Prof. Dr. Robert Stock

Robert Stock is a Junior Professor for Cultures of Knowledge at the Department of Cultural History and Theory at HU Berlin. His main research interests are environmental dis/humanities, relations of digital media and dis/abilities, access politics, and Luso-African decolonization processes. He is co-founder of the research network »Dis-/Abilities and Digital Media« (funded by DFG). Co-editor of the anthology Techniques of Hearing. History, Theory and Practices (Routledge 2023). His current book project Blind on the Road. A Sensory History of Automobility and Urban Walking (working title) questions blindness, assistive technologies and mobility practices. Recently, he concentrates on damaged landscapes and Anthropocene temporalities. Interested in the socio-material co-existences that environments of the plantacionocene shape and focusing on forest-related situated knowledges, sensor technologies and the materiality of syntopic architectures.
Material Form Function (Principal Investigator)
Filtering (Cluster Professor)
Material Form Function (Cluster Professor)
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Department of Cultural History and Theory
Georgenstraße 47
10117 Berlin
Articles in Edited Volumes
Stock, R. 2024. »Politiken der Langsamkeit. Perspektiven der kulturwissenschaftlichen Disability-Forschung und Environmental Dis-/Humanities.« In KörperZeiten. Narrative, Praktiken und Medien, edited by Wallerstein, Konstanze, Röderer, Fabian, Bolz, Manuel Schriftenreihe der Isa Lohmann-Siems Stiftung, Bd. 17. Berlin: Dietrich Reimer Verlag, 195-218.
Stock, R. 2022. »Hearing echoes as an audile technique.« In Techniques of Hearing, edited by Schillmeier, Michael, Stock, Robert, Ochsner, Beate London: Routledge, 55-65.
Stock, R. 2019. »Gehmaschinen: Menschen, Tiere und Gehirn-Maschine-Schnittstellen als hybride Kollektive.« edited by Bolinski, I., Rieger, S. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler, 89-108.
Stock, R. 2016. »Körper im/als Schaltkreis. DIY-Apparaturen und audiovisuelle Praktiken sinnlicher Wahrnehmung.« In Technisierte Lebenswelt. Über den Prozess der Figuration von Mensch und Technik, edited by Adam, M.-H., Gellai, S., Knifka, J. Bielefeld: transcript, 89-104.
Asa, P., Krauthausen, K., Stock, R., Dierichs, K. 2024. »Architectures of syntopia: An interdisciplinary speculative model for constructions with insect-infested wood.« In Material transitions in architecture and construction: Social implications, appropriation, and outcomes for sustainability, special issue. TATuP - Zeitschrift für Technikfolgenabschätzung in Theorie und Praxis, 33 (3): 48-56.
Stock, Robert. 2024. »Blindness, Acoustic Environing and Sensing Technologies (ca. 1950-1980).« In Media and Disability - Part I, special issue. PuntOorg International Journal, 9 (1): 5-30.
Stock, R. 2022. »Broken elevators, temporalities of breakdown, and open data: how wheelchair mobility, social media activism and situated knowledge negotiate public transport systems.« Mobilities, 18 (1): 132-147.
Stock, R. 2022. »Mobilität und Tuning-Prozesse. Zur Reorganisation materiell-sensorischer Praktiken blinder Fußgänger:innen durch digitale Medien.« Zeitschrift für Empirische Kulturwissenschaft, 2022: 25-50.
Ochsner, B., Spöhrer, M., Stock, R. 2021. »Rethinking Assistive Technologies: Users, Environments, Digital Media, and App-Practices of Hearing.« NanoEthics, 16: 65–79.
Stock, R. 2013. »Retina-Implantate. Neuroprothesen und das Versprechen auf Teilhabe.« AugenBlick. Konstanzer Hefte zur Medienwissenschaft, (58): 100-111.
Reviews of Books & Exhibitions
Stock, R. 2022. Coreen McGuire 2020: Measuring difference, numbering normal. Setting the standards for disability in the interwar period und Jaipreet Virdi 2020: Hearing Happiness. Deafness Cures in History. Springer Science and Business Media LLC, NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin.
