Jakub Rondomanski
Jakub Rondomanski studied mathematics at the Freie Universität Berlin specializing in differential geometry. He finished his M.Sc. with a thesis on the spectra of Dirac operators and the use of spinor methods in submanifold theory. During his master studies he worked as a student assistant at the Mathematical Geometry Processing group at the FU. There he worked on meshing problems in 3D-Volumes.
Since January 2021 Jakub has been a Pre-Doctoral Researcher in the Filtering project. In this project he is working with applications of topological methods in solid state physics. Furthermore, he continues his research on hexahedral meshes.
Filtering (Pre-Doctoral Researcher)
+49 30 838 75874
Email Address
jakub.rondomanski [at] fu-berlin.de
Arnimallee 6
Room 106
14195 Berlin