - 10 December 2021.
Dierichs, K., Farmer, J., Rasehorn, F., Stoll, M., Bonavia, E., Dean, M., Eder, M., Hehemeyer-Cürten, J., Wenig, C., Yang, B., Nyakatura, J. A. Designing Matter 2 - From Tile to Tessellation. Seminar, MoA Design Research Studio, weißensee school of art and design berlin, HU Berlin, MPI of Colloids and Interfaces. 18 October 2021 - 15 February 2022.
Dierichs, K., Farmer, J., Rasehorn, F., Stoll, M., Bonavia, E., Dean, M., Eder, M., Hehemeyer-Cürten, J., Wenig, C., Yang, B., Nyakatura, J. A. Designing Matter 2 - From Tile to Tessellation. Seminar. MoA Design Research Studio, weißensee school of art and design berlin, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces. 18 October 2021 - 15 February 2022.
Sauer, C., Stoll, M., Schneider, M., Fransén Waldhör, E., Beyer, B., Rešetar, I. Scaling Fibre. Invited Critic, weißensee school of art and design berlin. 14 April 2021 - 6 July 2021.
Dierichs, K., Farmer, J., Bonavia, E., Mballa-Ekobena, A., Douny, L., Eder, M., Rosenthal, N., Stoll, M. Designing Matter 1 - From Filament to Fabric. MoA Design Research Studio, weißensee school of art and design berlin. 5 October 2020 - 26 March 2021.
Dierichs, K., Sauer, C., Eder, M., Guiducci, L., Razghandi, K., Fransén Waldhör, E., Schneider, M., Stoll, M. Scaling Nature (3) - Growth. MoA Design Research Studio, weißensee school of art and design berlin. 14 April 2020 - 17 July 2020.
Sauer, C., Guiducci, L., Razghandi, K., Fransén Waldhör, E., Schneider, M., Scaling Nature (1) – Wrinkles. MoA Design Research Studio, With contributions by Kycia, A., Bidan, C., Fratzl, P., Friedman, M., Hengge, R. and Stoll, M.. Student projects from Scaling Nature (1) were presented at NuThinkers during Domotex Tradefair in Hanover, 10-13 January 2020. weißensee school of art and design berlin. 15 April 2019 - 20 July 2019.
Sauer, C., Guiducci, L., Razghandi, K., Kycia, A. Scaling Nature (2) – Fibers, Muscles & Bones. MoA Design Research Studio, With contributions by Fratzl, P., Dean, M., Nyakatura, J., Rešetar, I. and Stoll, M. weißensee school of art and design berlin. 15 October 2019 - 11 February 2020.
https://www.matters-of-activity.de/en/activities/1142/moa-design-studio-scaling-nature-2-fibers-muscles-bones, https://kh-berlin.de/projekt-detail/Project/detail/scaling-nature-2-fibers-muscles-bones-3102.html
Review Activities & Expertises
Stoll, M. 2023. Jury Activity for Master-Thesis Colloquium in Master Coop Design Research. Hochschule Anhalt, Dessau.
Stoll, M. 2022. Peer-review of an article. AM Journal of Art and Media Studies.
Podcasts & Videos
Stoll, M. Der Blick. Podcast. 82 minutes, 17 May 2021.