Kathrin Linkersdorff

Kathrin Linkersdorff originally studied architecture at Brandenburg Technical University in Cottbus and The Bartlett School of Architecture in London. After practicing as an architect a few years she was awarded a scholarship from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) for a two-year stay in Tokyo. During her work as an architect, her focus had shifted towards photography and sumi-e Japanese ink painting, which she had come to appreciate in Japan. In 2006 she began studying photography under Robert Lyons at Berlin’s Fotografie am Schiffbauerdamm and soon began showing her work in exhibitions.
Since 2012 she has been working as a freelance artist, devoting herself to the subject of transiency, which she investigates with flowers and their pigments in complex series of experiments. Her work has been shown in Berlin, Hamburg, London, Paris, Miami and New York, among others, and is represented in many private and institutional collections such as the Philadelphia Museum of Art.
Since spring 2023, she has been invited as an artist-in-residence and recently an Associate Member at »Matters of Activity«. She collaborates with the scientist Prof. Dr. Regine Hengge (Institute of Microbiology at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin). Created as part of the cooperation her latest works »Microverse I« and »Microverse II« deal with biological transformation processes caused by bacteria: To visualize natural material cycle processes, decolored plants and fruits serve as a growth substrate for bacteria, which form spectacularly colorful colonies by developing colored antibiotics. The complex interplay in the natural, completely sustainable process of growth and decay is thus made directly visible in living images.