Prof. Dr. Ignacio Farías
Ignacio Farías is Professor of Urban Anthropology, Director of the Georg Simmel Center for Urban Studies and Co-Director of the Stadtlabor for Multimodal Anthropology at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
His research interests focus on current ecological and infrastructural transformations of cities and the associated epistemo-political challenges to the democratization of city-making. His most recent work explores the politics of environmental disruptions, from tsunamis over heat to noise, as well as urban ethnography as a mode of city making performed with others (designers, initiatives, concerned groups, policy makers) and by other means (moving from textual to material productions).
Ignacio currently leads the ERC Consolidator Grant Urban Vibrations: How Physical Waves Come to Matter in Contemporary Urbanism and is a member of the SFB 1265 Refiguration of Spaces.
Institute for European Ethnology
Anton-Wilhelm-Amo-Str. (former M*str.) 40/41
10117 Berlin