Elisabeth Obermeier

As of May 2022, Elisabeth Obermeier is in charge of publications at »Matters of Activity«, providing coordination and support for Cluster publications and Open Access. She is also the Cluster’s contact person for Gender and Diversity.
Elisabeth completed her Master’s degree in cultural studies at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin with a thesis on the relationship between science and the public in popular science journals of the West German 1960s. Previously, she studied art and visual history as well as fine arts in Düsseldorf, Berlin and London. From 2015 to 2018, she was a student assistant at the Cluster of Excellence »Image Knowledge Gestaltung« and the International Society for Model Research. She has been part of »Matters of Activity« since 2019.
moa.diversity [at] hu-berlin.de
Cluster of Excellence
»Matters of Activity«
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Sophienstr. 22a
10178 Berlin