Stock, R. 2021. Kyle Devine: Decomposed. The Political Ecology of Music. Decomposed. The Political Ecology of Music, Kyle Devine, MEDIENwissenschaft: Rezensionen | Reviews, 38 (1): 61-62.
Büsse, M. (curator), de Visscher, E. (curator), Banz, C., Dean, M., Dierichs, K., Eder, M., Eigen, L., Guiducci, L., Hehemeyer-Cürten, J., Jalkh, H., Kycia, A., Mareis, C., Nyakatura, J. A., Rasehorn, F., Rešetar, I., Ribault, P., Sauer, C., Sauer, I., Schneider, M., Stock, R., Shone, J., Wenig, C. Design Lab #13. Material Legacies. Exhibition. Cluster of Excellence Matters of Activity, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Museum of Decorative Arts. Kunstgewerbemuseum. 3 November 2022 - 26 February 2023.
Highlighted by TAZ, 15.11.2022.
Public Engagement
Almpani-Lekka, Dimitra, Asa, Pelin, Dierichs, Karola, Ficht, Johanna, Göngrich, Erik, Kieffer, Lynn Hyun, Kubelík, Anna, Meyer, Vera, Stock, Robert, Wilhelm, Nora. 2024. Symbiotic Futures 1.0. Workshop. Berlinische Galerie, with Philippi, Nils. Berlin. Germany. 5 June 2024.
Stock, Robert, Saerberg, Siegfried. 2023. Be_hinderte Natur. Beschädigte Landschaften und sinnliche Diversität in anthropozänen Umwelten. Podium discussion. Klima_Ungerechtigkeiten, Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften im Humboldt Labor. Humboldt Labor, Berlin. Germany. 17 June 2023.
Stock, Robert, Wenig Charlett, Behrendt, Ferréol, Stolle, Nikolai. 2023. Round Table »Rinde: Gestaltung mit Resten«. Podium discussion. Kunstgewerbemuseum Berlin. Berlin. Germany. 26 January 2023
Talks & Presentations
Robert Stock. Diskontinuierliche Zeitlichkeit: Crip Time und die Perspektive der Environmental Dis-/Humanities. Panel Presentation at the KörperZeiten. Narrative, Praktiken und Medien, ZEITERZÄHLUNGEN UND KÖRPERWISSEN. Warburg-Haus, Hamburg. 11 February 2023.
Stock, Robert. Acoustic Ecologies: Electronic travel aids for the blind as filtering technologies (ca. 1950-1970). Panel Presentation at the Uncommon Senses IV: Sensory Ecologies, Economies, and Aesthetics, SESSION 2.2.4. MULTI- AND CROSSMODAL PERCEPTION I. Montreal, CA. Concordia University. Hybrid. 4 May 2023.
Stock, Robert. Mangroves Matter: Troubling Knowledges, Vernacular Architecture and Climate Resilience at the Coasts of Postcolonial Mozambique. Panel Presentation at the Luso-Ecologies: More-Than-Human Complexities, Agency, and Resistance in the Lusophone Anthropocene, Plant ecologies. Oxford, Uk. Hybrid. 30 March 2023.
Stock, Robert. Forests as Techno-Natures: Translating Digital Environmental Subjects. Panel Presentation at the EASST Conference "The Politics of Technoscientific Futures", ForeSTS. Madrid. 6 July 2022.
Stock, R. Sonic E-Mobility: Blindness and Mobility-Technology-Assemblages. Panel Presentation at the Conference Uncommon Senses III 2021, Session 2.2.4: SENSORY ALTERITY/CRITICAL DISABILITY STUDIES I. Montreal, Canada. Virtual. 7 May 2021.
Stock, R., Schwesinger, S. Sounding Out the Anthropocene Ocean. Talk at the 25. Digital Research in the Humanities and Arts Conference »Digital Matter«, Water As Medium. Berlin. 5 July 2009.
