Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Yin 阴 , Cindy Peng. Copyright: weißensee school of art and design berlin, Cindy Peng, adapted by Matters of Activity

Yin 阴 , Cindy Peng. Copyright: weißensee school of art and design berlin, Cindy Peng, adapted by Matters of Activity

Editorial Dear friends of »Matters of Activity«,

in this issue of the CZ# we would like to inform you about events and news around the Cluster. We want to focus your attention on the new junior research group »Adaptive Fibrous Materials« at the Max Planck Institute for Colloids and Interfaces and the short project »Exploring Filtering« with lots of interesting experiments.

We are also excited to give you a first glimpse of what will happen at our Annual Conference on November 11th, 2020, that we are very much looking forward to. Please save the date!

Happy reading,
Antje Nestler, Eva Schmidt & Franziska Wegener

Liebe Freund*innen von »Matters of Activity«,

in dieser Ausgabe der CZ# informieren wir euch wie gewohnt über Veranstaltungen und Neuigkeiten rund um den Cluster. Vor allem möchten wir auf die neue Nachwuchsgruppe »Adaptive Fibrous Materials« am Max-Planck-Institut für Kolloid- und Grenzflächenforschung hinweisen und das Kurzprojekt »Exploring Filtering« mit vielen interessanten Experimenten vorstellen.

Zudem präsentieren wir erste Inhalte und Eindrücke zu unserer Jahreskonferenz am 11. November 2020, auf die wir uns sehr freuen. Please save the date!

Viel Spaß beim Lesen wünschen
Antje Nestler, Eva Schmidt & Franziska Wegener

New Research Group »Adaptive Fibrous Materials«
Members Charlett Wenig and Johanna Hehemeyer-Cürten Were Awarded 2nd Place at Idea Competition of »Die Junge Akademie« for »The Bark Project«
»The Bark Project«, Charlett Wenig. Copyright: Patrick Walter, MPIKG

»The Bark Project«, Charlett Wenig. Copyright: Patrick Walter, MPIKG


Weaving | Material Form Function | Tree Bark | Yarns/Fibers | Achievements The MoA research group »Adaptive Fibrous Materials« is interested in interactions between biological material and its environment. The fact that plants are sessile make them particularly interesting regarding their adaptability and optimization strategies – there is no way for them to escape. Remodeling processes, such as those found in the animal kingdom, are absent and adaptation takes place by growth. The junior research group is jointly funded by »Matters of Activity« and the Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Surfaces (MPIKG). → more

Exploring Filtering
A Short Project on the Filtering Process
Exploring Fitering. Copyright: Veronika Aumann, Thomas Ness

Exploring Fitering. Copyright: Veronika Aumann, Thomas Ness


Filtering | Air | Water In the week-long short project »Exploring Filtering«, Cluster member and interaction designer Thomas Ness, and textile designer Veronika Aumann dealt with the topic of Filtering with an open-ended mindset. The goal of this creative exploration of filtering processes was to gauge and express them in a practical and tangible way, respectively. The point of departure for this was not a particular substance to be filtered or a specific substrate to be attained. Rather, the interest lay much more on the actual processes of filtering in and of themselves and the filter as an object. In the »Design Lab«, different kinds and methods of filtering processes were tested hands-on with familiar prototyping materials and techniques and transformed into six narratively and visually impressive representations. → more

Virtual Exhibition »Illustrating Anthropology«
Drawings from Cluster Member Maxime Le Calvé
Operation room during neurosurgical operation, scene of the training of the students of the Charité University Hospital.  2019, indian ink and watercolors on paper, 21x26cm. Copyright: Maxime Le Calvé

Operation room during neurosurgical operation, scene of the training of the students of the Charité University Hospital.  2019, indian ink and watercolors on paper, 21x26cm. Copyright: Maxime Le Calvé

Exhibition We are thrilled to announce that the ethnographic work of → Maxime Le Calvé has been selected for the virtual group exhibition ↗ Illustrating Anthropology at the Royal Anthropology Institute. It was featured in the first lineup of artists & anthropologists. It will be shown next year in physical exhibitions in Liverpool and in Sheffield.

