Dis_abled Nature
Talk by Siegfried Saerberg and Robert Stock at the Humboldt Lab
Nature and disability are closely linked. The terms reflect the damage, but also the diversity of our world. The crisis of nature cultures – their dis_ability – is the consequence of globalized economies and climate injustices. Attempts at healing and restoration are linked to them, as are protests and artistic interventions aimed at other futures. But how sustainable are approaches to the climate crisis that rely on visual anthropocentrism and the idea of nature domination? Doesn’t smelling, touching, and hearing have to be brought to the fore to make room for a diverse perceptual knowledge that is close to living beings?
With their talk on June 17th at 7 pm, Siegfried Saerberg, Professor for Disability Studies and Participation Research, and Cluster Professor Robert Stock were part of the Long Night of the Sciences at the Humboldt Lab on the topic »Climate_in_justices«.
More info on the Long Night of the Sciences can be found here.
Humboldt Lab
at Humboldt Forum
10178 Berlin