The Possibilities of the Game
MoA Member Thomas Lilge Featured in New Episode of HU Podcast Series
Our society follows countless explicit and implicit rules. So do games. That's why scientists use classic board games and modern game apps to bring people into dialogue and renegotiate rules. So-called game techniques are interesting, for example, to bring experts and scientists from different disciplines to a common language - through games.
In the latest episode of the podcast series »Humboldt Hören«, MoA member and CoHead of the research and development platform Thomas Lilge and resource economist Klaus Eisenack (Humboldt-Universität Berlin) explain in conversation with radio journalist Cora Knoblauch which cultural techniques can be found in modern video games.
Further information on episode 27 can be found on the homepage of the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin. This and other episodes of »Humboldt Hören« with MoA members John Nyakatura (episode 26), Daniel Tyradellis and Felix Sattler (episode 23) can be listened to here.