Prof. Dr. Myfanwy Evans

Myfanwy Evans is a Mathematician and Physicist who works on the role of geometry and topology in soft materials. She is the Professor for Applied Geometry and Topology in the Institute for Mathematics at the University of Potsdam.
She studied Mathematics and completed her PhD at the Australian National University. Her PhD thesis, titled »Three-dimensional entanglement: knots, knits and nets«, explored the use of hyperbolic geometry in constructing and characterising entangled networks and filamentous structures. From 2015 until 2020, she lead an Emmy Noether Research Group at TU Berlin on the topic »Geometry and Topology of Entangled Soft Matter«.
She is interested in building interdisciplinary connections to Mathematics within »Matters of Activity«, in particular around the theme of activity through three-dimensional geometric motifs.
Universität Potsdam
Institut für Mathematik
Campus Golm, Haus 9
Karl-Liebknecht-Str. 24-25
14476 Potsdam
Geometry & topology in soft matter physics, 2D hyperbolic geometry, 3D networks, mesoscale geometry, Biological materials
Evans, M. E., Roth, R. 2014. »Shaping the Skin: The Interplay of Mesoscale Geometry and Corneocyte Swelling.« Physical Review Letters, 112 (3): 038102.
Highlighted by Physics 7, 8:
Articles in Edited Volumes
Hengge, R., Evans, M. E. 2024. »Buckling, Wrinkling, and Folding: Microstructure, Active Matter Behavior, and Geometric Modeling of Bacterial Biofilms.« In Toward a New Culture of the Material, edited by Bauer, F., Kim, Y., Marienberg, S., Schäffner, W. Berlin: De Gruyter, 109-120.
Friedman, M., Krauthausen, K., Evans, M. 2022. »Interview with Myfanwy Evans: Entanglements on and Models of Periodic Minimal Surfaces.« In Model and Mathematics: From the 19th to the 21st Century, edited by Friedman, M., Krauthausen, K. Cham: Birkhäuser, 255-266.
Spirandelli, I., Coles, R., Friesecke, G., Evans, M. E. 2024. »Exotic self-assembly of hard spheres in a morphometric solvent.« Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 121 (15)
Himmelmann, M., Evans, M. E. 2023. »Robust geometric modeling of 3-periodic tensegrity frameworks using Riemannian optimization.« arXiv. 2303.13140.
Schamberger, B., Ziege, R., Anselme, K., Ben Amar, M., Bykowski, M., Castro, A. P. G., Cipitria, A., Coles, R. A., Dimova, R., Eder, M., Ehrig, S., Escudero, L. M., Evans, M. E., Fernandes, P. R., Fratzl, P., Geris, L., Gierlinger, N., Hannezo, E., Iglič, A., Kirkensgaard, J. J. K., Kollmannsberger, P., Kowalewska, Ł., Kurniawan, N. A., Papantoniou, I., Pieuchot, L., Pires, T. H. V., Renner, L. D., Sageman‐Furnas, A. O., Schröder‐Turk, G. E., Sengupta, A., Sharma, V. R., Tagua, A., Tomba, C., Trepat, X., Waters, S. L., Yeo, E. F., Roschger, A., Bidan, C. M., Dunlop, J. W. C. 2023. »Curvature in Biological Systems: Its Quantification, Emergence, and Implications across the Scales.« Advanced Materials, 35: 2206110.
Evans, M. E., Hyde, S. T. 2022. »Symmetric Tangling of Honeycomb Networks.« Symmetry, 14 (9): 1805.
Hyde, S. T., Evans, M. E. 2022. »Symmetric tangled Platonic polyhedra.« Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119 (1): e2110345118.
Kolbe, B., Evans, M. E. 2022. »Enumerating Isotopy Classes of Tilings Guided by the Symmetry of Triply Periodic Minimal Surfaces.« SIAM Journal on Applied Algebra and Geometry, 6 (1): 1-40.
Hain, T. M., Bykowski, M., Saba, M., Evans, M. E., Schröder-Turk, G. E., Kowalewska, Ł. 2021. »SPIRE—a software tool for bicontinuous phase recognition: application for plastid cubic membranes.« Plant Physiology, 188 (1): 81-96.
Kolbe, B., Evans, M. 2021. »Isotopic tiling theory for hyperbolic surfaces.« Geometriae Dedicata.
Oster, M., Dias, M. A., de Wolff, T., Evans, M. E. 2021. »Reentrant tensegrity: A three-periodic, chiral, tensegrity structure that is auxetic.« Science Advances, 7 (50)
Evans, M. E., Schröder-Turk, G. E., Kraynik, A. M. 2017. »A geometric exploration of stress in deformed liquid foams.« Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 29 (12): 124004.
