Cybernetic Auditive Associations
Lecture Performance Organized by »Object Space Agency« During Berlin Science Week 2023
In the lecture performance, Rüdiger Wenk will present his auditive associations of images in the plural based on his cybernetic algorithm as part of analog sound synthesis. Rüdiger Wenk first explains the basics of his cybernetic algorithm consisting of envelope follower (signal input), modal synthesis (body), and asynchronous granular synthesis (space) in the context of feedback within this current lecture performance.
The lectures on association in the context of image theory will evolve fluidly from linguistic lectures to sound art performances as each association unfolds. One auditive association will emerge from contemplating two artistic positions, paintings by artists Felix Becker and Fabian Hub. The second auditive association will relate to a video work by Elias Wessel. The visual works, shown as part of Berlin Science Week 2023 by the Institute of Art History and the Department for Media Studies of Humboldt University in cooperation with Object Space Agency on November 7th, will be on view in the Medientheater starting at 6:30 pm.
We welcome you with a light snack and refreshments. The lecture performance will start with a welcome and introduction by Prof. Dr. Claudia Blümle and Dr. Florian Leitner, at 6.30 pm. After a short break, Christian Stein will introduce you to the second part of the event. We will close the lecture performance with a Q&A round at 8.00 pm. From 8.30 pm, we will end the evening with a nice get-together.
Please register here:
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Georgenstraße 47
10117 Berlin