José I. Hernández Lobato

José Ignacio Hernández Lobato studied Pharmacy at the Universidad de Salamanca in Spain and later got his license to practice in Berlin.
He then studied Molecular Life Sciences at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. There, he focused on Microbiology at the laboratory of Prof. Dr. Regine Hengge, where he started his research on the molecular mechanisms in which some compounds inhibit biofilm formation, the main topic of his Master's Thesis.
José is working as a research associate of Prof. Hengge's lab for the project Weaving.
Rhoda-Erdmann-Haus (House 22)
Philippstraße 13
10115 Berlin
Pruteanu, M., Hernández Lobato, J. I., Stach, T., Hengge, R. 2020. »Common plant flavonoids prevent the assembly of amyloid curli fibres and can interfere with bacterial biofilm formation.« Environmental Microbiology, 22: 5280-5299.
Conference Proceedings
Douny, L., Hernández Lobato, J. I., Séré, A., Sawadogo, S., Hengge, R. 2023. »The hunter shirt: the role of Acacia nilotica in fermentative textile dyeing.« Presented at the XXXI International Horticultural Congress (IHC2022): International Symposium on Natural Colorants from Plants. International Society for Horticultural Science (ISHS), 67-76.
Douny, L. (curator), Krauthausen, K. (curator), Sattler, F. (curator), Thindi, T. (film installation). DAOULA | sheen. West African Wild Silk on Its Way. Exhibition. In cooperation with Séré, A., Sawadogo, S., Dayo, L., Dayo, H., Fofana, A., Sakira, S., Dao, D., Sanogo, B., Séré, M., Konate, A., Ilboudo, M. in Burkina Faso and Bonavia, E., Buch, S., Dierichs, K., Eder, M., Farmer, J., Hathroubi, S., Hengge, R., Hernández Lobato, J. I., Illing-Günther, H., Hassoune, S., Mählmann, J., Panzer, M. M., Rešetar, I., Rosenthal, N., Santos Thomas, C., Sauer, C., Sermonet, J., Shone, J., Schneider, M., Strauß, W. in Germany. Cluster of Excellence Matters of Activity, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Tieranatomisches Theater. 17 November 2022 - 29 April 2023.
Talks & Presentations
Bredekamp, H., Schäffner, W., Bonacic-Koutecky, V., Rabe, J. P., Hernández Lobato, J. I., Weber, R. »Sympoietic Design in the Ocean«. Talk at the Shared Symposium ON WATER Cluster Matters of Activity (MoA, Humboldt University) and Center of Excellence (STIM, University of Split), Center of Excellence for Science and Technology, University of Split. 9 July 2023.