New Members
Alwin J. Cubasch

Alwin Cubasch joined the project »Filtering« as Research Associate and specialist for the History of Science and Technology. His research oscillates between the history of flavors, infrastructures and space satellite cultures with the aim to better understand how socio-technical materialities and body practices select, filter, and preconfigure pathways of agency in the digital age. → more

Paul Feigelfeld

Paul Feigelfeld is a Media Theorist and Associated Member in the project »Symbolic Material«. He was an assistant to Friedrich Kittler at the Chair for Aesthetics and History of Media (2004­–10) and a research assistant at the Chair for Media Theories under Wolfgang Ernst (2010–13). Currently, he is an abroad fellow of IFK Vienna. → more

Kim Polenz

Kim Nguyen is a Microbiologist and Pre-Doctoral Researcher in the project »Weaving«. In 2016, Kim began to work as a Research Associate and PhD student of the Hengge Lab where she currently focusses on the development and regulation of the three-dimensional architecture of Escherichia coli macrocolony biofilms. → more

Dr. Léa Perraudin

Léa Perraudin is a Media Theorist and a Research Associate in the project »Material Form Function«. In her habilitation, she brings forward a media theory of phase transitions. Her research is interested in the fluid, the ephemeral, the granular – in theory, concept and aesthetic – and addresses reflexive resp. diffractive practices of sensation and knowledge. → more

Scaling Nature (3): Growth
Works on Display at weißensee school of art and design
Yin 阴 , Cindy Peng. Copyright: weißensee school of art and design berlin, Cindy Peng

Yin 阴 , Cindy Peng. Copyright: weißensee school of art and design berlin, Cindy Peng


Weaving | Material Form Function | Teaching | MoA Design Research Studio | Biodesign The MoA Design Research Studio on »Growth« was a continuation of the »Scaling Nature« series introduced in Summer 2019. In this context, the core idea of the studio was to investigate matter as an active agent in the design process. This means that it has its own innate capacity of formation and performance, that is being designed from the bottom up. Scaling nature can be understood as the process of extracting principles from naturally occurring systems and taking them as inspiration for specific applications – during this process scaling operations necessarily are one key aspect of this translation. The results of the MoA Design Research Studio on »Growth« were on internal display at the weißensee school of art and design berlin from September 22nd to October 14th, 2020. → more

TA T Opened Again on 1 October 2020
With a New Exhibition by the Artist Oliver Thie
Oliver Thie: Die Wahrheit über den Ursprung der Welt, Ruß und Schellack auf Pergamyn, 46-teilig, jeweils 28 × 37 cm, 2019–2020. Copyright: Felix Sattler/ HU

Oliver Thie: Die Wahrheit über den Ursprung der Welt, Ruß und Schellack auf Pergamyn, 46-teilig, jeweils 28 × 37 cm, 2019–2020. Copyright: Felix Sattler/ HU


Object Space Agency On October 1st the Veterinary Anatomy Theater (TA T) opened its doors again (for pre-registered guests) with its new exhibition »OLIVER THIE. Die Wahrheit über den Ursprung der Welt«. The Berlin artist Oliver Thie preserves the shadows of rocks and reveals their long history. For over two hundred years, the Museum für Naturkunde in Berlin stores a collection of unimposing gray basalt specimens. They are evidence of a heated controversy about the origins of the earth known as the basalt dispute, which took place in the 18th century. Oliver Thie has explored these objects in an interdisciplinary dialogue with scientists from the Humboldt-Universität and the Museum für Naturkunde. → more

