Michael Droste

Michael Droste is a Computer Scientist in the project Symbolic Material and in the structured PhD program of the Cluster he is researching on interaction and visualisation techniques for high-dimensional and non-euclidean spaces utilizing virtual reality.
Since 2013 he contributed in various ERDF-funded projects as a member of the research group INKA at the HTW Berlin - University of Applied Sciences.
Research interests: augmented and virtual reality, human computer interaction and interaction design, rendering techniques.
HTW Berlin University of Applied Science
Research Group INKA
Wilhelminenhofstraße 75A
12459 Berlin
Research Objects
Kassung, Ch. (Concept & Content), Rabe, J. P. (Concept & Content), Staudacher, M. (Concept & Content), Cojal Gonzalez, J. D. (Concept & Content), Droste, M. (Technical Implementation), Paul, F. J. (Spatial & Visual Design). 2021. »Cube of Physics.« Presented at Institut für Physik, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.