SOLO – Smart Organic Light Objects
Digital Exhibition at »Greenhouse 2021«
Light was and is a fascinating topic for designers. Every technological shift has called well-known lighting archetypes into question. The cultural adaptation of new technologies has always required new, convincing design answers.
Digital technologies now make it possible to think about light in a mobile, dynamic, responsive or interactive way and challenge us to design adequate new forms and »manners« for it. What design potentials result from the fact that lighting can react to its surroundings and specific situations, i.e. that it no longer needs to be static? What range of expressions are inherent to light and can be utilized to communicate with their surroundings and how can meaningful interactions with users be designed?
The aim of the project was to fully utilize the design possibilities of networked, digital, interactive technologies in order to develop new qualities of light and interaction. In addition to a basic understanding of the physical phenomenon of light and its physiological effects, we developed new forms and fields of application for feedback between light and the environment.
The studio project »SOLO - Smart Organic Light Objects« explores the potential of new technologies for interacting with light beyond existing archetypes and traditional interfaces. New qualities of light as well as novel dynamic, responsive interactions were created catering to human behavior differently. Through an iterative design process, students from both the BA and the MA track of the Product Design program at weissensee school of art and design berlin developed concepts and prototypes demonstrating these new interactions with light in private or public settings.
The works were on digital display at the Stockholm Furniture Fair Greenhouse February 10th–11th.
Project Site
Project Video Smart Organic Light Objects (SOLO), weißensee school of art and design berlin at Greenhouse 2021. Here: Anna Schäffner »Ambient Display«, Studio project »Smart Organic Light Objects«, Prof. Carola Zwick, Prof. Thomas Ness, Weissensee School of Art and Design Berlin, 2020. Copyright: weißensee school of art and design berlin
Prof. Carola Zwick
Prof. Thomas Ness
Felix Groll (eLAB)
Anna Schäffner
Carlotta Simon
Dominic Eger Domingos
Elisa Machmer
Hanyue Gu
Jasper Neukirch
Leandra Balliel
Moritz Müller
Marc Roman Page
Viviane Tamm
Yoorie Kwon
Youran Song