Coworking Materials. Für einen aktiven Materialismus
Joint Conference of the International Research Center for Cultural Studies, University of Art and Design Linz and »Matters of Activity«
Conference »Coworking Materials«: Sophia Höretzeder, Chemical Aesthetics, 2020. Sophia Höretzeder is a B.A. graduate of Fashion & Technology Studies at Kunstuniversität Linz. Copyright: Sophia Höretzeder, Kunstuniversität Linz

Conference »Coworking Materials«: Sophia Höretzeder, Chemical Aesthetics, 2020. Sophia Höretzeder is a B.A. graduate of Fashion & Technology Studies at Kunstuniversität Linz. Copyright: Sophia Höretzeder, Kunstuniversität Linz


Material Form Function | Symbolic Material | Object Space Agency | Science Communication In Design, Cultural and Natural Sciences, an anti-Cartesian turn has manifested itself in recent years, which denies the separation into active ›res cogitans‹ and passive ›res extensa‹ and understands the material world as (co)acting. The conference from October 8th–9th deals with the aesthetic and political consequences of this turn, in design practices and thought processes. The conference will be held in German, including many Cluster members. → more

Golem Labor Conference
Gothe-Institut Prague and Gamelab host Conference on XR on 15 October 2020
Golem Labor Performance. Copyright: Carly Lave, Gamelab Berlin

Golem Labor Performance. Copyright: Carly Lave, Gamelab Berlin


Object Space Agency | XR | Performance The international workshop series Golem-Labor by the Goethe-Institut in cooperation with the Gamelab brought together contemporary dance and mixed reality technologies. In an online conference, XR experts and artists addressed the question of how the (performative) arts and (XR) technologies can interact. → more

Call for Joint Research Proposals Announced by the Berlin University Alliance and the University of Melbourne
Application Deadline 19 October 2020

Call The University of Melbourne is one of the Berlin University Alliance's strategic partners, along with the University of Oxford and the National University of Singapore. Following a first »Joint Call for Proposals« in 2019, this second call focuses on supporting the development of joint PhD activities embedded into new and existing research collaborations. In the long term, the seed funding enables joint supervision and »cotutelle« style jointly awarded PhDs to establish new thematically oriented International Graduate Schools, structured jointly awarded PhD programs or new International Research Training Groups. Funding is up to 50.000€ per project.

For more information please visit:

Weaving Practices – An Exploration into the Materials, Techniques and Design of Fabrics
An Online Workshop on 29 October 2020
Poster Weaving Practices, Copyright: Matters of Activity

Poster Weaving Practices, Copyright: Matters of Activity


Weaving | Yarns/Fibers | Textiles Weaving is an ancient practice that is found across cultures. It commonly designates a technique of making surfaces by interlacing two sets of materials that cross each other at a right angle. However, weaving as a manual, mechanical or digital technique of entanglement applies to a broad variety of vegetal, animal or synthetic materialities brought together to form a fabric by use of a frame such as a loom. Furthermore, weaving practices may also introduce hybrid techniques such as knitting, plaiting and braiding. This one-day, practice-based, interdisciplinary workshop brought together specialists who will highlight concepts and practices of weaving from various angles by emphasizing specific techniques, technologies, materials, patterns and design. → more

Job Opportunity Outside of MoA
Research Associate (f/m/d) 13 TV-L with 3D, Semanticweb & Datavis Experience

Job For the research and digitization project »Restaging Fashion«, located at the Urban Complexity Lab (UCLAB) the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam is seeking a Research Associate for a fixed term of 3 years at 30 week hours (75%) starting on December 1st 2020. The project »Restaging Fashion. Digital contextualization of vestimentary sources« will digitize and contextualize fashion images and textile artefacts in order to summarize these fashion sourcesin a digital presentation and to make the cultural history of clothing, its appearance and symbolism graspable. For a research and digitization project in this field, they are now seeking an academic employee with expertise in Computer Science (data modeling, XML, Semantic Web), Visualization and 3D data modeling.

More Information can be found ↗ here.