Active Curtain Project. Copyright: Bastian Beyer and Iva Rešetar
Editorial Dear friends of »Matters of Activity«,
Today we have the pleasure of drawing your attention to a film that provides an overview of our Cluster research and will be shown at the Humboldt Lab opening this summer as well as the recording from our contribution »Can Bacteria Spin a Yarn?« at the kick-off event of the new event series »WeSearch« at the Humboldt Forum.
Of the many exciting activities in June, we would especially like to invite you to take a look at the newly launched Cluster lecture series »Talking Matters«, the »On Gestaltung« lecture series at weißensee school of art and design berlin, and the remaining dates of Peter Fratzl's lecture series on biomaterials at Humboldt-Universität – all online, of course!
We would also be happy to meet you at the symposium »Times of Waste – Handling Matter« on June 17th and 18th, where numerous Cluster members will discuss the engagement with (waste) material and bridges between theoretical studies and a responsive, careful handling of materiality in science, art and collections.
Happy Reading!
Antje Nestler, Carolin Ott & Franziska Wegener
Liebe Freund:innen von »Matters of Activity«,
heute haben wir das Vergnügen, auf einen Film aufmerksam zu machen, der einen Überblick über unsere Clusterforschung gibt und im Humboldt-Labor zu sehen sein wird, das diesen Sommer endlich seine Türen öffnet sowie auf die Aufnahme unseres Beitrags »Spinnen die, die Bakterien?« bei der Auftaktveranstaltung der neuen Veranstaltungsreihe »MitWissenschaft« im Humboldt Forum.
Von den vielen spannenden Aktivitäten im Juni möchten wir besonders herzlich dazu einladen, einmal in die neu gestartete Vortragsreihe des Clusters mit dem Titel »Talking Matters«, die Vortragsreihe »On Gestaltung« an der weißensee kunsthochschule berlin und die verbleibenden Termine von Peter Fratzls Vorlesungsreihe über Biomaterialien an der Humboldt-Universtität zu Berlin hineinzuschauen – alle online, versteht sich!
Außerdem würden wir uns freuen, viele von Ihnen am 17. und 18. Juni beim Symposium »Times of Waste – Handling Matter« zu treffen, bei dem zahlreiche Clustermitglieder über die Auseinandersetzung mit (Abfall-)Material diskutieren und Brücken zwischen theoretischen Studien und einem reaktionsfähigen, sorgfältigen Umgang mit Materialität in Wissenschaft, Kunst und Sammlungen schlagen werden.
Gute Unterhaltung wünschen
Antje Nestler, Carolin Ott & Franziska Wegener
Can Bacteria Spin a Yarn? We Need a New Culture of Materials |
Watch the Recording Now! |
Still from »Can Bacteria Spin a Yarn?«, Humboldt Forum, 29 April 2021. Copyright: Humboldt Forum |
Event The notion that the things around us are passive is a grave error: substances conceal inner powers and can interact – with each other and with the environment. In our exploitation of them, however, this potential for interaction has so far been ignored or forcibly suppressed. This is one of the fundamental causes of our current ecological crisis, calling for a complete revolution in the way we think about the relationship between technology and nature.
To this end, »Matters of Activity« is using a holistic approach to pursue a new materials culture. Based on the collaboration of all the disciplines, the goal is no longer finding partial solutions, but rather exploring the question: Do we humans still have a future?
Answers to this question were discussed on April 29th, 2021 at the event »MitWissenschaft/ WeSearch« at Humboldt Forum in Berlin. The full recording with talks from → Christiane Sauer and → Peter Fratzl, → Regine Hengge and → Bastian Beyer, → Alwin Cubasch and → Léa Perraudin and → Claudia Mareis and → Wolfgang Schäffner, moderated by Volker Wieprecht, can still be viewed online. → more
Supporting Mental Health During Pandemics |
Platform for Early Career Researchers and PIs |
The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the lives of scientists in many ways. Although many aspects of day-to-day life are more challenging, it has also provided the opportunity to explore new ways of positively shaping research culture. Together, the QUEST Center for Transforming Biomedical Research of the »Berlin Institute of Health at Charité Berlin« and community partners have developed guides for promoting the mental health of early career researchers (ECRs – graduate students and postdocs) written for (1) PIs and supervisors who want to support their colleagues, and for (2) ECRs themselves. The guides can be found ↗ here.
Both guides were produced as part of a virtual brainstorming event in together with ECRs, lab leaders, mental health advocates, representatives from student services, graduate programs and other community partners. The resulting guides provide practical resources and solutions for members of the academic community, and will hopefully help lead to a supportive culture of research in these challenging times.
We hope that these resources may help support you, and promote a supportive research culture. If you have any questions, please feel free to get in touch with ecr-event@charite.de.
Talking Matters |
Online Lecture Series of the Cluster of Excellence »Matters of Activity« |
Poster Online Lecture Series »Talking Matters«, Copyright: Lucius Fekonja, Bastian Beyer, Iva Rešetar, adapted by NODE Berlin
Weaving | Filtering | Cutting | Material Form Function | Object Space Agency | Symbolic Material | Science Communication | Biodesign | Brain | Computational Design | More-Than-Human | Yarns/Fibers On Tuesday, May 18th, 2021, »Matters of Activity« launched the online lecture series »Talking Matters«, in which external speakers from various disciplines were invited by the six cluster projects to provide insights into their research, which is related to central issues of »Matters of Activity«. In addition to researchers and students from various disciplines, the lecture series was open to anyone interested in our research.
→ more
On Gestaltung |
New Online Lecture Series at weißensee school of art and design berlin |
Circular processes and feedback loops in additive manufacturing processes, Babette Wiezorek 2016, porcelain, 3D printing (detail). Copyright: Babette Wiezorek 2016.
Material Form Function | Object Space Agency | Symbolic Material | Teaching On Tuesday, May 11th the online lecture series »On Gestaltung« started which was initiated by Cluster members Jörg Petruschat and Patricia Ribault at weißensee school of art and design. This lecture series was conceived in two parts: »Theories«, which complements Jörg Petruschat’s seminar »Theories of Gestaltung«, and »Actions«, which was an extension of Ben Lignel’s seminar »Performing Research: Being with / Learning with / Speaking with an Object«. The following speaker on June 8th was Glenn Adamson, curator and writer, previous director of the Museum of Arts and Design (New York), head of research at the V&A (London), and Curator at the Chipstone Foundation in Milwaukee.
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