Prof. Dr. Ignacio Farías
Ignacio Farías is Professor of Urban Anthropology, Director of the Georg Simmel Center for Urban Studies and Co-Director of the Stadtlabor for Multimodal Anthropology at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
His research interests focus on current ecological and infrastructural transformations of cities and the associated epistemo-political challenges to the democratization of city-making. His most recent work explores the politics of environmental disruptions, from tsunamis over heat to noise, as well as urban ethnography as a mode of city making performed with others (designers, initiatives, concerned groups, policy makers) and by other means (moving from textual to material productions).
Ignacio currently leads the ERC Consolidator Grant Urban Vibrations: How Physical Waves Come to Matter in Contemporary Urbanism and is a member of the SFB 1265 Refiguration of Spaces.
Institute for European Ethnology
Anton-Wilhelm-Amo-Str. (former M*str.) 40/41
10117 Berlin
Monographs & Books
Farías, I., Marlow, F., Wall, R. 2024. Zaudern ums Gemeinwohl: Produktive Missverständnisse in der kooperativen Stadtentwicklung. Berlin: adocs Verlag.
Farías, I., Löw, M., Schmidt-Lux, T., Streets, S. 2023. Kultursoziologische Stadtforschung. Grundlagen, Analysen, Perspektiven. Frankfurt/New York: Campus.
Blok, A., Farías, I., Roberts, C. (eds.) 2019. The Routledge Companion to Actor-Network Theory. London, New York: Routledge.
Blok, A., Farías, I. (eds.) 2016. Urban Cosmopolitics : Agencements, assemblies, atmospheres. London, New York: Routledge.
Articles in Edited Volumes
Farías, I., Criado, T. 2024. »Cities: Stories of urban STS.« In Elgar Encyclopaedia of Science & Technology Studies, edited by Felt, U., Irwin, A. Edward Elgar, 532–542.
Schröder, J. V., Mendes, C., Farías, I. 2024. »Smart city new deals: unpacking the recursive entanglements of infrastructures and administrations.« In Handbook of Infrastructures and Cities, edited by Coutard, O., Florentin, D. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, 79-93.
Farías, I., Sánchez Criado, T., Remter, F. 2023. »How would animals and architects co-design if we built the right contract?« In Design For More-Than-Human Futures, edited by Tironi, M., Chilet, M., Ureta Marín, C., Hermansen, P. London: Routledge, 92-102.
Farías, I. 2023. »Foreword: The Resonance of Soundscapes.« In Resonant Fabrics, edited by Marvin Heine. transcript Verlag, 9-12.
Busch, M., Farías, I. 2022. »Snapshot 5. Don't Fix the Puddle: A Puddle Archive as Ethnographic Account of Sidewalk Assemblages.« In Repair, Brokenness, Breakthrough, edited by Martínez, F., Laviolette, P. New York, Oxford: Berghahn Books, 115-120.
Farías, I. 2022. »Heteronomy and Necessity: How Architects Design for Architectural Competitions.« Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 47-67.
Farías, I., Paulos, J. 2021. »Die Räume der Akteur-Netzwerk-Theorie. Über die Formation, Deformation und Transformation des Sozialen.« edited by Heinrich, A. J., Marguin, S., Million, A., Stollmann, J. Handbuch qualitative und visuelle Methoden der Raumforschung. Bielefeld: transcript Verlag, 37-52.
Blok, A., Farías, I. 2019. »Urban cosmopolitics.« In Handbook of Urban Geography, edited by Schwanen, T., van Kempen, R. Edward Elgar Publishing, 47-62.
Busch, M., Farías, I. 2019. »Repair, Brokenness, Breakthrough - Don’t Fix the Puddle: A Puddle Archive as Ethnographic Account of Sidewalk Assemblages.« In Repair, Brokenness, Breakthrough, edited by Martínez, F., Laviolette, P. New York, Oxford: Berghahn Books, 115-120.
Farías, I. 2017. »Master Plans as Cosmograms: Articulating Oceanic Forces and Urban Forms After the 2010 Earthquake and Tsunami in Chile.« Springer International Publishing, 179-202.
Farías, I., Höhne, S. 2016. »2 Humans as Vectors and Intensities: Becoming Urban in Berlin and New York City.« In Deleuze and the City, edited by Frichot, H., Gabrielsson, C., Metzger, J. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 17-32.
Farías, I. 2015. »Epistemic Dissonance.« Oxford University Press, 271-289.
Farías, I. 2014. »Die Improvisation einer Politik Katastrophenbewältigung, neoliberale Experimente und die Grenzen ökonomischen Wissens.« In Formationen des Politischen, edited by Adam, J., Vonderau, A. Bielefeld: transcript Verlag, 153-182.
Farías, I. 2014. »Formationen des Politischen: Anthropologie politischer Felder - Die Improvisation einer Politik Katastrophenbewältigung, neoliberale Experimente und die Grenzen ökonomischen Wissens.« Bielefeld: transcript, 153-182.
Farías, I. 2013. »Epistemische Dissonanz. Zur Vervielfältigung von Entwurfsalternativen in der Architektur.« In Wissenschaft Entwerfen, edited by Ammon, S., Froschauer, E. M. Brill | Fink, 77-107.
Farías, I. 2012. »Kulturen als soziomaterielle Welten.« In Durch Lehmanns Brille, edited by Birle, P., Dewey, M., Mascareño, A. VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 173203.
Farías, I., Fehrs, K. 2024. »Gardening in Public Spaces: From Comfort to Care.« Berliner Blätter. Ethnographische und ethnologische Beiträge, 87: 130-141.
