Yin 阴 , Cindy Peng. Copyright: weißensee school of art and design berlin, Cindy Peng, adapted by Matters of Activity
Editorial Dear friends of »Matters of Activity«,
in this issue of the CZ# we would like to inform you about events and news around the Cluster. We want to focus your attention on the new junior research group »Adaptive Fibrous Materials« at the Max Planck Institute for Colloids and Interfaces and the short project »Exploring Filtering« with lots of interesting experiments.
We are also excited to give you a first glimpse of what will happen at our Annual Conference on November 11th, 2020, that we are very much looking forward to. Please save the date!
Happy reading,
Antje Nestler, Eva Schmidt & Franziska Wegener
Liebe Freund*innen von »Matters of Activity«,
in dieser Ausgabe der CZ# informieren wir euch wie gewohnt über Veranstaltungen und Neuigkeiten rund um den Cluster. Vor allem möchten wir auf die neue Nachwuchsgruppe »Adaptive Fibrous Materials« am Max-Planck-Institut für Kolloid- und Grenzflächenforschung hinweisen und das Kurzprojekt »Exploring Filtering« mit vielen interessanten Experimenten vorstellen.
Zudem präsentieren wir erste Inhalte und Eindrücke zu unserer Jahreskonferenz am 11. November 2020, auf die wir uns sehr freuen. Please save the date!
Viel Spaß beim Lesen wünschen
Antje Nestler, Eva Schmidt & Franziska Wegener
Call for Joint Research Proposals Announced by the Berlin University Alliance and the University of Melbourne |
Application Deadline 19 October 2020 |
Call The University of Melbourne is one of the Berlin University Alliance's strategic partners, along with the University of Oxford and the National University of Singapore. Following a first »Joint Call for Proposals« in 2019, this second call focuses on supporting the development of joint PhD activities embedded into new and existing research collaborations. In the long term, the seed funding enables joint supervision and »cotutelle« style jointly awarded PhDs to establish new thematically oriented International Graduate Schools, structured jointly awarded PhD programs or new International Research Training Groups. Funding is up to 50.000€ per project.
For more information please visit:
↗ https://www.berlin-university-alliance.de/en/commitments/international/melbourne/call-joint-research/index.htm.
Weaving Practices – An Exploration into the Materials, Techniques and Design of Fabrics |
An Online Workshop on 29 October 2020 |
Poster Weaving Practices, Copyright: Matters of Activity
Weaving | Yarns/Fibers | Textiles Weaving is an ancient practice that is found across cultures. It commonly designates a technique of making surfaces by interlacing two sets of materials that cross each other at a right angle. However, weaving as a manual, mechanical or digital technique of entanglement applies to a broad variety of vegetal, animal or synthetic materialities brought together to form a fabric by use of a frame such as a loom. Furthermore, weaving practices may also introduce hybrid techniques such as knitting, plaiting and braiding. This one-day, practice-based, interdisciplinary workshop brought together specialists who will highlight concepts and practices of weaving from various angles by emphasizing specific techniques, technologies, materials, patterns and design.
→ more
Job Opportunity Outside of MoA |
Research Associate (f/m/d) 13 TV-L with 3D, Semanticweb & Datavis Experience |
Job For the research and digitization project »Restaging Fashion«, located at the Urban Complexity Lab (UCLAB) the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam is seeking a Research Associate for a fixed term of 3 years at 30 week hours (75%) starting on December 1st 2020. The project »Restaging Fashion. Digital contextualization of vestimentary sources« will digitize and contextualize fashion images and textile artefacts in order to summarize these fashion sourcesin a digital presentation and to make the cultural history of clothing, its appearance and symbolism graspable. For a research and digitization project in this field, they are now seeking an academic employee with expertise in Computer Science (data modeling, XML, Semantic Web), Visualization and 3D data modeling.
More Information can be found ↗ here.