Dr. Angelika Seppi
Angelika Seppi studied Philosophy and Art History at the University of Vienna and the Universidad de Chile.
She received her doctorate at the Institute of Philosophy of the University of Vienna in 2012. The revised version of her dissertation is 2018 published under the title »Schrift und Gerechtigkeit. Kritisches zur Metaphysik«.
Since completing her doctorate, she has worked at the Institute for Art History at the University of Vienna, at the Institute for Art History and Art Theory at the University of Art Linz, and at the Cluster of Excellence »Image Knowledge Gestaltung« and at the Institute for Art and Visual History of the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.
In her research and teaching Angelika explores fundamental questions of continental philosophy in connection with the history of art and science. Currently, she is particularly interested in questions of formalization, the history and theory of the milieu concept, the associated techno-aesthetic and socio-political implications, image theory, and the history and theory of film.
Edited Volumes & Exhibition Catalogues
Friedman, M., Seppi, A. eds. 2022. Grenzen der Formalisierung. Von Leibniz bis Lacan. Leipzig: Spector Books.
Ladewig, R., Seppi, A. eds. 2020. Milieu Fragmente. Technologische und ästhetische Perspektiven. Analysis & Excess; ilinx-kollaborationen, 3. Leipzig: Spector Books.
Friedman, M., Seppi, A. eds. 2017. Martin Heidegger: Die Falte der Sprache. Wien; Berlin: Turia + Kant.
Articles in Edited Volumes
Ladewig, R., Seppi, A. 2020. »Milieu 2020. Eine Einleitung.« In Milieu Fragmente. Technologische und ästhetische Perspektiven, edited by Ladewig, R., Seppi, A. Analysis & Excess, ilinx-kollaborationen. Leipzig: Spector Books, 7-41.
Seppi, A. 2020. »Abstrakte Maschinen, konkrete Gefüge, existenzielle Ritornelle. Milieus der Individuation und Subjektivierung nach Deleuze und Guattari.« In Milieu Fragmente. Technologische und ästhetische Perspektiven, edited by Ladewig, R., Seppi, A. Analysis & Excess, ilinx-kollaborationen. Leipzig: Spector Books, 140-158.
Talks & Presentations
Seppi, A. Deleuze, Guattari and Ecology. Panel Presentation at the Deleuze & Guattari Studies Conference: Territorialities, Exterritorialities, Non-territorialities, Deleuze, Guattari, and Ecology. Prague. Virtual. 5 July 2021.
Seppi, A. Intermediate Spaces. Thinking through the New Ecological Paradigm. Talk at the »On Activity II. Space and Materiality«, Cluster of Excellence »Matters of Activity«, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Cluster of Excellence Matters of Activity, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Virtual. 19 March 2021.
Ladewig, R., Seppi, A. Milieu Fragmente. Technologische und ästhetische Perspektiven. Talk at the Master Talks - Coop Design Research, Stiftung Bauhaus Dessau. Virtual. 3 November 2020.
Ladewig, R., Seppi, A. Towards a Technological Notion of Milieu. Talk at the Minds and Milieus, MO Museum, Vilnius. 5 May 2019.
Seppi, A. »That What Is Not« or The Medium of Fiction. Talk at the Jahreskonferenz der Association for Philosophy and Literature, in Kooperation mit Theory, Culture and Society und der Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt, Alpen-Adria Universität, Klagenfurt. 29 May 2019.
Teaching & Courses
Seppi, A. Einführung in die Filmtheorie. Seminar, Institut für Kunst-und Bildgeschichte, HU, Berlin. 13 April 2021 - 13 July 2021.
Seppi, A.. Gilles Deleuze. Das Zeit-Bild. Kino 2. Seminar, Institut für Kunst-und Bildgeschichte, HU, Berlin. 28 April 2020 - 15 July 2020.
Seppi, A. Einführung in die Bildtheorie. Seminar, Institut für Kunst-und Bildgeschichte, Berlin. 20 April 2020 - 13 July 2020.
Seppi, A. Kino und Kritik. Seminar and Exkursion., Institut für Kunst-und Bildgeschichte, HU, Berlin. 3 November 2020 - 23 February 2021.
Seppi, A. New Media and the Breakthrough of Ecology. Course within the Master’s Program “Open Design”, COOP Design Research. 9 November 2020.
Ladewig, R., Seppi, A. Theoretical Framework. Workshop, COOP Design Research, Dessau. 17 May 2019 - 14 June 2021.
Seppi, A. Einführung in die Bildtheorie. Seminar, Institut für Kunst-und Bildgeschichte, Berlin. 16 April 2019 - 19 July 2019.
Seppi, A. Geschichte und Theorie des Films. Seminar, Institut für Kunst-und Bildgeschichte, HU, Berlin. 11 April 2019 - 11 July 2019.
Seppi, A. Gilles Deleuze: Das Bewegungs-Bild. Kino 1. Seminar, Institut für Kunst-und Bildgeschichte, HU, Berlin. 15 October 2019 - 11 February 2020.
Seppi, A. One or a Thousand Ecologies? Workshop, COOP Design Research, Dessau. 11 November 2019.