Hyde, S., Schröder-Turk, G., Evans, M., Wilts, B. 2017. »Emergence and function of complex form in Self-Assembly and biological cells.« Interface Focus, 7 (4)
Evans, M. E., Hyde, S. T. 2015. »Periodic entanglement III: tangled degree-3 finite and layer net intergrowths from rare forests.« Acta Crystallographica Section A Foundations and Advances, 71 (6): 599-611.
Evans, M. E., Robins, V., Hyde, S. T. 2015. »Ideal geometry of periodic entanglements.« Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 471 (2181): 20150254.
Evans, M. E., Roth, R. 2014. »Shaping the Skin: The Interplay of Mesoscale Geometry and Corneocyte Swelling.« Physical Review Letters, 112 (3): 038102.
Highlighted by Physics 7, 8:
Evans, M. E., Roth, R. 2014. »Solvation of a sponge-like geometry.« Pure and Applied Chemistry, 86 (2): 173-179.
Kirkensgaard, J. J. K., Evans, M. E., de Campo, L., Hyde, S. T. 2014. »Hierarchical self-assembly of a striped gyroid formed by threaded chiral mesoscale networks.« Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 111 (4): 1271-1276.
Evans, M. E., Kraynik, A. M., Reinelt, D. A., Mecke, K., Schröder-Turk, G. E. 2013. »Networklike Propagation of Cell-Level Stress in Sheared Random Foams.« Physical Review Letters, 111 (13): 138301.
Evans, M. E., Robins, V., Hyde, S. T. 2013. »Periodic entanglement I: networks from hyperbolic reticulations.« Acta Crystallographica Section A Foundations of Crystallography, 69 (3): 241-261.
Evans, M. E., Robins, V., Hyde, S. T. 2013. »Periodic entanglement II: weavings from hyperbolic line patterns.« Acta Crystallographica Section A Foundations of Crystallography, 69 (3): 262-275.
Castle, T., Evans, M., Hyde, S., Ramsden, S., Robins, V. 2012. »Trading spaces: Building three-dimensional nets from two-dimensional tilings.« Interface Focus, 2 (5): 555-566.
Evans, M. E., Zirkelbach, J., Schröder-Turk, G. E., Kraynik, A. M., Mecke, K. 2012. »Deformation of Platonic foam cells: Effect on growth rate.« Physical Review E, 85 (6)
Schröder-Turk, G. E., de Campo, L., Evans, M. E., Saba, M., Kapfer, S. C., Varslot, T., Grosse-Brauckmann, K., Ramsden, S., Hyde, S. T. 2012. »Polycontinuous geometries for inverse lipid phases with more than two aqueous network domains.« Faraday Discuss., 161: 215-247.
Castle, T., Evans, M. E., Hyde, S. T. 2011. »Entanglement of Embedded Graphs.« Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement, 191 (191): 235-244.
Evans, M. E., Hyde, S. T. 2011. »From three-dimensional weavings to swollen corneocytes.« Journal of The Royal Society Interface, 8 (62): 1274-1280.
Castle, T., Evans, M. E., Hyde, S. T. 2009. »All toroidal embeddings of polyhedral graphs in 3-space are chiral.« New Journal of Chemistry, 33 (10): 2107.
Castle, T., Evans, M. E., Hyde, S. T. 2008. »Ravels: knot-free but not free. Novel entanglements of graphs in 3-space.« New Journal of Chemistry, 32 (9): 1484.
Talks & Presentations
Jaffar-Bandjee, M, Raichenko, V., Evans, M., Eder, M. Silk cocoons – multi scale characterization of their structure. Talk at the SEB Centenary Conference 2023, Open biomechanics. Edinburgh. Hybrid. 4 July 2023.
Evans, M., Hengge, R. Buckling, Wrinkling and Folding: Microstructure, Active Matter Behaviour and Geometric Modelling of Bacterial Biofilms. Talk at the 1st Annual Conference »The Analog in the Digital Age«. Virtual. 11 November 2020.
Evans, M. E. Building Tangled Structures through Experimental Geometry and Topology. Talk at the MoA Talks. Interdiciplinary Lecture Series, Cluster of Excellence »Matters of Activity«, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Virtual. 20 October 2020.
Prizes & Competition Awards
Evans, M. E. 2017. Nachwuchspreis (Berliner Wissenschaftspreis) of the Governing Mayor of Berlin. The Governing Mayor of Berlin.
Evans, M. E. 2011. Jagadishwar Mahanty Prize. ANU.
Evans, M. E. 2008. Canon Information Systems Research Australia (CiSRA) Physics Prize.
External Grants, Fellowships, Scholarships & Residencies
Evans, M. E., Kowalewska, L. 2023. The formation of the Prolamellar body: where biology meets geometry. DFG, Project funding.
Evans, M. E. 2012. Humboldt Postdoctoral Fellowship.
Evans, M.E. 2009. Robert and Helen Crompton Endowment Scholarship.
Evans, M. E. Since 2018. Membership Deutsche Mathematische Vereinigung.
Evans, M. E. Since 2011. Membership Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft e.V. (DPG).