Prof. Kora Kimpel
Kora Kimpel is a new Media Designer and has been teaching »New Media/Interface and Interaction Design« as a professor at the Berlin University of the Arts (UdK) since 2004.
From 2012–15 she held the office of First Vice President. Since 2015 she has been part of the board of the Hybrid Platform, a transdisciplinary project platform of the TU Berlin and the UdK Berlin.
She is also on the board of the Berlin Open Lab (BOL), an experimental laboratory for transdisciplinary research. Since 2008 she has been a member of the board of the German Society for Design Theory and Research (DGTF).
Her research focuses on new forms of interfaces and interaction patterns. In her current research she works with ›smart‹ materials on the visualization of information through shape change and movement behavior. Another focus is data visualization and usability as well as the development of methods and procedures in creative and innovation processes.
Berlin University of the Arts
Grunewaldstraße 2-5
10823 Berlin
Room Gru - 115
Edited Volumes & Exhibition Catalogues
Mareis, C., Joost, G., Kimpel, K. eds. 2010. Entwerfen. Wissen. Produzieren. Designforschung im Anwendungskontext. Bielefeld: Transcript 2010.
Events & Workshops
Held, M. (co-chair), Kimpel, K. (co-chair), Mareis, C. (co-chair), Perraudin, L. (organization), Sauer, C. (co-chair), Winkler, C. (organization). »Material Trajectories. Designing with Care«, 17th Annual Conference of the German Society for Design Theory and Research (DGTF). Cluster of Excellence Matters of Activity, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, weißensee school of art and design berlin. Virtual. 6 May 2021 - 8 May 2021.