Close up of mistletoe berries containing sticky seeds. Copyright: Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces / Nils Horbelt, adapted by Matters of Activity
Editorial Dear Friends of »Matters of Activity«,
after very eventful weeks, we may spread some merits and happy news of our members today and also would like to point out again the inaugural lectures of our new Cluster professors Claudia Mareis and Robert Stock in the coming week.
We are very happy to continue our »Talking Matters« lecture series with a summer edition tomorrow, July 12th as on-site event in the Cluster. With our guest Achim Menges we expect inspiring insights into and discussions about »Computational Material Culture in Architecture«.
Last but not least do not miss the call for MoA's interdisciplinary autumn school »Frictioned Functionality. Un/Designing Un/Sustainable Matter« You or interested colleagues can apply until August 8th.
We wish everyone a restful vacation season and look forward to seeing you again soon!
Happy reading,
Antje, Carolin & Franziska
Liebe Freund:innen von »Matters of Activity«,
nach sehr ereignisreichen Wochen dürfen wir heute einige Verdienste und frohe Nachrichten unserer Mitglieder verbreiten und möchten auch an dieser Stelle nochmals auf die Antrittvorlesungen unserer Clusterprofessor:innen Claudia Mareis und Robert Stock in der kommenden Woche hinweisen.
Wir freuen uns, unsere »Talking Matters«-Vortragsreihe mit einer Sommerausgabe morgen, am 12. Juli, als Vor-Ort-Veranstaltung im Cluster fortzusetzen. Mit unserem Gast Achim Menges erwarten wir anregende Einblicke und Diskussionen zum Thema »Computational Material Culture in Architecture«.
Wir wünschen allen eine erholsame Urlaubszeit und freuen uns auf ein baldiges Wiedersehen!
Viel Spaß beim Lesen,
Antje, Carolin & Franziska
Networking and Career Event »Berlin4Ukraine« at Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities |
MoA Cluster Fellows from Ukraine at HTW |
Panel discussion »Supporting Ukraine and Advancing Research Cooperation«, Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities (BBAW), 30 June 2022. Credits: Matters of Activity 2022
Four months after the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the event »Berlin4Ukraine: Meet & Learn – A networking event for exile researchers» took place on June 30th, 2022 at the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities (BBAW). It was organized by Berlin Research 50, the Berlin University Alliance, the Berlin Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities, the Clusters of Excellence SCRIPTS, NeuroCure, UniSysCat, Science of Intelligence and Temporal Communities, the Dahlem Humanities Center as well as the German-Ukrainian Academic Society. At »Matters of Activity«, funds were reallocated to create four fellowships for displaced scholars from and in Ukraine, including students from Egypt and Namibia, at both junior and senior levels, covering a range of disciplines, including theoretical and practical computer sciences and environmental technology studies.
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