Farías, I., Kemmer, L. 2024. »Elemental Urbanism. Engaging the terrestrial in city making.« Berliner Blätter. Ethnographische und ethnologische Beiträge, 87: 3-9.
Criado, T., Farías, I., Schröder, J. 2022. »Multimodal Values: The Challenge of Institutionalizing and Evaluating More- than-textual Ethnography.« Entanglements, 5 (1-2): 94-107.
Farías, I., Alvear, R. 2021. »Ciudades múltiples, ensamblajes asamblearios y ética de la incertidumbre: Una conversación con Ignacio Farías.« 7 (13): 37-63.
Farías, I., Orrego, S. 2021. »Moritz Ege/Johannes Moser (Eds.): Urban Ethics: Conflicts Over the Good and Proper Life in Cities.« Zeitschrift für Volkskunde, 2021 (2): 290-291.
Farías, I. 2020. »Für eine Anthropologie des Urbanismus. Etnographische Städte bauen.« Zeitschrift Fur Volkskunde, 116 (2): 171-192.
Ehn, P., Farías, I., Criado, T. S. 2018. »On the Possibility of Socialist-democratic Design Things: Interview with Pelle Ehn. Interviewers: I. Farías & T. Sánchez Criado.« Revista Diseña, (12): 52-69.
Farías, I., Criado, T. S. 2018. »Co-laborations, Entrapments, Intraventions: Pedagogical Approaches to Technical Democracy in Architectural Design.« Revista Diseña, (12): 228-255.
Farías, I. 2017. »An Idiotic Catalyst: Accelerating the Slowing Down of Thinking and Action.« Cultural Anthropology, 32 (1): 35-41.
Farías, I. 2017. »Assemblages without systems: From the problem of fit to the problem of composition.« Dialogues in Human Geography, 7 (2): 186-191.
Hutter, M., Farías, I. 2017. »Sourcing newness: ways of inducing indeterminacy.« Journal of Cultural Economy, 10 (5): 434-449.
Farías, I., Blok, A. 2016. »Technical democracy as a challenge to urban studies.« City, 20 (4): 539-548.
Farías, I. 2016. »Devising hybrid forums. Technical democracy in a dangerous world.« City, 20 (4): 549-562.
Farías, I. 2016. »Devising Hybrid Forums: Technical Democracy in a Dangerous World.« City: analysis of urban trends, culture, theory, policy, action, 20 (4): 549-562.
Tironi, M., Farías, I. 2015. »Building a park, immunising life: Environmental management and radical asymmetry.« Geoforum, 66: 167-175.
Farías, I. 2014. »Cultura: la performación de mundos sociomateriales.« Convergencia-revista De Ciencias Sociales, 21 (64): 65-91.
Farías, I. 2014. »Culture: performing sociomaterial worlds.« Convergencia-revista De Ciencias Sociales, 21 (64): 65-91.
Farías, I. 2014. »Improvising a market, making a model: social housing policy in Chile.« Economy and Society, 43 (3): 346-369.
Farías, I. 2014. »Misrecognizing Tsunamis: Ontological Politics and Cosmopolitical Challenges in Early Warning Systems.« The Sociological Review, 62 (1_suppl): 61-87.
Farías, I. 2014. »Planes maestros como cosmogramas: La articulación de fuerzas oceánicas y formas urbanas tras el tsunami de 2010 en Chile.« (14): 119-142.
Farías, I. 2014. »Virtual attractors, actual assemblages: How Luhmann’s theory of communication complements actor-network theory.« EconStor Open Access Articles. 24-41.
Farías, I. 2013. »Virtual attractors, actual assemblages: How Luhmann’s theory of communication complements actor-network theory.« European Journal of Social Theory, 17 (1): 24-41.
Farías, I. 2011. »Ensamblajes urbanos: la TAR y el examen de la ciudad.« Athenea Digital. Revista de pensamiento e investigación social, 11 (1): 15-40.
Farías, I. 2011. »Ensamblajes urbanos: la TAR y el examen de la ciudad Urban assemblages: ANT and the examination of the city.« 11 (1): 15-40.
Farías, I. 2011. »The politics of urban assemblages.« City, 15 (3-4): 365-374.
Farías, I. 2011. »Tourist Maps as Diagrams of Destination Space.« Space and Culture, 14 (4): 398-414.
Farías, I. 2011. »Urban assemblages: ANT and the examination of the city.« Athenea Digital. Revista de pensamiento e investigación social, 11 (1): 15-40.
Farías, I. 2010. »Adieu à Bourdieu? Asimetrías, límites y paradojas en la noción de habitus.« Convergencia-revista De Ciencias Sociales, 17 (54): 11-34.
Farías, I. 2010. »Sightseeing Buses: Cruising, Timing and the Montage of Attractions.« Mobilities, 5 (3): 387-407.
Farías, I. 2008. »Hacia una nueva ontología de lo social Manuel DeLanda en entrevista.« Persona y Sociedad, 22 (1): 75-85.
Farías, I. 2007. »Destination Berlin: Orderings of City-Identity in Contemporary Tourist Guidebooks.« Zeithistorische Forschungen/Studies in Contemporary History, 4 (3): 422-433.
Farías, I. 2005. »A la búsqueda del "Urbanismo Europeo": un reporte desde Berlín.« EURE (Santiago), 31 (94): 119-127.
Conference Proceedings
Farías, I., Bender, T. (eds.) 2009. »Urban Assemblages: How Actor-Network Theory Changes Urban Studies.«
Teaching & Courses
Le Calvé, M., Farias, I. Multimodal ethnography: A more than textual anthropological workshop. Practical course, Institut für Europäische Ethnologie, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. 10 March 2021 - 15 July 2021.