Verbautes Wetter
Cluster Member Michaela Büsse in Conversation with Joana Moll and Diego Rybski
The building masses produced by humans have a direct impact on the weather. Buildings and construction account for 30 percent of Germany's CO2 emissions. The concretization of the land not only creates new heat phenomena with urban heat islands, but also a largely uncontrolled and far-reaching exploitation of natural resources such as sand and gravel. Cluster member Michaela Büsse was part of the lecture performance and talk »100 Neue Wörter für Wetter: Verbautes Wetter«.
More information on the series »100 Neue Wörter für Wetter« can be found here:
3.5.2024, 9:00 PM
Literaturforum im Brecht-Haus
Chausseestraße 125
10115 Berlin