Prof. Dr. Petra Löffler

Petra Löffler is a Media and Material Culture Theorist.
She has been Professor for Theory and History of Contemporary Media at the Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg since May 2020. From 2019–2020 she was Research Associate in the project Filtering at the Cluster of Excellence »Matters of Activity«.
Petra Löffler has held research and teaching positions at the Universities of Cologne, Regensburg, Vienna, Weimar and Lüneburg and was Guest Professor for Media History and Visual Culture at University of Siegen, for Media Philosophy at Bauhaus University, Weimar and Guest Professor at the Institute for Cultural Theory and History of the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.
She is author of several edited volumes and books on Media archaeology, Ecology and Media practices: the monograph »Verteilte Aufmerksamkeit. Eine Mediengeschichte der Zerstreuung« (2014) and the collaboration »Bilder verteilen. Fotografische Praktiken in der digitalen Kultur« (2018) among others. 2008–2019 she was editor of »Zeitschrift für Medienwissenschaft«.
Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg
Ammerländer Heerstr. 114–118
Monographs & Books
Gerling, W., Holschbach, S., Löffler, P. 2018. Bilder verteilen. Fotografische Praktiken in der digitalen Kultur. Bielefeld: transcript.
Edited Volumes & Exhibition Catalogues
Gal, R. P., Löffler, P. eds. 2021. Earth and Beyond in Tumultuous Times. A Critical Atlas of the Anthropocene. Future Ecologies Series, edited by Löffler, P.; Mareis, C.; Sprenger, F. Lüneburg: meson press.
Krause-Wahl, A., Löffler, P., Söll, Ä. eds. 2021. Materials, Practics and Politics of Shine in Modern Art and Popular Culture. New York/London: Bloomsbury.
Friedrich, A., Löffler, P., Schrape, N., Sprenger, F. eds. 2018. Ökologien der Erde – Geschichte und Aktualität der Gaia-Hypothese. Lüneburg: Meson-Press.
Articles in Edited Volumes
Löffler, P., Mareis, C., Sprenger, F. 2023. »Series Foreword: Future Ecologies.« In Material Trajectories. Designing With Care?, edited by Perraudin, L., Winkler, C., Mareis, C., Held, M. Lüneburg: meson press, 9-10.
Löffler, P. 2021. »Colonizing the Ocean: Coral Reef Histories in the Anthropocene.« In Earth and Beyond in Tumultuous Times. A Critical Atlas of the Anthropocene, edited by Gál, R. P., Löffler, P. Lüneburg: meson press, 185-213.
Löffler, P. 2021. »Flickering Lights. Shine and Diversion in Weimar Cinema.« In Materials, Practics and Politics of Shine in Modern Art and Popular Culture, edited by Krause-Wahl, A., Löffler, P., Söll, Ä. New York/London: Bloomsbury.
Löffler, P. 2020. »Counter-Media-Environments. Ästhetik und Geopolitik nach McLuhan.« In Milieu Fragmente - Technologische und Ästhetische Perspektiven, edited by Ladewig, R. Seppi, A. Leipzig: Spector Books, 367-376.
Löffler, P. 2019. »Molekulare Montage und verteilte Aufmerksamkeit. Zu Leviathan von Lucien Castaing-Taylor und Véréna Paravel.« In Cutting Edge! Postionen zur Filmmontage, edited by Doll, M. Berlin: Bertz+Fischer, 25-38.
Löffler, P. 2019. »Ökologien medialer Praktiken.« In Materialität der Kooperation, edited by Gießmann, S., Röhl, T., Trischler, R. Berlin: De Gryuter, 373-398.
Löffler, P. 2018. »Gaia’s Fortune. Kosmopolitik und Ökologie der Praktiken bei Latour und Stengers.« In Ökologien der Erde – Geschichte und Aktualität der Gaia-Hypothese, edited by Friedrich, A., Löffler, P., Schrape, N., Sprenger, F. Lüneburg: Meson-Press, 95-121.
Löffler, P., Perraudin, L., Schneider, B., Yusoff, K., Gabrys, J. 2020. »Dinge anders machen. Ein Gespräch über feministische Anthropozän-Kritik, Dekolonisierung der Geologie und «sensing» in Medien-Umwelten.« In Zirkulation, special issue. Zeitschrift für Medienwissenschaft, 23 (2): 138-152.
Löffler, P., Perraudin, L., Schneider, B. 2020. »Making Things otherwise. An Interview with Jennifer Gabrys and Kathryn Yusoff about Feminist Criticism of the Anthropocene, Decolonizing Geology and Sensing Media Environments.« In Zirkulationen, special issue. Zeitschrift für Medienwissenschaft (ZfM), 23: 138–151.
Talks & Presentations
Mareis, C., Perraudin, L., Winkler, C., Löffler, P. Sprenger, F. Held, M. Future Ecologies Book Series Presentation. incl. Book Launch "Material Trajectories. Designing with Care?" at the Pro qm Bookstore. 23 February 2024.
Löffler, P. Waste, (m)any times. Panel Presentation at the the symposium »Times of Waste – Handling Matter«, Design strategies and practices for sustainable use of materials and resources: Design processes, product responsibility.... Museum of Decorative Arts, Berlin. Symposium organized by FHNW Academy of Art and Design Basel with Cluster »Matters of Activity«, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and Kunstgewerbemuseum Berlin. Virtual. 17 June 2021.
Invited Moderation/ Comment
Samuel, N. Moderation des Panels »Design Strategies and Practices for Sustainable Use of Materials and Resources: Design processes, product responsibility, ecological/social-economic production, substitutes«. Times of Waste – Handling Matter, Hochschule für Gestaltung und Kunst Basel. Virtual. 17 June 2021.
Events & Workshops
Krauthausen, K., Löffler, P. Membranes as Matters of Activity: Mathias Grote & Jürgen Rabe. Cluster of Excellence Matters of Activity, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. 10 January 2020.
Löffler, P., Ribault, P, Müller, M. im/Perfection, Im/ perfect Figurations in Nature. Department of Cultural History and Theory, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. With contributions by Löffler, P., Ribault, P, Müller, M., Bublitz, H., Tikka, E., Kassung, C., De Visscher, E., Quinz, E., Schäffner, W., Bruns, C., Wehrli, P., Allen, J., Lang, C. 18 April 2019 - 11 July 2019.
External Grants, Fellowships, Scholarships & Residencies
Löffler, P. 2017. Senior Fellow at the MECS Leuphana-University Lüneburg. DFG, Fellowship.
Löffler, P. 2015. Senior Fellow at the IKKM, Bauhaus-University Weimar. BMBF, Fellowship.
Editorial Works
Löffler, P. 2008 - 2019. Editor of »Zeitschrift für Medienwissenschaft«. Zeitschrift für Medienwissenschaft.
Löffler, P. Since 2008. Member of the German Society for Media Studies.