Friedrich Reppe

Friedrich Reppe is a Pre-Doctoral Researcher in the MoA research group »Adaptive Fibrous Materials« at the Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces after finishing his masters in Wood Sciences at Hamburg University in 2017.
He focusses particularly on functional plant organs. One example is his investigation of a seed pod, on the scale of nanometer-thick cellulose microfibrils up to the distance of kilometers between climatically different growing sites.
Decoding a plant’s strategy of coping with environmental stressors and impacts by interrelating fiber mechanics, compositional tissue characteristics, and structural features on different orders of magnitude – is the main fascination behind the work of Friedrich Reppe.
Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces
Department Biomaterials
Am Mühlenberg 1
14476 Potsdam
Wenig, C., Reppe, F., Horbelt, N., Spener, J., Berendt, F., Cremer, T., Frey, M., Burgert, I., Eder, M. 2023. »Adhesives free bark panels: An alternative application for a waste material.« PLOS ONE, 18 (1): e0280721.
Spies, P., Keplinger, T., Horbelt, N., Reppe, F., Scoppola, E., Eder, M., Fratzl, P., Burgert, I., Rüggeberg, M. 2022. »Cellulose lattice strains and stress transfer in native and delignified wood.« Carbohydrate Polymers, 296: 119922.
Wenig, C., Dunlop, J. W. C., Hehemeyer-Cürten, J., Reppe, F. J., Horbelt, N., Krauthausen, K., Fratzl, P., Eder, M. 2021. »Advanced materials design based on waste wood and bark.« Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 379 (2206): 20200345.
Talks & Presentations
Reppe, F., Huss, J. C., Fratzl, P., Elbaum, R., Werner, P., Wenig, C., Eder, M. Banksia Seed Pod Opening – Structure and Mechanics of a Long-term Functional Pericarp. Poster presentation at the SICB Annual Meeting 2020, Austin, TX, USA. 5 January 2020.
Reppe, F., Horbelt, N., Huss, J., Fratzl, P., Eder, M. Sclerenchymatic Tissue in Banksia Follicles – The Effect of Moisture on Dimensional and Mechanical Properties. Poster presentation at the 4th Euro Bio-inspired Materials 2018, Potsdam, Germany. 20 March 2018.
(Co)Supervisions of Qualification Theses
Fleck, C., Fratzl, P., Eder, M. 2017. Co-supervision of Friedrich Reppe. Retention and Release of Banksia Seeds. PhD/Doctor thesis, Technische Universität Berlin.