Dr. Diego Serra

Diego Serra earned a Licentiate degree in Biotechnology from the University of Litoral (Argentina) and a PhD degree in Biological Science from the University of La Plata (Argentina).
From 2011 to 2019 he worked as postdoctoral researcher (funded by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation) and as teaching assistant in the group of Prof. Regine Hengge at Humboldt University of Berlin. His research focused on understanding the role of extracellular matrix components on shaping the structure of Escherichia coli biofilms.
Since 2019 he is a research Group Leader at the Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology of Rosario (Argentina) and member of the National Research Council (CONICET) of Argentina. He is currently interested in understanding how bacterial cells inside biofilms tolerate antibiotic treatments.
doserra [at] gmail.com
Instituto de Biología Molecular y Celular de Rosario (IBR-CONICET)
Predio CONICET Rosario, Ocampo y Esmeralda
(2000) Rosario
Articles in Edited Volumes
Serra, D. O., Hengge, R. 2019. »Cellulose in Bacterial Biofilms.« Cham: Springer International Publishing, 355-392.
Serra, D. O., Hengge, R. 2017. »Experimental Detection and Visualization of the Extracellular Matrix in Macrocolony Biofilms.« Methods in Molecular Biology. 1657, New York: Springer, 133-145.
Ziege, R., Tsirigoni, A., Large, B., Serra, D. O., Blank, K. G., Hengge, R., Fratzl, P., Bidan, C. M. 2021. »Adaptation of Escherichia coli Biofilm Growth, Morphology, and Mechanical Properties to Substrate Water Content.« ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering, 7 (11): 5315-5325.
Serra, D. O., Hengge, R. 2019. »A c-di-GMP-Based Switch Controls Local Heterogeneity of Extracellular Matrix Synthesis which Is Crucial for Integrity and Morphogenesis of Escherichia coli Macrocolony Biofilms.« Journal of Molecular Biology, 431 (23): 4775-4793.
Klauck, G., Serra, D. O., Possling, A., Hengge, R. 2018. »Spatial organization of different sigma factor activities and c-di-GMP signalling within the three-dimensional landscape of a bacterial biofilm.« Open Biology, 8 (8): 180066.
Midha, A., Janek, K., Niewienda, A., Henklein, P., Guenther, S., Serra, D. O., Schlosser, J., Hengge, R., Hartmann, S. 2018. »The Intestinal Roundworm Ascaris suum Releases Antimicrobial Factors Which Interfere With Bacterial Growth and Biofilm Formation.« Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology, 8 (AUG): 271.
Thongsomboon, W., Serra, D. O., Possling, A., Hadjineophytou, C., Hengge, R., Cegelski, L. 2018. »Phosphoethanolamine cellulose: A naturally produced chemically modified cellulose.« Science, 359 (6373): 334-338.
Serra, D. O., Mika, F., Richter, A. M., Hengge, R. 2016. »The green tea polyphenol EGCG inhibits E. coli biofilm formation by impairing amyloid curli fibre assembly and downregulating the biofilm regulator CsgD via the σ E‐dependent sRNA RybB.« Molecular Microbiology, 101 (1): 136-151.
Serra, D. O., Klauck, G., Hengge, R. 2015. »Vertical stratification of matrix production is essential for physical integrity and architecture of macrocolony biofilms of Escherichia coli.« Environmental Microbiology, 17 (12): 5073-5088.
Serra, D. O., Hengge, R. 2014. »Stress responses go three dimensional – the spatial order of physiological differentiation in bacterial macrocolony biofilms.« Environmental Microbiology, 16 (6): 1455-1471.
Serra, D. O., Richter, A. M., Hengge, R. 2013. »Cellulose as an Architectural Element in Spatially Structured Escherichia coli Biofilms.« Journal of Bacteriology, 195 (24): 5540-5554.
Serra, D. O., Richter, A. M., Klauck, G., Mika, F., Hengge, R. 2013. »Microanatomy at Cellular Resolution and Spatial Order of Physiological Differentiation in a Bacterial Biofilm.« mBio, 4 (2): e00103-13.