Michael Tebbe
Michael Tebbe studied Media Informatics at Beuth University of Applied Sciences Berlin.
He joined the »Human-centered Computing« Research group at Freie Universität Berlin as a Research Assistant in 2019. There he worked in the BMBF-funded project »Ideas-to-Market«, where he applied AI methods to analyze and visualize ideas collected via online crowdsourcing.
In his dissertation at the Cluster »Matters of Activity« Michael studies the gap between non-technical experts and AI. By applying a human-centered approach to AI he hopes to build interactive user interfaces that enable nontechnical experts to better understand and actively shape AI systems.
Freie Universität Berlin
Human-centered Computing
Königin-Luise-Str. 24/26
14195 Berlin
Room 118
Müller-Birn, C., Glinka, K., Sörries, P., Tebbe, M., Michl, S. 2021. »Situated Case Studies for a Human-Centered Design of Explanation User Interfaces.« arXiv preprint arXiv:2103.15462.
Teaching & Courses
Hirsbrunner, S. D., Tebbe, M. Critical Social Media Analysis using Mixed Methods. Seminar, Modul wissenschaftliches Arbeiten (module scientific working). Freie Universität Berlin. 4 November 2020 - 25 February 2021.