MoA Project »Bacterial Cellulose: Co-Weaving Biofilms« at the Milano Triennale 2022. Copyright: Alessandro Saletta - DSL Studio, adapted by Matters of Activity
Dear Friends of »Matters of Activity«,
With today's issue, we are back from the Cluster summer break and would like to draw your attention to our freshly released podcast in the »Exzellent Erklärt« series with Cluster-Co-Director Claudia Mareis and Postdoctoral Researcher Khashayar Razghandi! Moreover, we look back to the superb presentation of the Master Open Design Students in the Humboldt Lab in July and invite you to experience the wonderful installation of MoA members at the Triennale Milano, which can be seen until December. Finally, we give a little foretaste of the two great MoA exhibitions that will open in November and other events coming up soon.
Happy reading,
Antje Nestler, Carolin Ott & Franziska Wegener
Liebe Freund:innen von »Matters of Activity«,
mit der heutigen Ausgabe melden wir uns aus der Clustersommerpause zurück und möchten auf unseren frisch erschienenen Podcast in der Reihe »Exzellent Erklärt« mit Cluster-Co-Sprecherin Claudia Mareis und PostDoc Khashayar Razghandi aufmerksam machen! Weiterhin blicken wir auf die großartige Ausstellung der Master Open Design-Studierenden im Humboldt Labor im Juli zurück und laden ein, die wunderbare Installation von MoA-Mitgliedern auf der Triennale Milano zu erleben, die noch bis Dezember zu sehen sein wird. Schließlich geben wir einen kleinen Vorgeschmack auf die beiden großen MoA-Ausstellungen, die im November eröffnet werden, und auf weitere Veranstaltungen, auf die wir uns diesen Herbst freuen.
Viel Spaß beim Lesen,
Antje Nestler, Carolin Ott & Franziska Wegener
Bacterial Cellulose: Co-Weaving Biofilms |
An Installation for the Triennale XXIII: »Unknown Unknows, An Introduction to Mysteries« |
MoA Project »Bacterial Cellulose: Co-Weaving Biofilms« at the Milano Triennale 2022. Copyright: Triennale Milano – photo by DSL Studio
Weaving | Material Form Function | Object Space Agency | Bacteria | Biofilm | Science Communication | Cellulose Cellulose of different forms and origins is woven together in this structure: pieces of wood, paper threads and biofilms grown by bacteria. A collaborative textile is created – human, plant and microbial. Three MoA research projects, Weaving, Material Form Function and Object Space Agency and with that many MoA Members worked together on the project »Bacterial Cellulose: Co-Weaving Biofilms« shown at the Triennale di Milano XXIII »Unknown Unknows, An Introduction to Mysteries«, in the thematic exhibition »Alchemic Laboratory«, curated by Ingrid Paoletti, from July 15th to December 11th, 2022.
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Museums, Transculturality, and the Nation-State. Case Studies from a Global Context |
New Publication by Cluster Member Nina Samuel |
Cover: Museums, Transculturality, and the Nationstate. Copyright:transcript
Object Space Agency | Publications While the nation-state gave rise to the advent of museums, its influence in times of transculturality and post-/decolonial studies appears to have vanished. But is this really the case? With case studies from various geo- and sociopolitical contexts from around the globe, the contributors investigate which roles the nation-state continues to play in museums, collections, and heritage. They answer the question to which degree the nation-state still determines practices of collection and circulation and its amount of power to shape contemporary narratives. The volume thus examines the contradictions at play when the necessary claim for transculturality meets the institutions of the nation-state. With contributions by Stanislas Spero Adotevi, Sebastián Eduardo Dávila, Natasha Ginwala, Monica Hanna, Rajkamal Kahlon, Suzana Milevska, Mirjam Shatanawi, Kavita Singh, Ruth Stamm, Andrea Witcomb.
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Model and Mathematics |
Open Access Volume by Editors Michael Friedman and Karin Krauthausen Published Now |
Thread model by Hermann Wiener of a cone of third order and genus 0. Copyright: Collection of Mathematical Models and Instruments at Georg-August-University Göttingen, all rights reserved
Prototype / Model The open access book »Model and Mathematics: From the 19th to the 21st Century«, published in August 2022, collects the historical and medial perspectives of a systematic and epistemological analysis of the complicated, multifaceted relationship between model and mathematics. Contributions and expert interviews range from, for example, the physical mathematical models of the 19th century to the simulation and digital modeling of the 21st century. The aim of this anthology, edited by MoA members Michael Friedman and Karin Krauthausen, is to showcase the status of the mathematical model between abstraction and realization, presentation and representation, what is modeled and what models.
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Design, Gestaltung, Formatività. Philosophies of Making |
A Central Cluster Publication Edited by Patricia Ribault Released – Now Available Open Access |
Design, Gestaltung, Formatività. Philosophies of Making. Copyright: Birkhäuser, 2022
Symbolic Material | Material Form Function | Publications After the release of the anthology edited by Patricia Ribault, including contributions by Cluster members Samuel Bianchini, Cecile Bidan, Horst Bredekamp, Mason Dean, Emile De Visscher, Peter Fratzl, Lorenzo Guiducci, Leonie Häsler, Claudia Mareis, Martin Müller, Jörg Petruschat, Emanuele Quinz, Khashayar Razghandi, Patricia Ribault, Wolfgang Schäffer and Charlett Wenig, we're happy to announce that the publication is now available open access.
Through the concepts of »Design, Gestaltung and Formatività«, this book sheds new light on the processes of formation and transformation of the material world we live in. In the first part— »Giving Form« —philosophers, historians, psychologists and cultural studies scholars question our modes of giving form, while in the second— »Form Given« — artists, designers, engineers and scientists unfold their creative processes. These »philosophies of making« invite us to reflect on what we do, what we can do, and how to do it, but they also spur us into action.
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Prof. Anna Kubelík |
Anna Kubelík currently holds a professorship for »artistic experimental representation and design« at the architecture faculty of the HTWG Konstanz, University of Applied Sciences. She is AM in the project »Object Space Agency«. Kubelík's project »Well-Tempered Hygrometer« was presented as part of the exhibition »Stretching Materialities« in 2021-22 at the Tieranatomisches Theater. This exhibition linked Kubelík's artistic work with the work of »Object Space Agency«. Her practice combines scientific phenomena, such as climate or particle physics, with musical or narrative sound.
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DAOULA | sheen |
West African Wild Silk on its Way |
Exhibition Opening DAOULA | sheen, 17.11.2022, Tieranatomisches Theater Berlin. Copyright: Matters of Activity
Weaving | Daoula Sheen | Wild Silk | Science Communication The exhibition »DAOULA | sheen«, which can be seen at the Tieranatomisches Theater in Berlin until June 30th, 2023, at the Tieranatomisches Theater in Berlin, focuses on the natural formation and the cultural history of wild silk obtained from caterpillars in West Africa, and on the many and complex ways in which this unique material is viewed by microbiologists, materials scientists, and architects in Germany. Curated by MoA members Laurence Douny, Karin Krauthausen, and Felix Sattler, and co-created by a large and diverse multidisciplinary team, this unusual project sets out to stimulate dialogue between West African craft, European science, and design.
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