Invited Moderation/ Comment
Jasper, Sandra, Cubasch, Alwin, Stock, Robert, Gruendel, Anke. Sandra Jasper: Botanical Alterlife. Deep Material Futures: Exploring the Different Temporalities of Active Matter, MoA's Annual Conference, Wastelands, silent green Kulturquartier, Berlin. Cluster of Excellence Matters of Activity, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Hybrid. 16 November 2022.
Events & Workshops
Christoph Brunner, Rahel Kesselring, Robert Stock. With Contributions by: Lara Almarcegui, Clara Balaguer, Martino Morandi, Vishnu Vardhani Rajan, Katherine G. Sammler, Femke Snelting Critical Times II: Ecologies of Relation II. Buitenplaats Brienenoord and RASL Rotterdam Arts and Science LAB, Rotterdam NL. 11 April 2024 - 13 April 2024.
Vera Meyer, Nora Wilhelm, Erik Göngrich (Mitkunstzentrale), Dimitra Almpani-Lekka, Pelin Asa, Karola Dierichs, Lynn Hyun Kieffer, Aarhus School of Architecture, Anna Kubelík, Robert Stock. Symbiotic Futures 1.0. Berlinische Galerie. 5 June 2024.
Brunner, Christoph, Kesselring, Rahel, Mareis, Claudia, Stock, Robert Critical Times I. Multiple Matter. Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Cluster of Excellence Matters of Activity, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Hybrid. 17 November 2023 - 18 November 2023.
Auger, James, Mareis, Claudia, Lockwood, Joe, Razghandi, Khashayar, Stock, Robert, Weber, Rasa. Frictioned Functionality. Un/Designing Un/Sustainable Matter. Berlin. Cluster of Excellence Matters of Activity, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. 17 October 2022 - 22 October 2022.
Cubasch, A. J., Cypko, M. A., Geoghegan, B., Miyazaki, S., Moeding, A., Müller-Birn, C., Stock, R. Automation, Control, and Incompetence. Cluster of Excellence Matters of Activity, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. 1 December 2022 - 2 December 2022.
Bieling, T., Şahinol, M., Wiechern, A.-L., Stock, R. ANN: Access and Tinkering: Designing Assistive Technologies as Political Practice. The third »Dis/Abilities and Digital Media« Network Meeting with an Interactive Maker Session. Virtual. 16 September 2021 - 17 September 2021.
Stock, R., Dierichs, K., Bonavia, E., Zachow, S., Rodriguez, L., Le Calvé, M., Gholami, M. F., Kim, Y. Workshop »Sounding Invisible Boundaries. Experiments in Haptic Thinking«. Cluster of Excellence Matters of Activity, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Hybrid. 2 June 2021.
Teaching & Courses
Robert Stock. Dis-Ability Environments: Zur Verschränkung von Be_Hinderung und ökologischer Kritik. Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. 17 April 2023 - 17 July 2023.
Razghandi, K., Mareis, C., Stock, R., Auger, J., Lockwood, J., Wenig, C., Norris, L., Stark, S., Weber, R., Bühn, S., Clark, J., le Calvé. M. »Frictioned Functionality: Un/Designing Un/Sustainable Matter«. »Dark Fluidity. An immersive exploration of liquid ontologies in practice along the multispecies material ecologies of the Schwärze river«. MoA's First Interdisciplinary Autumn School., Cluster of Excellence »Matters of Activity«, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. 17 October 2022 - 22 October 2022.
Robert Stock. Postkoloniale Verästelungen des Wissens. Wie Film und Literatur mit Bäumen denken. Seminar, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. 17 October 2022 - 13 February 2023.
Stock, R. Der Baum am Ende der Welt. Kultur- und wissensgeschichtliche Perspektiven auf Wälder und Holz im Schwarzen Anthropozän. Seminar, Department of Cultural History and Theory, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. 18 April 2022 - 18 July 2022.
Stock, R. 2020 - 2023. Dis-/Abilities and Digital Media. Speaker.