Alexander Struck
Alexander has a background in Library & Information Science and Computer Science.
He worked for the content industry and improved information retrieval interfaces and software applications. His M. A. thesis dealt with Link Resolvers and authentication challenges.
Back in academia, Alexander joined a project on citation-based research evaluation and is currently investigating dependencies in topic-tracking approaches. Further research has been conducted in knowledge representation before taking on a position as a CTO for the Cluster of Excellence »Image Knowledge Gestaltung«.
Alexander consults with management on information and technology strategies. He and his team offer support in research data and software management, platform architecture and hard- and software requirements for your research.
Alexander has been nominated as a BUA Open Science Ambassador and welcomes your questions on making your research openly available.
Cluster of Excellence
»Matters of Activity«
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Sophienstr. 22a
10178 Berlin
Articles in Edited Volumes
Struck, A., Bertuch, O., Druskat, S. 2024. »5.8 Forschungssoftware.« In Praxishandbuch Bibliotheksmanagement, De Gruyter, 433-454.
Arbuzova, A., Hattwich, A., Struck, A., Wagner, M. 2022. »Towards a Better Representation of Research Objects in Interdisciplinary Research.« Procedia Computer Science, 211: 67-73.
Katz, D. S., Druskat, S., Haines, R., Jay, C., Struck, A. 2019. »The State of Sustainable Research Software: Learning from the Workshop on Sustainable Software for Science: Practice and Experiences (WSSSPE5.1).« Journal of Open Research Software, 7
Gradmann, S., Iwanowa, J., Dröge, E., Hennicke, S., Trkulja, V., Olensky, M., Stein, C., Struck, A., Baierer, K. 2013. »Modellierung und Ontologien im Wissensmanagement / Modeling and Ontologies in Knowledge Management / Modélisation et ontologies dans la gestion des connaissances: Erfahrungen aus drei Projekten im Umfeld von Europeana und des DFG-Exzellenzclusters Bild Wissen Gestaltung an der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin / Lessons learned in three research projects in the context of Europeana and the Excellence Cluster at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.« Information. Wissenschaft & Praxis, 64 (2-3): 149–65.
Conference Proceedings
Struck, A. 2018. »Research Software Discovery: An Overview.« 2018 IEEE 14th International Conference on e-Science (e-Science), Amsterdam, Netherlands, 29 Oct.-1 Nov. 2018. IEEE.
Talks & Presentations
Arbuzova, A., Hattwich, A., Struck, A., Wagner, M. »Towards a better representation of research objects in interdisciplinary research«. Talk at the Linking research information across data spaces. 15th International Conference on Current Research Information Systems (CRIS2022), Video session chaired by Friedrichsen, E. (euroCRIS). Dubrovnik, Croatia. Hybrid. 14 May 2022.
Struck, A., Druskat, S. Research Software Discovery & Citation. Talk at the Berliner Bibliothekswissenschaftliches Kolloquium, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3878703. Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Virtual. 2 June 2020.
Events & Workshops
Struck, A., Schlauch, T., Stoffers, M., Caspart, R. Let's talk FAIR for research software. Berlin. Gesellschaft fuer Informatik e. V.. Virtual. 21 February 2022.
Struck, A. Since 2019. Founding Member of German Association for Research Software Engineer.